Tuesday 13 August 2024

No 14252, Tuesday 13 Aug 2024, Crescent

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Case of fire enveloping meat served in this way? (6) FLAMBE {Fi{LAMB}rE}Semi&lit
5   It can sense and stop, taking care of outside temperature (8) DETECTOR {DETE{C{T}O}R}
9   Points in time not entirely clear (4) ERAS ERASe
10 Benevolent nature spreading its love and energy (10) GENEROSITY {ITS+O+ENERGY}*
11 Closure of service on cutting streetcar cable (8) TELEGRAM {T{s...cE}{LEG}RAM}
12 Perceptions of male ego over generations (6) IMAGES {M}{I}<={AGES}
13 Out of line, stellar body's tail off course (6) ?S?R?Y (Addendum - ASTRAY {ASTRAl}{bodY} - See comments)
15 Thousand pounds for undergarments? (8) KNICKERS {K}{NICKERS}
16 How partners may walk in Charminar market (3,2,3) ARM IN ARM [T]
19 Greet old sailor on base checking uniform (6) SALUTE {SAL{U}T}{E}
21 Rotating section spoils special seats (6) STOOLS {S}{LOOT}{S}<=
22 Relaxed face reflecting support (4,4) LAID BACK {DIAL<=}{BACK}
24 It's bound to ring in search for a good deal (4,6) SHOP AROUND {S{HOP}A}{ROUND}
25 Company in India with new image (4) ICON {I}{CO}{N}
26 British man has cooked food for horses (4,4) BRAN MASH {BR}{MAN+HAS}*
27 Good show, very sentimental one (6) GUSHER {G}{USHER}

2   Fall behind vehicle, ultimately gripping car's rear bumper (5) LARGE {LAG}{v...lE} over {caR}
3   Marks cut after I fail to pick up properly (7) MISHEAR {M} and {SHEAR}<=>{I}
4   Ahead of time, holding back, say with anticipation (7) EAGERLY {EA{EG<=}RLY}
5   Mule team and exhausted hack go off? Go on! (4,4,2,5) DONT MAKE ME LAUGH {MULE+TEAM+AND+HacK+GO}*
6   Fur worn by royalty, mostly spreading it around extremities (7) TERMINI {ERMINe} in {IT<=}
7   Old Russian cavalryman thus caught returning fire (7) COSSACK {SO}{C}<={SACK}
8   Root faults probed by article in book one after another (2,3,4) ON THE TROT {O{N{THE}T}ROT*}
14 Rest rubbish bins to heave litter (9) STRETCHER {ST{RETCH}ER*}
17 No rain, pressure shifts geological layer (4,3) IRON PAN {NO+RAIN+P}*
18 Song about desire expressing lover's initial state (7) AUSTRIA {A{lUST}RIA}
19 Row back sharing brief warning (7) SHINDIG {S{HIND}IGn}
20 Urges in pursuits for pleasure when husband's left (7) LOBBIES (-h+l)LOBBIES
23 Spice divided in two (5) CLOVE [DD]

Reference List
Care of = CO, Temperature = T, On = LEG, Male = M, Ego = I, Thousand = K, Base = E, Uniform = U, Section = S, Special = S, It = SA, Company = CO, India = I, New = N, British = BR, Good = G, Marks = M, Caught = C, Book = NT(New Testament), Pressure = P, Husband = H, Left = L


  1. 13 Out of line, stellar body's tail off course (6) ASTRAY
    {ASTRA(-l)} {(-bod)Y}

  2. My personal opinion not enjoyable at all. Admin is free to remove my comment.

    1. +1 to a lesser degree. With too many hostorical/outdated british uniques (slangs/colloqs).

  3. For IA, can we take 'flame' to mean fire, and lamb, animal, so the answer is 'flambe' where flame envelops lamb?

    1. No. Flame enveloping lamb will be 9 letters

    2. Enveloping in the sense of overlapping, I meant.

    3. Even granting that, it does not account for "case of".

  4. In 2D, the definition of 'large' is missing in the whole clue.

    1. Look for Col.'s marking the def.in italics.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Strange! None of the thesauruses I referred list 'large' as a synonym for 'bumper'. Massive, huge are there. Large seems overstretched. I wish the clueing were easier!

    4. Probably in usage. Like Bumper prize, bumper harvest etc.
      But there are of course a whole lot of other problems in the CW- as expressed above

    5. I found it v v tough.
      Is litter Stretcher? How?
      Also missed Leg for on.
      Leg side/on side like that?
      Flop show for me.

    6. One of thise outdated colloq british usages.
      Stretcher and litter both mean palanquin type of carrier.

  5. Can someone explain 24ac
    Bound is HOP?

