Saturday 31 August 2024

No 14268, Saturday 31 Aug 2024, Hypatia

Fly from locations within time limits (6) TSETSE {Ti{SETS}mE}
4   Snow crystals begin to float on Superior and Erie (6) FLAKES {Fl..t}{LAKES}
9   Water seeping in Victoria Quay (4) AQUA [T]
10 Create cover art showcasing almost any city (10) TRAVANCORE {COVER+ART}* over {ANy} Travancore was never a city, it was a Kingdom/Region
11 Abruptly turn violent in fight for justice (6) VIRTUE {VI{TURn*}E}
12 Game played in Spooner's club venue (4-4) HAND-BALL (~band hall to hand-ball)
13 Mathematician joining a new university, month after strike (9) RAMANUJAN {A}{N}{U}JAN}<=>{RAM}
15 Initially all cinema theatres showed plays (4) ACTS Acrostic
16 Student getting result in advance (4) LEND {L}{END}
17 Becomes weak from trials (6,3) TRAILS OFF {TRIALS}* [RA]
21 Fixed bridges around river after freezing point's passed (8) OCCURRED {CUR{R}ED}<=>{0C}
22 Eager American lost in European country (6) HUNGRY HUNGaRY 
24 Manager bothering previous supplier on vacation (10) SUPERVISOR {PREVIOUS+Su...eR}*
25 Shoot a smart guy (4) WHIZ [DD]
26 Harry Potter character losing hat and old fur coat (6) ERMINE hERMIoNE
27 Small desk in firm (6) STABLE {S}{TABLE}

1   Strangely quiet lawyer, at first gets a drink (7) TEQUILA {QUITE}*{La...r}{A}
2   Upgrade old key (5) EXALT {EX}{ALT}
3   Restricted dining option upset men unpacking sandwiches (3,4) SET MENU [T]
5   Studied opening of legal auditor's books (6) LEARNT {Le..l}{EAR}{NT}
6   Incentives for bicycle moves in football, say (9) KICKBACKS  [DD]
7   Pulse and sugar could produce this excess with age (7) SURPLUS {SURPLUS+AGE}*=PULSE+SUGAR}
8   MP has heard PM, say in assembly (6,7) MADHYA PRADESH*
14 Starts to unwind near Amadeus playing on and on (2,7) AD NAUSEUM {Un...d+Near+AMADEUS}*
16 Address line etc. modified getting united again (7) LECTURE {L}{ETC}{U}{RE}
18 Take after one's parents in their careers! (7) INHERIT*
19 Overlook copy having one version originally (7) FORGIVE {FORG{1}{Ve...n}E}
20 Chicken caught by black bird (6) CRAVEN {C}{RAVEN}
23 Prince in bar's counter drinking a whiskey (5) NAWAB {BAN}<= over {A}{W}

Reference List
New = N, University = U, Student = L, River = R, American = A, Old = O, Small = S, Key = ALT, Books = NT(New Testament), Line = L, United = U, Again = RE, Caught = C, Whiskey = W


  1. 10a its not a city but Travancore is "anglicised after the town thiruvithamkoor!"

    1. Thiruvithamkoor is a kingdom/region, not a town. The name is still used to refer to South Kerala.

    2. +1.
      It was Travancore Cochin state earlier and became Kerala during linguistic reorganization of states under Nehru in 1950's

    3. Thanks Colonel. The definition has been edited in the online version. The error in 8D has also been corrected.

  2. Search for Travancore took me to mohsin's comment (thc 11160)
    "Imperative anagrinds can be tricky. I personally replace them with a more suggestive one, like 'rearrange', to see if the cryptic grammar works.
    Clearly, [X inside rearrange Y] doesn't read that well (it would have to be [X inside rearranged/cooked Y] ).
    But [rearrange Y around X] seems fine."

  3. 8D - Cant account for the second D in Madhya Pradesh in the clue. Can someone help?

    1. Must be printers devil.

    2. +1 Obviously it is a mistake of the printer's devil

    3. Now it is corrected in the Online version

    4. Yes. It had (has) been corrected onlline..

  4. As usual another tricky and challenging CW given by Hypatia. To solve this you need extended solving time ( more than normal).
    I enjoyed whatever I could crack in my time.

    1. Thanks for trying. I think it gets easier once you get a few entries in. Just need to give your self time, as you said.

    2. It’s just that TH do not give your CW frequently in an month unlike some of the setters. Normally it takes a day or two to get adjusted with clue patterns of a particular setter. Wish we will be able to see your CW more often in TH.
