Monday 16 September 2024

No 14281, Monday 16 Sep 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 6A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Vehicle reverses on street at a circle, basically near a small powerhouse (10) SUBSTATION {BUS<=}{ST}{AT}{1}{O}{Near}
6   Girl at a US city takes a ship (4) ?A?S (Addendum - LASS {LA}{SS} - See comments)
10 Registration made with specialist for admission of rabbi and aged people without 500 (9) ENROLMENT {EN{R}{OLd MEN}T}
11 Mark found in Insta intermittently (5) STAIN [T]
12 With Delhi, Thane too served English dish (4-2-3-4) TOAD IN THE HOLE {DELHI+THANE+TOO}*
14 Grasped new gun after corps left (5) CLUNG {GUN}*<=>{C}{L} Corps/C?
15 Let off former lover, one using speed (9) EXONERATE {EX}{ONE}{RATE}
17 Thracian gladiator to wrestle with wild cat at America (9) SPARTACUS {SPAR}{CAT*}{US}
21 Bring the foot down slowly, tread on mat, prostrate in the front (5) STOMP Acrostic
22 Aunt roasting some lamb, gets burned leading to suffocation (13) STRANGULATION {AUNT+ROASTING+Lamb}*
24 A German had a gemstone (5) AGATE {A}{G}{ATE}
25 Smoking nicotine around hospital puts one precariously close to trouble (2,4,3) ON THIN ICE {NICOTINE}* over {H}
26 A piece of satin or same type of fabric (4) SILK {Sa..n}{ILK}
27 Persistent and aggressive sellers hound a specialist (10) RELENTLESS {REL{ENT}LESS*}

1   Ice mixed with some cocaine? PT miss has doubt (10) SCEPTICISM {ICE+C+PT+MISS}*
2   Predatory man seen in pub, Dracula lacking love, is drunk (9) BARRACUDA {BAR}{DRACUlA}*
3   Powerful, legendary archer in Germany (7) TELLING {TELL}{IN}{G}
4   Article on a tree abridged at the stage (7) THEATRE {THE}{A}{TREe
5   One then got tails cut working constantly (2,3,2) ON THE GO {ONe}{THEn}{GOt}
7   Observant king replaced by another and nothing changes (5) AWARE AWA(-r+k}E
8   Chant for good after lapse (4) SING {G}<=>{SIN}
9   As an animal loses the first step on land... (6) ASHORE {AS}{HORsE}
13 ...unarmed Pole was confused and received a few directions (10) WEAPONLESS {POLE+WAS}*over {N}{E}{S}
16 Heartless. Hate police officer in England; original inhabitant (9) ABORIGINE {ABhOR}{IG}{IN}{E}
18 Lathe operator in a bad pitch (6) TURNER [DD]
19 Hint at criminal's message (7) CONNOTE {CON}{NOTE}
20 Travel stop, having tea, in conversation with the French (7) SHUTTLE {SHUT}{(~tea)T}{LE}
21 Triages conducted at island, perhaps (7) SEAGIRT*
22 A sluggish person uncovers cycling (5) SNAIL (+s)SNAIL(-s)
23 Service the crowd (4) MASS [DD]

Reference List
Street = ST, Ship = SS, Specialist = ENT, Rabbi = R, 500 = D, Corps = C, Left = L, German = G, Hospital = H, Cocaine = C, Love = L, Germany = G, King = K,R, Good = G, England = E, The in French = LE

Sunday 15 September 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3323, Sunday 15 Sep 2024

1   Crazy long tale about saloon, perhaps, somewhere in Indian Ocean … (10) MADAGASCAR {MAD{A GAS}{CAR}
6   … eastern image in long tale (4) EPIC {E}{PIC}
9   Sterilise (milk perhaps) that’s in and out of sight, they say (10) PASTEURISE (~ past your eyes)
10 File’s one showing fellows by university (4) MENU {MEN}{U}
12 Freak’s metal bananas in second-hand stalls (4,7) FLEA MARKETS*
15 Primarily Spanish in etymology: ranges, rising apexes serrated? (7) SIERRAS Acrostic &lit
16 Cold – wearing summer footwear – disgrace! (7) SCANDAL {S{C}ANDAL}
17 Dope and rye – wasted – this’ll help you see straight (3-4) EYE DROP*
19 Some confront a rioter in Canadian province (7) ONTARIO [T]
20 Bug … bear … cricket, perhaps (5,6)  STICK INSECT {STICK}{INSECT}
23 Flipping prison sentence to throw out (4) EMIT<=
24 Everyman is unable to express ‘dunno’ (1,6,3) I CANNOT SAY [DD]
25 Care for a round number? 500? (4) TEND {TEN}{D}
26 Concerning school to escape being reviewed: make a new plan (10) RESCHEDULE {RE}{SCH}{ELUDE<=}

1   Before start of evening, clean the floor that’s pine (4) MOPE {Ev...g}<=>{MOP}
2   Soupçon of fly (4) DASH [DD]
3   Attacks poor and gambles the lot (4,3,5) GOES FOR BROKE {GOES FOR}{BROKE}
4   Presents – or hides from view? (7) SCREENS [DD]
5   Believes in counterfeits (7) ASSUMES [DD]
7   President concealing ‘legal’ cash for those seeking power (10) PRETENDERS {PRE{TENDER}S}
8   In conversation, parish representative’s advisor (10) COUNSELLOR (~councillor)
11 Robert skates erratically: it’s a way of crossing the water (12) BREASTSTROKE*
13 Fools intended to lose heart in test (10) ASSESSMENT {ASSESS}{MEaNT}
14 Echoing intemperate petitioner (10) REPETITION*
18 Criticise a revolutionary style (7) PANACHE {PAN}{A}{CHE}
19 Incredibly wide, rustling up cocaine (7) OCEANIC*
21 Old Testament figure seen in chocolate sauce (4) ESAU [T]
22 Use a keyboard, and strain (4) TYPE [DD]

Reference List
Saloon = CAR, Eastern = E, University = U, Cold = C, 500 = D, Concerning = RE, School = SCH, President = PRES, Criticise = PAN, Revolutionary = CHE

Saturday 14 September 2024

No 14280, Saturday 14 Sep 2024, Vidwan

1   Ran into Chinese people, ushering in most ancient spirit (8) METHANOL {MET}{HAN}{OLd}
5   Local spirit from soldiers quarters, unopened (6) ARRACK bARRACK
10 Locally prevalent medicine, one consumed indiscriminately (7) ENDEMIC MEDiCINE*
11 Arrogant royal, ignored by most rich, avoids socialising (7) BASHFUL {BrASH}{FULl}
12 Noble queen, very sick, setting off (14) COUNTERVAILING {COUNT}{ER}{V}{AILING}
14 Working lunch with a new item, individually (3,2,1,4) ONE AT A TIME {ON}{EAT}{A}{ITEM*}
15 It is vast, endless, starting from Istanbul and ending in Siberia! (4) ASIA {vASt}{Is...l}{s...iA} Semi&lit
17 Jail mark (4) NICK [DD]
19 Conventional sea tide (10) MAINSTREAM {MAIN}{STREAM}
21 Prudish English titles for men having style, ones like Blair or Sunak (5,9) PRIME MINISTERS {PRIM}{E}{M{IN}ISTERS}
24 Love small number and a Greek alphabet (7) OMICRON {O}{MICRO}{N}
25 Obscure LA haunt for native American (7) NAHUATL*
26 Flimsy charge biller deducted regularly (6) FEEBLE {FEE}{BiLlEr}
27 Fatness of a duck, very large, one with bit of swagger (8) ADIPOSIS {A}{DIP}{OS}{1}{Sw...r}

1   Soldiers embodying unity and dignified manner (4) MIEN {M{1}EN}
2   Old ape working beyond time or younger, offensive version of a French fellow (7) TADPOLE {OLD+APE}*<=>{T}
3   An explosive food for the plants (8) AMMONITE [DD]
4   Gold coffer supplies and logistics (14) ORCHESTRATIONS {OR}{CHEST}{RATIONS}
 CV Sir returns greeting (5) RISHI {SIR<=}{HI} This will be known only to solvers of The Hindu Crossword through this blog
7   Leader of America with very loud unnatural manner and transactions (7) AFFAIRS {Am...a}{FF}{AIRS}
8   Make girl move halfway around to measure (10) KILOGRAMME {MAKE+GIRL+MOve}*
Naive men bend to conform as referred to earlier (5-9) ABOVE-MENTIONED* One 'O' short and one extra 'N' in the fodder
13 Spooner beats top cover for something any good detective wants (10) SOUNDPROOF (~pounds roof to soundproof)  A detective will want SOUND PROOF and not SOUNDPROOF
16 Unfair situation, puts away, suppresses desire! (6-2) STITCH-UP {ST{ITCH}UP*}
18 One most insecure, forgets about cooking food! (7) CUISINE {1+INSECUre}*
20 Noble part of church, mainly used for gathering sounds (7) EARLAPS {EARL}{APSe}
22 Recruit looney loner (5) ENROL*
23 Most luxurious sign (4) PLUS PLUSh

Reference List
Royal = R, Queen = ER, Very = V, English = E, Style = IN, Number = N, very large = OS, Time = T, Loud = F

Friday 13 September 2024

No 14279, Friday 13 Sep 2024, Pixie Dust

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Web designer noticed that lady in the East End of London (6) SPIDER (~spied 'er) 
5   Attack dislocates boy's hard shoulder (8) ROADSIDE bROADSIDE
9   About fellow student escaping perils in Bangalore and Chennai, say (8) CAPITALS {CA}{PITfALlS}
10 Regrettably returned Railway stipend (6) SALARY {ALAS<=}{RY}
11 For a change bitter cousin is perhaps not present (10) CONTRIBUTE {BITTER+COUsiN}*
12 Bob's "No Score" (4) DUCK [DD]
13 Churchman Spooner's 24/7 break? (8) REVEREND (~ever rend to reverend)
16 On reflection veiled princess is at serene state of equilibrium (6) STASIS [T<=]
17 Good man's gamble to miss second European mutiny (6) STRIKE {ST}{RIsK}{E}
19 Applauding Peruvian leader moving up (8) PRAISING {Pe...n}{RAISING}
21 Pretty short stop (4) QUIT QUITe
22 Expert replaces criminal's formal statement in office (10) PROFESSION (+pro-con)PROFESSION
25 Advocate's early signs of fearlessness and vision, often undertaking risks (6) FAVOUR Acrostic
26 Lawyer's basically gaining knowledge (8) LEARNING {La...r}{EARNING}
27 Auditor gives up pudding and pie (8) DESSERTS (~deserts)
28 Boundless, least fiery and more basic ... (6) EASIER {lEASt+fIERy}

2   Set up Ian Ousley's keyboard (5) PIANO [T]
3   Stray dog's first quarrel (5) DRIFT {Dog}{RIFT}
4   Appreciate authentic leaders in Indian Spice Exports (7) REALISE {REAL}{In...n}{Sp..e}{Ex...s}
5   Secured? On the contrary, set free (7) RESCUED*
6   Seaman's tax is swelling (7) ABSCESS {AB'S}{CESS}
7   A lady's sad about early period? (5,4) SALAD DAYS*
8   North-West Princess failed to start construction (9) DIRECTION {DI}{eRECTION}
14 Inspire Charlie to become model escort (9) ENTOURAGE EN(-c+t)TOURAGE
15 Vice is not somehow leading to expulsions (9) EVICTIONS*
18 So, this Lord composed more prose? (7) EMPEROR {EMPEROR+SO=MORE PROSE} [CA]
19 Penny has a lot of dogs (7) POODLES {P}{OODLES}
20 Usual road frenzy (7) AVERAGE {AVE}{RAGE}
23 Scandals blanked out Tesla founders (5) SINKS StINKS
24 Trace bishop missing in spring (5) OUNCE bOUNCE

Reference List
Boy = B, About = CA, Fellow = F, Student = L, Railway = RY, Good man = ST, Second = S, European = E, Expert = PRO, Criminal = CON, Seaman = AB, Princess = DI, Charlie = C, Model = T, Penny = P, Tesla = T, Bishop = B

Thursday 12 September 2024

No 14278, Thursday 12 Sep 2024, Crescent

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Compulsion to wear clothes hiding uniform (6) DURESS {D{U}RESS}
9   Dutiful old boy coming to pass on English book (8) OBEDIENT {OB}{E}{DIE}{NT}
10 Repeatedly in favour of 'mum' as a matter of courtesy (3,5) PRO FORMA {PRO}{FOR}{MA}
11 Important stuff in part to push buttons (6) KEYPAD {KEY}{PAD}
12 Showman fighting over primaries (10) IMPRESARIO {O+PRIMARIES}*
14 Hide son with relatives (4) SKIN {S}{KIN}
15 A constant nuisance, one coming from the Rose Garden? (5,2,3,5) THORN IN THE FLESH [DD]
18 Objects laid getting rid of Yankee cracksmen (in the US) (4) EGGS yEGGS
20 Stuff intercepted by port ends in Germany breaking coded message (10) CRYPTOGRAM {C{PORT+Ge...nY}*}RAM}
22 Feel at home in London when Mafia boss drops in to pray (6) BELONG {BE{LONdon}G}
23 Chess expert acting lame to sacrifice (8) IMMOLATE {IM}{LAME+TO}*
25 Ready to accommodate adult wanting length adjusted to look stylish (3,1,4) CUT A DASH {C{ADUlT}*ASH}
26 Authority to wield overwhelming power (6) EXPERT {EX{P}ERT}

1   Question to duck before strange people necessary to carry on business (6) QUORUM {QU}{O}{RUM}
2   Say Magellan's notice delivered to king securing passage cost (8) ?E?F?R?R (Addendum - SEAFARER {(~see)SEA}{R} over {FARE} - See comments)
3   Customer is one who exploits? (4) USER [DD]
4   'Eyesore' from retinopathy intermittently agitates cast (3,1,6,5) NOT A PRETTY SIGHT  {RETINOPATHY+aGiTaTeS}*
5   Point in time when easily influenced people in tow make merry (4,6) WEAK MOMENT {MEN} in {TOW+MAKE}*
6   Oracles retreating piously, bishop pinches some (6) SIBYLS [T<]
7   Usual practice, insurance covers and settles (8) INHABITS {IN{HABIT}S}
13 Sense to check plugs to brand electrical equipment (10) SWITCHGEAR {S{W{ITCH}G}EAR} Not sure of annotation (Addendum - {S{WIT}{CH{G}EAR} - See comments) Annotation for G missing>
16 Superior piping above spotless counter (6-2) HIGHER-UP {HIGH}{PURE<=}
17 Spillers conceding runs, sadly including good fielders (3,5) LEG SLIPS {SPILLE(-r+g)GS}*
19 Society journal with a new catchphrase (6) SLOGAN {S}{LOG}{A}{N}
21 Places where religious rites are performed making a base for reforms (6) ALTERS ALT(-a+e)ERS
24 Chaps taking one look (4) MIEN {M{1}EN}

Reference List
Uniform = U, Old boy = OB, English = E, Book = NT(New Testament), Over = O, Son = S, Yankee = Y, Chess expert = IM(International Master), Length = L, Power = P, Question = QU, King = R, Runs = R, Good = G, Society = S, New = N, Base = E

Wednesday 11 September 2024

No 14277, Wednesday 11 Sep 2024, KrisKross

Solution to 4A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   At opening of chamber, sign admitting one inside? (4,2) COME IN {Ch...r}{OME{1}N} &lit
4   Romeo endlessly in love, essentially passionate - it is all-consuming! (8) ?M?I?O?E (Addendum - OMNIVORE {ROMEo+IN+lOVe}* - See comments) 
10 Spoil date going around bad French city (9) MARSEILLE {MAR}{SE{ILL}E}
11 Piece of lovely, rich poem (5) LYRIC [T]
12 Fellows enthralled by moving lines, cry softly (7) SNIFFLE {SNI{FF}LE*}
13 Problem about following this comic strip (7) ISTHMUS {SUM<=}<=>{THIS*}
14 The short, appropriate beat (5) THROB {THe}{ROB}
15 Accompany girl in rickety tonga (3,5) TAG ALONG {TA{GAL}ONG*}
18 Model train having engine at the back, or in the front (8) ANTERIOR {TRAIN+e...nE}*{OR}
20 Single regularly in high spirits (5) GENII {sInGlE+IN}*
23 Electronic devices intrinsically useful at chess (7) LATCHES [T]
25 Indian state's rush for growth (7) UPSWING {UPS}{WING}
26 Amount of liquid in mineral mostly (5) QUART QUARTz
27 Ever undo a wrong? Try! (9) ENDEAVOUR*
28 Animal starting to easily help hurt soldier (8) ELEPHANT {Ea...y+HELP}*{ANT}
29 Highly rated player to consume cocaine, ecstasy and withdraw (6) SECEDE {SE{C}ED}{E}

1   Landed outside park ground - it's a holiday spot (8) CAMPSITE {CAM{P}{ITS*}E}
2   Man and dog heading off, more cheerful (7) MERRIER {M}{tERRIER}
3   Fantastic, fine story, beyond words (9) INEFFABLE {FINE*}{FABLE}
5   Spooner's welcoming banks arriving at common points of agreement (7,7) MEETING GROUNDS (~greeting mounds to meeting grounds)
6   One bag having large opening (5) INLET {1}{N{L}ET}
7   Legendary captain, after retirement, recruits a disheartened rebellious crew (7) OARSMEN {NEMO<=} over {A}{Re...uS}
8   Free from cold? Then work! (6) EXCUSE {EX}{C}{USE}
9   Scientist from East Berlin made money describing energy (6,8) ALBERT EINSTEIN {EAST+BERLIN}*{T{E}IN}
16 At war, get allies to draft laws (9) LEGISLATE*
17 Stop extremely intimate undergarments (8) LINGERIE {LINGER}{In...tE}
19 Doctor can't sue lunatic (7) NUTCASE*
21 Home without walls overwhelmed by sound that's offensive (7) NOISOME {NOIS{hOMe}E}
22 Exclusive group with measure of intelligence to probe evidence (6) CLIQUE {CL{IQ}UE}
24 Opening plot (5) HATCH  [DD]

Reference List
Date = SEE, Fellow = F, Soldier = ANT, Cocaine = C, Ecstasy = E, Park = P, Man = M, Large = L, Cold = C, Money = TIN, Energy = E

Tuesday 10 September 2024

No 14276, Tuesday 10 Sep 2024, Incognito

Solution to 22A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Levy on one cab (4) TAXI {TAX}{1}
9   Love and read wrongly about love (5) ADORE {AD{O}RE*}
10 Duck enclosure is not shut (4) OPEN {O}{PEN}
11 Electricity producing device can be produced from Monday (6) DYNAMO*
12 Doctor selects, including Oxford University students who leave before completion of course (8) DROPOUTS {DR}{OP{O}{U}TS}
13 Trash, say, might be thrown in these (8) ASHTRAYS* Semi&lit
15 In short, Forrest Gump actor's expression of gratitude (6) THANKS {Tom HANKS}
17 Company sergeant, for example, at court gets make up (7) CONCOCT {CO}{NCO}{CT}
19 Bids, "10 German currency units" (7) TENDERS {TEN}{DE}{RS}
22 Sprinkle pepper, perhaps, and fall in the US, for example (6) ?E?S?N ()
24 Ram and eland run around city councillor (8) ALDERMAN*
26 A master going around Thane roundabout is abomination (8) ANATHEMA {A}{THANE*}{MA}
28 Band lance corporal's sleeve badge (6) STRIPE [DD]
30 Live with queen and drink (4) BEER {BE}{ER}
31 Setback at Los Angeles unit? (5) TESLA {SET<=}{LA}
32 Wild party where yoghurt is distributed after leaving hut (4) ORGY YOGhuRt*

1   Several from mid-morning in the fifth month (4) MANY {MA{morNing}Y}
2   Huge American soldier acting stupidly (8) GIGANTIC {GI}{ACTING*}
3   Indian having information about knock-out (6) DAKOTA {DA{KO}TA}
4   Most brave boy having highest age (7) BOLDEST {B}{OLDEST}
5   Putting European wine in river? He is sent out of the country... (8) DEPORTEE {D{E}{PORT}EE}
6   Got captivated by snake in capital (6) BOGOTA {BO{GOT}A}
7   Port? That's not right! (4) LEFT [DD]
14 Get a couple of kisses (5) SCORE {XX=Twenty=Score}
16 Lothar's mate-lot (5) KARMA [DD]
18 & 29 Satisfied servant consumes a piece of sausage in early part of book (8,4) CONTENTS PAGE {CONTENT}{PAGE} over {Sa...e}
20 Amidst destruction, vessel on river is a developing place (8) DARKROOM {D{ARK}{R}OOM}
21 In the bottom, methane, for example, may be produced from this (7) BAGASSE {BA{GAS}SE} Semi&lit
23 The Lord of the Rings took seat on a vessel? (6) SATURN {SAT}{URN}
25 Gloomy daughter's sick in Spain (6) DISMAL {D}{IS}{MAL}
27 Require some news, journalist... (4) NEED {NEws}{ED}
29 See 18 

Reference List
Oxford university = OU, Seargent = NCO(Non-Commissioned officer), Court = CT, German = DE, Queen = ER, Knock-out = KO, Boy = B, European = E, Kiss = X, River = R, Daughter = D, Sick in Spanish = MAL, Journalist = ED

Monday 9 September 2024

No 14275, Monday 09 Sep 2024, Incognito

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   I sat, mixing wine (4) ASTI*
9   Leaving lunch-room, chum spins synthetic fibre (5) ORLON {LuNch+ROOm}*
10 Tuned viola after I left office in DC (4) OVAL ViOLA*
11 & 28 Perhaps, Tun Tun's type of gun (6,6) DOUBLE BARREL Definition by example
12 Folded old file covering one source of fossil fuel (8) OILFIELD {OLD+FILE}* over {1}
13 Burned shed housing Cricket Club hoarding gold (8) SCORCHED {S{C{OR}C}HED}
15 Metro crash on top of rock results in earthquake (6) TREMOR {METRO}*{Rock}
17 Anticipated tool's behind forge after girl left (7) FORESAW {SAW}<=>{FORgE}
19 European lawmaker bound and evacuated (7) EMPTIED {E}{MP}{TIED}
22 Drawer returned prize (6) REWARD<=
24 Perhaps a person from Down Under gives away a pound for a European (8) AUSTRIAN AUSTRalIAN
26 Intimidate Hector's cow and badger (8) ?R?W?E?T (Addendum - BROWBEAT [MD] - See comments)
28 See 11 
30 Food shown in "Home Alone" (4) MEAL [T]
31 Oh god! Greek letter and Roman horn (5) CORNU {COR}{NU}
32 Seal faucet with a bit of epoxy (4) TAPE {TAP}{Ep..y}

1   Czechoslovakia's capital (4) OSLO [T]
2   Flying robins are flying without an iota of sense (8) AIRBORNE {ROBINs+ARE}*
3   Heavenly visitor accompanied by husband arrives in the Middle Ages (6) COMETH {COMET}{H}
4   Diana leaving precious stones around middle of England? Nuts! (7) ALMONDS {diA{engLand}MONDS}
5   Stowe's character cut melon into pieces (5,3) UNCLE TOM*
6   Amateur's voice trembles after end of ovation (6) NOVICE {o...oN}{VOICE*}
7   Bird: It is usually run over by train (4) RAIL [DD]
14 Near cul-de-sac (5) CLOSE [DD]
16 After operation, time for entertainment (5) OPERA {OP}{ERA}
18 Spectators park European car in front of English church (8) AUDIENCE {AUDI}{EN}{CE}
20 A couple of rats return carrying the first and last bit of cheese producing organic compound (8) TARTRATE {RAT<=}{The}{RAT}{c...sE} Only one rat is returning?
21 Plant note with Catholic politician (7) FACTORY {FA}{C}{TORY}
23 A high tide, too (2,4) AS WELL {A}{SWELL}
25 Defeat underwater vessel expected (6) SUBDUE {SUB}{DUE}
27 Leer back, showing spool (4) REEL<=
29 See sixth sense, perhaps, at end of therapy (4) ESPY {ESP}{t...pY}

Reference List
Cricket club = CC, Girl = G, European = E, Lawmaker = MP, Pound = L, Oh god = COR, Husband = H, Operation = OP, English = EN, Church = CE, Note = FA, Catholic = C, Politician = TORY

Saturday 7 September 2024

No 14274, Saturday 07 Sep 2024, Incognito

Artwork by Prasanna
Rangoli by Gowri
8   Tailless animal arrived (4) CAME CAMEl
9   Perhaps greased cut bed rail by mistake (10) LUBRICATED*
10 Says, "Total sales in the beginning" (6) UTTERS {UTTER}{Sa..s}
11 Calming substance I have after crushing dates (8) SEDATIVE {I'VE}<=>{DATES*}
12 Applaud before part is played? Nonsense! (8) CLAPTRAP {CLAP}{PART*}
14 A new head of department from the South American mountains (6) ANDEAN {A}{N}{DEAN}
16 Drag North to small city (4) TOWN {TOW}{N}
17 Student's eye opening (5) PUPIL [DD]
18 Groan produced by chap consuming egg (4) MOAN {M{O}AN}
19 Sue wrongly takes first part of supper and consumes fully (4,2) USES UP {SUE*}{SUPper}
21 Level of purity of prunes produced by Spain (8) PURENESS {PRUNES}* over {ES}
23 War hero and top fighter pilots go around mount (8) ACHILLES {AC{HILL}ES}
26 All of a sudden rap tub excitedly (6) ABRUPT*
27 Remark about leading technology institute's promise (10) COMMITMENT {COM{MIT}MENT}
28 Solitary part of London Lyceum (4) ONLY [T]

1   Gasp! A bird's trousers! (10) PANTALOONS {PANT}{A}{LOONS}
2   Legendary character's safe container (5,3) PETER PAN {PETER}{PAN}
3   Nearer stopper (6) CLOSER [DD]
4   Nomadic aborigines throwing orange for bird (4) IBIS aBorIgIneS*
5   Unexpected gain from West Indian collapse (8) WINDFALL {W}{IND}{FALL}
6   Quick! Journalist didn't eat! (6) FASTED {FAST}{ED}
7   German recreation vehicle fuel (4) DERV {DE}{RV}
13 Dad awake? Appear suddenly! (3,2) POP UP {POP}{UP}
15 Pour water around a couple of pennies in part of neck (5,5) ADAMS APPLE {ADAMS ALE} over {PP}
17 Fill into a data field, "Dad delayed procuring uniform" (8) POPULATE {POP}{LATE} over {U}
18 Idiotic morons follow setter in toilet (4,4) MENS ROOM {MORONS}*<=>{ME}
20 Stain old Greek ligature (6) STIGMA [DD?] See comments
22 Market some material tonight (6) RIALTO [T]
24 Sancho Panza's thick slice of meat (4) CHOP [T]
25 On return, wets dish (4) STEW<=

Reference List
New = N, North = N, Spain = ES, West = W, Journalist = ED, German = DE. Recreation vehicle = RV, Uniform = U

Friday 6 September 2024

No 14273, Friday 06 Sep 2024, Incognito

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   Army officer receiving two consecutive letters in port (4) LEFT {L{E}{F}T}
9   Spoil church in third month (5) MARCH {MAR}{CH}
10 In vessel, Romeo gives chance (4) TURN {TU{R}N}
11 Had returned fifty one in Rome with a flower (6) DAHLIA {HAD<=}{LI}{A}
12 Small and sick, current establishment is most inane (8) SILLIEST {S}{ILL}{I}{EST}
13 Railway employee's mummy follows coach on first of November (8) TRAINMAN {MA}<=>{TRAIN} and {No...r}
15 Old unit of power rejected by a city in Canada (6) OTTAWA {O}{WATT<=}{A}
17 Confused? Goa is in North-East? Worry causing mental anguish... (7) AGONISE {GOA*}{N{IS}E}
19 American prude went berserk and inappropriately appropriated (7) USURPED {US}{PRUDE*}
22 Broadcast: "After removing pinnewsprint is thrown around" (6) STREWN NEWSpRinT*
24 In fact, friend followed strange cat at university (8) ACTUALLY {ALLY}<=>{CAT*}{U}
26 Having cost of ticket and fine? Goodbye! (8) FAREWELL {FARE}{WELL}
28 Building patio around youth centre? Perfect place! (6) UTOPIA PATIO}*<=>{yoUth}
30 Sparkling wine from Belfast inn (4) ASTI [T]
31 Person causing infatuation for fruit juice (5) CRUSH [DD]
32 Change lane displaying style (4) ELAN*

1   Setter's at South American table mountain (4) MESA {ME}{SA}
2   Big cat follows last injured horse (8) STALLION {LION}<=>LAST}*
3   Wrongly blame mother at first and anoint (6) EMBALM {BLAME*}{Mo...r}
4   Gift now (7) PRESENT [DD]
5   Drunkards go around large room for getting vegetables (8) SHALLOTS {S{HALL}OTS}
6   Inflexible part of constriction (6) STRICT [T]
7   War games organised without wage and weapons (4) ARMS {wAR+gaMeS}*
14 Correct side? (5) RIGHT [DD]
16 Revolutionary invention from woman and bounder (5) WHEEL {W}{HEEL}
18 Perhaps a sequence of words in a judgement giving punishment (8) SENTENCE [DD]
20 Thought, "Angry about a broken nose" (8) REASONED {RE{A}{NOSE*}D}
21 Outcome arising from order asking soldiers on parade to disband (7) FALLOUT [DD]
23 Optical shutter or opener? (6) EYELID [CD]
25 Easily upset Yankee after team leader's cry of pain (6) TOUCHY {Y}<=>{Team}{OUCH}
27 A part of local society, too (4) ALSO [T]
29 Country having bad air quality (4) IRAQ {AIR*}{Q}

Reference List
Church = CH, Romeo = R, Small = S, Old = O, North-East = NE, University = U, Woman = W, Yankee = Y, Quality = Q

Thursday 5 September 2024

No 14272, Thursday 05 Sep 2024, Arden

Artwork by Prasanna
Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Perhaps get highest up vote, not to die (4,2,3,5) GIVE UP THE GHOST {GET+HIGHEST+UP+VotE} Error in fodder 
10 Both sides like doing the final projection (5) LEDGE {LikE}{DoinG}{thE}
11 Those afflicted accept a top doctor, he heals (9) OSTEOPATH {THOSE}* over {A+TOP}*
12 Man of God, one leaves church (7) MINSTER MINiSTER
13 Treason abroad by people's representative (7) SENATOR*
14 It's eaten after one (5) PASTA {PAST}{A}
16 Principal blocks for supports... (9) MAINSTAYS {MAIN}{STAYS}
19 ...including a part he identified as discriminatory (9) APARTHEID [T]
20 Extremely lucky cricket side, associated with southern city (5) LYONS {LuckY}{ON}{S}
22 Dances and leaves after a function (7) TANGOES {GOES}<=>{TAN}
25 Wine bottles - the fool gets the root (7) CASSAVA {C{ASS}AVA}
27 Odd/even, put in cage our advocate (9) E?C?U?A?E ()
28 Working as setter perhaps gets in (5) DOING {DO{IN}G}
29 Eventually, make up with soft eyeshade on (3,2,5,4) ONE OF THESE DAYS*

2   Ones coming into our country or some other country? (9) INDONESIA {IND{ONES}IA}
3   Put up before court (5) ERECT {ERE}{CT}
4   Plan of activities for gaining weight... (9) PROGRAMME {PRO}{GRAMME}
5   ...doesn't like starters, has already tasted enough samosas (5) HATES Acrostic
6   Basis for regularly picking steel plant (9) GROUNDSEL {GROUNDS}{StEeL}
7   Lifting some extra pounds, creates an illusion (2,3) OP ART [T<=]
8   Casual wear, this represented regular rates (1-6) T-SHIRTS {THIS*}{RaTeS}
9   Mug gets strike - keep quiet (4,2) CLAM UP {C{LAM}UP}
15 Start with four, play on artificial surface (9) ASTROTURF {START+FOUR}*
17 Home passage, look up to those who joined the army recently (9) INDUCTEES {IN}{DUCT}{SEE<=}
18 Spoken in friendship - it's lack of ethics (9) AMORALITY {AM{ORAL}ITY}
19 Do react differently to this type of design (3,4) ART DECO*
21 Outsiders stop another genocide, de-gas the whole thing (6) SPARGE {StoP}{An...eR}{Ge...dE}  
23 Henry's in good position (5) NICHE {NIC{H}E}
24 Collection by the way remains (5) STASH {ST}{ASH}
26 Supported killings, finally died, shot (5) SIDED {k...gS}{DIED*}

Reference List
Cricket side = ON, Southern = S, Function = TAN, Before = ERE, Court = CT, Henry = H

Wednesday 4 September 2024

No 14271, Wednesday 04 Sep 2024, Arden

Solution to 28A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Occupy tent, inside is repulsive (7) ENGROSS {tENt}{GROSS}
5   Student made money being scholarly (7) LEARNED {L}{EARNED}
9   It shows approximately there is opportunity to admit fifty (5) TILDE {TI{L}DE}
10 With no help, ran away with this instrument (9) ALPENHORN*
11 Hair covering Indian deity, mostly it is metal (9) MANGANESE {MAN{GANESh}E}
12 Starts with ultra violet exposure around sensitive parts of the eye (5) UVEAS Acrostic
13 Constant current over the top (4) CAMP {C}{AMP}
15 Handle more, maybe cooler inside (8) MONICKER {MO{NICK}ER*}
18 Fee for the servant (8) RETAINER [DD]
19 Buttocks on a roll, to start with (4) REAR {RE}{A}{Roll}
22 Rejecting a block of wood (5) BALSA {A}{SLAB}<=
24 Stretched? Happy to take on penultimate challenge (9) ELONGATED {EL{ON}{c...nGe}ATED}
26 Criminal charge on a foreign port (9) ANCHORAGE*
27 Hobbles with fifty one representatives (5) LIMPS {LI}{MPS}
28 Certainly put or put off? (7) D?L?Y?D (Addendum - DELAYED {DE{LAY}ED} - See comments)
29 Monkey bit the tip off the fruit (7) TAMARIN TAMARINd

1   Points to doctor, "lay to ground" (6) ENTOMB {E}{N}{TO}{MB}
2   "Ginger, it's too strong a wind to catch a fish" (9) GALINGALE {G{A}{LING}ALE}
3   Only game played, it's famous, watch (5) OMEGA {O}{GAME*}
4   De Gaulle, say/says operate later (9) STATESMAN {STATES}{MAN}
5   Please endlessly - mistake is a mistake (5) LAPSE PLEASe*
6   Girl followed by cat right behind host (9) ANNOUNCER {ANN}{OUNCE}{R}
7   Marriage gets a breather, filled with love (5) NOOSE {NO{O}SE}
8   Attractive girl picks one who is European (6) DANISH {D{AN}ISH}
14 Pacifying as the venue is restricted for a party (9) PLACATORY {PLACe}{A}{TORY}
16 Slenderest housing to store a missile (9) NARROWEST {N{ARROW}EST}
17 Least worried, adding more volatile chemical (9) ELASTOMER {LEAST*}{MORE*}
20 Sailor with a paddle meets bad end on the ship (6) ABOARD {AB}{OAR}{baD}
21 Strange issue, very likely to happen (4-2) ODDS-ON {ODD}{SON}
23 Neighbourhood bar (5) LOCAL [DD]
24 Animal's close to home ground (5) ELAND {homE}{LAND}
25 Automaton trying to seal the drum ends (5) GOLEM Tail acrostic

Reference List
Student = L, Fifty = L, Constant = C, Cooler = NICK, On = RE, Only = O, Cat = OUNCE, Right = R, Sailor = AB