Saturday 7 September 2024

No 14274, Saturday 07 Sep 2024, Incognito

Artwork by Prasanna
Rangoli by Gowri
8   Tailless animal arrived (4) CAME CAMEl
9   Perhaps greased cut bed rail by mistake (10) LUBRICATED*
10 Says, "Total sales in the beginning" (6) UTTERS {UTTER}{Sa..s}
11 Calming substance I have after crushing dates (8) SEDATIVE {I'VE}<=>{DATES*}
12 Applaud before part is played? Nonsense! (8) CLAPTRAP {CLAP}{PART*}
14 A new head of department from the South American mountains (6) ANDEAN {A}{N}{DEAN}
16 Drag North to small city (4) TOWN {TOW}{N}
17 Student's eye opening (5) PUPIL [DD]
18 Groan produced by chap consuming egg (4) MOAN {M{O}AN}
19 Sue wrongly takes first part of supper and consumes fully (4,2) USES UP {SUE*}{SUPper}
21 Level of purity of prunes produced by Spain (8) PURENESS {PRUNES}* over {ES}
23 War hero and top fighter pilots go around mount (8) ACHILLES {AC{HILL}ES}
26 All of a sudden rap tub excitedly (6) ABRUPT*
27 Remark about leading technology institute's promise (10) COMMITMENT {COM{MIT}MENT}
28 Solitary part of London Lyceum (4) ONLY [T]

1   Gasp! A bird's trousers! (10) PANTALOONS {PANT}{A}{LOONS}
2   Legendary character's safe container (5,3) PETER PAN {PETER}{PAN}
3   Nearer stopper (6) CLOSER [DD]
4   Nomadic aborigines throwing orange for bird (4) IBIS aBorIgIneS*
5   Unexpected gain from West Indian collapse (8) WINDFALL {W}{IND}{FALL}
6   Quick! Journalist didn't eat! (6) FASTED {FAST}{ED}
7   German recreation vehicle fuel (4) DERV {DE}{RV}
13 Dad awake? Appear suddenly! (3,2) POP UP {POP}{UP}
15 Pour water around a couple of pennies in part of neck (5,5) ADAMS APPLE {ADAMS ALE} over {PP}
17 Fill into a data field, "Dad delayed procuring uniform" (8) POPULATE {POP}{LATE} over {U}
18 Idiotic morons follow setter in toilet (4,4) MENS ROOM {MORONS}*<=>{ME}
20 Stain old Greek ligature (6) STIGMA [DD?] See comments
22 Market some material tonight (6) RIALTO [T]
24 Sancho Panza's thick slice of meat (4) CHOP [T]
25 On return, wets dish (4) STEW<=

Reference List
New = N, North = N, Spain = ES, West = W, Journalist = ED, German = DE. Recreation vehicle = RV, Uniform = U


  1. There will be no special tomorrow in view of commencement of IXL-2024

    1. Next special will be after completion of the IXL online rounds

    2. I missed re
      listening to IXL. Can it be done now?

    3. Thank you Prasad nd Col.
      Prasad has done it for me!! 👍👍


  3. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all. Super artwork by Prasanna and lovely rangoli by Gowri.

  4. Thank you Col.sir for posting my Artwork. @ Gowri.....Nicely made Rangoli.. Blog deocorated with all colours...........
