Tuesday 24 September 2024

No 14288, Tuesday 24 Sep 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Note vehicle outside backing out, flashy and cool (8) FABULOUS {FA}{BU{LOUd}S}
9   Alternate date was set (6) SEESAW {SEE}{WAS*}
10 Blue sedan turned close to driveway (4) RACY {CAR<=}{d...aY}
11 Rep booked in advance (10) PREORDERED {REP}* [RA]
12 Adept wife avoided large reptile (6) WIZARD {W}{lIZARD}
14 Excuse to act since oddly feeling very pleased (8) ECSTATIC {ExCuSe+To+AcTs+sInCe}
15 Ground soil to get more in rain shower? (13) METEOROLOGIST*
18 Permits cartographers (8) CHARTERS [DD]
20 Meal finally consumed at pub with hesitation (6) DINNER {c...eD}{INN}{ER}
21 Spoil article in game of strategy with small boats (10) CATAMARANS {CATA{MAR}{A}N{S}
22 Primarily, just occupations bringing salaries! (4) JOBS Acrostic &lit
23 Write chiefly about computer specialist (6) TECHIE [T]
24 A little lost in father’s struggle (8) FLOUNDER {F{Lost}OUNDER}

1   Twenty cents picked up in the US, for example (8) PARADIGM {PARA}{(~ dime) DIGM} Anno not clear (Addendum (~ pair of dime)  See comments)
2   Loudly enter, say place for loading ships (4) ?U?Y ()
3   Lazy men in water, essentially swim around (6) TORPID {OR} in {waTer}{DIP<=}
4   Sees pros developing in Java (8) ESPRESSO*
5   King lost, never failing to share respect (10) VENERATION {NEVEr}*{RATION}
6   Old Indian mansion almost possessed by evil bats (6) HAVELI {HAd}{EVIL*}
8   Minimalist crew of workers with a forensic anthropologist? (8,5) SKELETON STAFF {SKELETON}{STAFF}
13 Results in pursuit of additional subject? (10) AFTERMATHS {AFTER}{MATHS}
16 Ran and chose to save time (8) OPERATED {OP{ERA}TED}
17 Shook by maiden wearing fancy red belt (8) TREMBLED {M} in {RED+BELT}*
19 Enjoy consuming ecstasy at new paradise (6) HEAVEN {H{E}AVE}{N}
20 Stop sedition holding up tyrant (6) DESPOT [<=]
22 Bad luck following Mahavira, for instance, dropping a cross (4) JINX {JaIN}{X}

Reference List
Note = FA, Date = SEE, Wife = W, Large = L, Small = S, Men = OR, King = R, Maiden = MEcstasy = E, New = N


  1. 1d very US usage!!!
    Twenty cents is "double dime" Or pair (of) dime!

    1. Pun on this
      Two cents is free opinion because if you have twenty cents you have a paradigm.

    2. Ha ha - good one :)

      Col. the intended parsing for 1D is as annotated by Prasad. Paradigm (pronounced pa-ruh-dime) that sounds like "pair o(of) dime".

  2. 10Ac I solved as
    NAVY -{VAN reverse}{dr.....Y}

    1. A sedan is a car not a van. If the clue had used "vehicle", it works though it won't be as cryptic.

    2. But Thesaurus.com gives Van also as a synonym of Sedan

    3. And also Navy is not exactly blue- it may just be an adj, in 'Navy Blue'.

  3. 2d QUAY
    double definition
    quay: place for loading ships
    quay: homonym of key (enter is a key)

  4. Homonym part is the wordplay,in my opinion and not a DD

    1. Correct. Otherwise, there is no role for "loudly". "Say" is the DBE indicator.

  5. 15A-how is "rain shower" same as metereologist please

  6. on the lines of flow-er for river!

  7. Vladimir besides being a TECHIE was a WIZARD when it came to working with the computer.
    After DINNER he OPERATED his Desktop computer and began solving the crossword.
    Vladimir did not FLOUNDER. He soon completed the grid with several computers around him(!). Felt ECSTATIC and seemed to be in seventh HEAVEN.
    Next he PREORDERED his ticket to Bengaluru. Little was he aware of the JINX while typing and the AFTERMATHS....
    What happened next?

    1. Meteorologist's predicted heavy showers. For once it proved true and showed up with vengeance. Train never arrived. His hands TREMBLED .The ESPRESSO didn't help..He CHARTERed a flight. The pilot FLOUNDERed as the little plane experienced unbelievable turbulence. The flight SEESAWed it's way to Bangalore airport. His ride to his destination would have been lot quicker if he had ordered a CATAMARAN!

    2. Good to see CGB sir back :) Neat connect that's topical what with the IXL starting a couple of weeks ago.

      Interesting tale Orthopaul - nice use of most of the words that are absent in the Vladimir story.

  8. Glad Vkadimir us back after a long vacation!!

  9. I found the going a little tough. Could not parse QUAY..
    Did not get PREORDERED either. V nice clue though.

    Thanx Sowmya!

    1. Thanks Gowri. Good to hear from you. Glad you liked it. See you with a new puzzle tomorrow.

