Saturday 21 September 2024

No 14286, Saturday 21 Sep 2024, Dr. X

1   Mess around after kiss - goad bachelor to lose inhibitions essentially (4,9) DOGS BREAKFAST {AFTER+KiSS+GOAD+B}*
8   Bones of fish on island (5) CARPI {CARP}{I}
9   Found her slyly cuddling associate? That's unprecedented (7-2) UNHEARD-OF {FOUND+HER}* over {A}
11 Covering treatment of malignant carcinoma at centre (10) LAMINATING {MALIGNANT+c..cIn..a}
12 Marine crustacean, partly light brown in colour (4) ECRU [T]
14 Saving family involved in crash (7) BANKING {BAN{KIN}G}
16 English copper with a baton going around country (7) ECUADOR {E}{CU}{A}{ROD<=}
17 Give credit to kid cracking mysterious case (7) ASCRIBE {ASC{RIB}E*}
19 Perverts in university caught by girls (7) MISUSES {MIS{U}SES}
21 Tree in institute, large and old (4) ILEX {I}{L}{EX}
22 Discredit silly native stealing a cap (10) INVALIDATE {INVA{LID}ATE*}
25 Couple in Hungary, largely drunk, becoming more indecent (9) NAUGHTIER {TIE} in {HUNGARy}*
26 Win, crushing Russia's top seed (5) GRAIN {G{Ru...a}AIN}
27 Where one starts playing Monopoly immediately (4,3,4,2) FROM THE WORD GO [C&DD]

2   One rowing in Samoan river perhaps (7) OARSMAN {SAMOAN+R}*
3   Methodical and elaborate chapter - it's nice without doubt (10) SCIENTIFIC {C+ITS+NICE}* over {IF}
4   Stir up son crushed by defeat (5) ROUST ROU{S}T}
5   Two articles by retired fellow about European Union in literary institution (9) ATHENAEUM {A}{THE}{NA{EU}M<=}
6   Sway with strong drink (4) FLAP {F}{LAP}
7   Depraved guys in retreat consuming cocaine on vacation (7) SEDUCED {SEDU{Co...nE}D<=}
8   Party supporter involved in rigging election (11) CELEBRATION {CELE{BRA}TION*}
10 Compound anagram in clues for finale of league (11) FLUORESCEIN {IN+CLUES+FOR+l...uE}
13 Western outlaw turned intimate with girl aboard ship (10) GUNSLINGER {SNUG<=}{LIN{G}ER}
15 Cheering wildly after drinking whiskey in London borough (9) GREENWICH {GREEN{W}ICH*}
18 Happiness after capturing queen, Hikaru's last piece on board (7) CHEQUER {CHE{Q}{h...rU}ER}
20 Gibbon in saga, gallivanting around Malta (7) SIAMANG {IN+SAGA}* over {M}
23 Reactionary wanting nuclear weapon (5) ARROW nARROW
24 Detective knocking out American impostor (4) SHAM SHAMus

Reference List
Bachelor = B, Island = I, Associate = A, English = E, Kid = RIB, University = U, Institute = I, Large = L, River = R, Chapter = C, Son = S, Strong = F, Supporter = BRA, Girl = G, Whiskey = W, Queen = Q, Malta = M, Nuclear = N


  1. Nice enjoyable one from Dr.X.
    Nest (?!) Dog's breakfast.
    Anagram itself as Anand. I was fooled by it and took a long tine!!
    Enjoyed playing Monopoly after a long time. I am sure most of us here have played Monopoly and it's Indian version, Trade.

    1. @Paddy sir...I perceive you are pointed about clue 1A....or may be typo?

    2. Yes. A typo. I wanted to say nice.
