Thursday 26 September 2024

No 14290, Thursday 26 Sep 2024, Bruno

Solution to 24A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Rough path leading to university overlaid with tar, essentially (6) COARSE CO(-u+a)ARSE
4   Backpain torture? (6) ASSAIL {ASS}{AIL}
8   A cobalt alloy that's required for research (3,4) LAB COAT*
9   Making obscure note, following loss of tip (7) FOGGING {F}{dOGGING}
11 Device in poetry - man bent 'em artistically around beginning of joke (10) ENJAMBMENT {MAN+BENT+EM}* over {Joke}
12 Square shiny fabric (4) LAME [DD]
13 Peter has copyright for manuscript? (5) PAPER {P}{APE}{R}
14 Accused criminal controlling union staff (8) CADUCEUS {ACCUSED}* over {U}
16 Intense work recruiting employment for roof (8) HOUSETOP {HO{USE}T}{OP}
18 Spring cellar (5) VAULT [DD]
20 Some romcom action that can leave you senseless (4) COMA [T]
21 Toilet details primarily observed in stairway that's seen around stadia (10) FLOODLIGHT {F{LOO}{De...s}LIGHT}
23 Temperature at Russian capital's a problem (7) TROUBLE {T}{ROUBLE}
24 Counterattack from behind while cycling with soldiers hiding (7) ?I?O?T? (Addendum - RIPOSTE (+ri)RIPOSTE(-ri)or - See comments)
25 Small-time spy promoted attack (6) MOLEST {S}{T}<=>{MOLE}
26 Sticky man beginning to move mud around (6) CLAMMY {M}{Move} in {CLAY}

1   Drink in train (5) CHAIN {CHA}{IN}
2   Source of light's a radical device (7) ARCLAMP {A}{R}{CLAMP}
3   Arts pattern? (9) STARBURST {ARTS}* [RA]
5   Mum also returning fire (5) SHOOT {SH}{TOO<=}
6   Sweet piece of orange licorice (7) ANGELIC [T]
7   Lemon and nuts cocktail - snapper's accessory? (4,5) LENS MOUNT*
10 Copper let loose black and white film developer (9) PERCEPTOL* This is a brand name item
13 Image of plan, right away attracted spirited (9) PHOTOGRAM {Pr{HOT}OGRAM}
15 American nuclear physicist's dead - greedy husband's sick (5,4) DAVID HILL {D}{AVID}{H}{ILL}
17 Socialist guerilla avoiding Rhode Island while on the run, one may be found along the coast (7) SEAGULL {S}{GUEriLLA}*
19 Same University class (7) UNIFORM {UNI}{FORM}
21 Hint of forced smile, briefly shot for movies (5) FILMS {Fo...d}{SMILe}*
22 Sacred monument finally annexed in an intense manner (5) HOTLY {HO{m...nT}LY}

Reference List
Peter = P, Copy = APE, Right = R, Union = U, Work = OP, Temperature = T, Soldiers = OR, Small = S, Time = T, Man = M, Radical = R, Mum = SH, Dead = D, Husband = H, University = UNI


  1. 24A : riposte - behind {posteri(or)}. or hiding, cycling posteri.

    1. Excellent! Struggled with this for ages

    2. My last attempt (enteron)was a disaster. It's only fair for me to have another go. Also, reciting riposte I stumbled on to posterior. Couldn't hide the excitement!!!

    3. The answer came quick-a true riposte!

    4. Its only answer, not correct snswer!.
