Thursday 5 September 2024

No 14272, Thursday 05 Sep 2024, Arden

Artwork by Prasanna
Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Perhaps get highest up vote, not to die (4,2,3,5) GIVE UP THE GHOST {GET+HIGHEST+UP+VotE} Error in fodder 
10 Both sides like doing the final projection (5) LEDGE {LikE}{DoinG}{thE}
11 Those afflicted accept a top doctor, he heals (9) OSTEOPATH {THOSE}* over {A+TOP}*
12 Man of God, one leaves church (7) MINSTER MINiSTER
13 Treason abroad by people's representative (7) SENATOR*
14 It's eaten after one (5) PASTA {PAST}{A}
16 Principal blocks for supports... (9) MAINSTAYS {MAIN}{STAYS}
19 ...including a part he identified as discriminatory (9) APARTHEID [T]
20 Extremely lucky cricket side, associated with southern city (5) LYONS {LuckY}{ON}{S}
22 Dances and leaves after a function (7) TANGOES {GOES}<=>{TAN}
25 Wine bottles - the fool gets the root (7) CASSAVA {C{ASS}AVA}
27 Odd/even, put in cage our advocate (9) E?C?U?A?E ()
28 Working as setter perhaps gets in (5) DOING {DO{IN}G}
29 Eventually, make up with soft eyeshade on (3,2,5,4) ONE OF THESE DAYS*

2   Ones coming into our country or some other country? (9) INDONESIA {IND{ONES}IA}
3   Put up before court (5) ERECT {ERE}{CT}
4   Plan of activities for gaining weight... (9) PROGRAMME {PRO}{GRAMME}
5   ...doesn't like starters, has already tasted enough samosas (5) HATES Acrostic
6   Basis for regularly picking steel plant (9) GROUNDSEL {GROUNDS}{StEeL}
7   Lifting some extra pounds, creates an illusion (2,3) OP ART [T<=]
8   Casual wear, this represented regular rates (1-6) T-SHIRTS {THIS*}{RaTeS}
9   Mug gets strike - keep quiet (4,2) CLAM UP {C{LAM}UP}
15 Start with four, play on artificial surface (9) ASTROTURF {START+FOUR}*
17 Home passage, look up to those who joined the army recently (9) INDUCTEES {IN}{DUCT}{SEE<=}
18 Spoken in friendship - it's lack of ethics (9) AMORALITY {AM{ORAL}ITY}
19 Do react differently to this type of design (3,4) ART DECO*
21 Outsiders stop another genocide, de-gas the whole thing (6) SPARGE {StoP}{An...eR}{Ge...dE}  
23 Henry's in good position (5) NICHE {NIC{H}E}
24 Collection by the way remains (5) STASH {ST}{ASH}
26 Supported killings, finally died, shot (5) SIDED {k...gS}{DIED*}

Reference List
Cricket side = ON, Southern = S, Function = TAN, Before = ERE, Court = CT, Henry = H


  1. Thank you Prasanna for reminding about our reverred teachers.

  2. 27A- I have a doubt, but it will have to wait till the solution cones in.

  3. 27a- encourage=advocate. Our and cage with odd/EveN

    1. Odd letters of even are e,e

    2. That's exactly my doubt. Where do we get N from?

    3. Accoring to the WP setter mentioned as odd / even. '/' indicates as "or" generally using text msg. however, the words E&N neither fits with odd nor setter to confirm....
