Thursday 12 September 2024

No 14278, Thursday 12 Sep 2024, Crescent

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Compulsion to wear clothes hiding uniform (6) DURESS {D{U}RESS}
9   Dutiful old boy coming to pass on English book (8) OBEDIENT {OB}{E}{DIE}{NT}
10 Repeatedly in favour of 'mum' as a matter of courtesy (3,5) PRO FORMA {PRO}{FOR}{MA}
11 Important stuff in part to push buttons (6) KEYPAD {KEY}{PAD}
12 Showman fighting over primaries (10) IMPRESARIO {O+PRIMARIES}*
14 Hide son with relatives (4) SKIN {S}{KIN}
15 A constant nuisance, one coming from the Rose Garden? (5,2,3,5) THORN IN THE FLESH [DD]
18 Objects laid getting rid of Yankee cracksmen (in the US) (4) EGGS yEGGS
20 Stuff intercepted by port ends in Germany breaking coded message (10) CRYPTOGRAM {C{PORT+Ge...nY}*}RAM}
22 Feel at home in London when Mafia boss drops in to pray (6) BELONG {BE{LONdon}G}
23 Chess expert acting lame to sacrifice (8) IMMOLATE {IM}{LAME+TO}*
25 Ready to accommodate adult wanting length adjusted to look stylish (3,1,4) CUT A DASH {C{ADUlT}*ASH}
26 Authority to wield overwhelming power (6) EXPERT {EX{P}ERT}

1   Question to duck before strange people necessary to carry on business (6) QUORUM {QU}{O}{RUM}
2   Say Magellan's notice delivered to king securing passage cost (8) ?E?F?R?R (Addendum - SEAFARER {(~see)SEA}{R} over {FARE} - See comments)
3   Customer is one who exploits? (4) USER [DD]
4   'Eyesore' from retinopathy intermittently agitates cast (3,1,6,5) NOT A PRETTY SIGHT  {RETINOPATHY+aGiTaTeS}*
5   Point in time when easily influenced people in tow make merry (4,6) WEAK MOMENT {MEN} in {TOW+MAKE}*
6   Oracles retreating piously, bishop pinches some (6) SIBYLS [T<]
7   Usual practice, insurance covers and settles (8) INHABITS {IN{HABIT}S}
13 Sense to check plugs to brand electrical equipment (10) SWITCHGEAR {S{W{ITCH}G}EAR} Not sure of annotation (Addendum - {S{WIT}{CH{G}EAR} - See comments) Annotation for G missing>
16 Superior piping above spotless counter (6-2) HIGHER-UP {HIGH}{PURE<=}
17 Spillers conceding runs, sadly including good fielders (3,5) LEG SLIPS {SPILLE(-r+g)GS}*
19 Society journal with a new catchphrase (6) SLOGAN {S}{LOG}{A}{N}
21 Places where religious rites are performed making a base for reforms (6) ALTERS ALT(-a+e)ERS
24 Chaps taking one look (4) MIEN {M{1}EN}

Reference List
Uniform = U, Old boy = OB, English = E, Book = NT(New Testament), Over = O, Son = S, Yankee = Y, Chess expert = IM(International Master), Length = L, Power = P, Question = QU, King = R, Runs = R, Good = G, Society = S, New = N, Base = E


  1. 13d missing a G.
    Brans:Sear, sense:wit, check:ch

  2. 11a typo!
    "Part to" Is part of def.

  3. 2d is sea(fare)r.magellan is a Portuguese explorer. Notice say is sea(see)passage cost is fare and king is r

  4. 'Say Megallan' must be the def. and delivered (meaning spoken) is the synonym indicator ( see/sea).Rest of it is okay.
    Good solve,anyway.

  5. Tough nut to crack from Vidwan today. Enjoyed solving.

  6. So tough you made Crescent as Vidwan!!!
