Monday 2 September 2024

No 14269, Monday 02 Sep 2024, Arden

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Crazy Place, it usually comes with three scoops of ice cream (6,5) BANANA SPLIT {BANANAS}{PL}{IT}
7   Fashion will disappear shortly (3)  FAD FADe
9   Let go club king (5) CLEAR {C}{LEAR}
10 A large vest on small country folk (9) ALBANIANS {A}{L}{BANIAN}{S}
11 Place around central hall sees abrupt transition (9) SALTATION {S{hALl}TATION}
12 Push below ground (5) ELBOW*
13 Reprieve as girl gets home (7) AMNESTY {AM{NEST}Y}
15 Catch some Australians returning (4) NAIL [T<=]
18 Starts getting new aircraft to fly (4) GNAT {Ge...g}{New}{Ai...t}{To}
20 When it comes to the Diet, he makes the rules (7) SPEAKER [CD]
23 Protected in a way from terrible weather (5) SLEET {S{LEE}T}
24 Separate layer on the old monument (9) PARTHENON {PART}{HEN}{ON}
26 Chemical - one made it explode (9) ACETAMIDE {ACE}{MADE+IT}*
27 Start all over again to cut trees... (5) RESET*
28 ...leaves mostly timber (3) TEA TEAk
29 Cancel people's sporting event (7,4) SCRATCH RACE {SCRATCH}{RACE} Semi&lit

1  You cede control when you take it (8) BACKSEAT [CD]
2   Wanting to arrest labour leader for provoking (8) NEEDLING {NEED{La...r}ING}
3   Girl left everyday (5) NORMA NORMAl Seems to be the other way round?
4   Frighten Mark before providing male chromosome? (7) SCARIFY {SCAR}{IF}{Y}
5   No arrest, the Spanish go up country (7) LEBANON {NO}{NAB}{EL}<=
6   Can suppress indignation, close to language mandarin, perhaps (9) TANGERINE {T{ANGER}IN}{l...gE}
7   Meat in iron frame, spirit set on fire (6) F?A?B? (Addendum - FLAMBE {F{LAMB}E} - See comments)
8   Is covered in feathers - I don't want it (6) DISOWN {D{IS}OWN}
14 Bands entertaining, also bunkers (4,5) SAND TRAPS {S{AND}TRAPS}
16 Inability to move cattle within a large area of land (8) AKINESIA {A{KINE}SIA}
17 Woman once evenly spread butter around (8) BRUNETTE {BRU{oNcE}TTE*}
19 Pressure as measured in line is higher, in other words (7) TIPSIER {PSI} in {TIER}
20 Abundance of vitamin in cut fruits (7) SURFEIT {SURF{E}IT*}
21 Nasal spray, time for listing (6) ASLANT {NASAL*}{T}
22 Mostly universal groups (6) GENERA GENERAl
25 Hit and run, some hard line leaders are cruel (5) HARSH Acrostic What's the role of line?

Reference List
Place = PL. Club = C, Large = L, Small = S, Way = ST, Male chromosome = Y, The in Spanish = EL, Pressure = P, Vitamin = E, Time = T