Monday 23 September 2024

No 14287, Monday 23 Sep 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 14A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Exuberance resulting from martinis - pal is tipsy (6,7) ANIMAL SPIRITS*
8   Love edible root with starter of asparagus in Japanese city (5) OYAMA {O}{YAM}{As...s}
9   Cracked algebra with extremes of ease? That's nice (9) AGREEABLE {ALGEBRA+EasE}*
11 Fail to make progress in a date with woman in fancy retreat (5,5) TREAD WATER {TRE{A}{D}{W}ATER*}
12 Doormat in bungalow, impressive (4) WIMP [T]
14 Note about the digestive tract (7) E?T?R?N (Addendum - ENTERON {ENTER}{ON} - See comments)
16 Passionately precocious, cuddling girl on base (7) EAGERLY {EA{G}{E}RLY}
17 Threatens rogues snatching object (7) IMPENDS {IMP{END}S}
19 See way to change husband? Nonsense! (7) EYEWASH {SEE+WAY}*{H}
21 Abandon date with guy wanting sex essentially (4) DROP {D}{ROPe}
22 Trouble in nightclub - couple of males overdose on ecstasy (10) DISCOMMODE {DISCO}{MM}{OD}{E}
25 Coming from Spain with pure dope and cocaine concealed (9) EMERGENCE {E}{MER{GEN}{C}E} 
26 Like a perfectly pitched baseball game in hot ground (2-3) NO-HIT
27 Husband of reigning queen is cheating, caught by inspector right away (6,7) PRINCE CONSORT {CON} in {INSPECTOR+R}*

2   Most wonderful article about tackling English exam (7) NEATEST {A{E}N<=}{TEST}
3   Turning point! Extremely dissolute Republican's arrested (10) MEANDERING {MEAN{Di...tE}{R}ING}
4   Upset about America installing nuclear plant (5) LIANA {AIL<=}{A} over {N}
5   Go on wild spree, drinking endlessly (9) PERSEVERE {SPREE*} over {EVER}
6   Craving, wanting good grass (4) REED gREED
7   A little upset by boys in band becoming fatter (7) TUBBIER {T{Up..t}{BB}IER}
8   How a violinist is involved in swindling (2,3,6) ON THE FIDDLE [DD]
10 Warning that's pretty tame, essentially toothless perhaps (5,6) EMPTY THREAT {PRETTY+TAME+t..tHl..s}* &lit
13 Deals with foolish teenagers stealing money (10) AGREEMENTS {TEENAGERS}* over {M}
15 Nice scene about ignorance (9) NESCIENCE*
18 Spy ensnares one working for inventor (7) PIONEER {P{1}{ON}EER}
20 More trouble on earth (7) ANOTHER
23 Conservative party clinging to extremely retrogressive set of beliefs (5) CREDO {C}{DO} over {Re...vE}
24 American actor started going topless (4) EGAN bEGAN

Reference List
Date = D, Woman = W, Girl = G, Base = E, Husband = H, Spain = E, Male = M, Ecstasy = E, Right = R, English = E, Republican = R, Nuclear = N, Good = G, Boy = B, Money = M, Conservative = C, Party = DO


  1. 14A : enteron - note (reverse) about (re)(reverse). Extra n?

  2. How do you get reverse?
    I think some word us missing in the clue.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
