Saturday 14 September 2024

No 14280, Saturday 14 Sep 2024, Vidwan

1   Ran into Chinese people, ushering in most ancient spirit (8) METHANOL {MET}{HAN}{OLd}
5   Local spirit from soldiers quarters, unopened (6) ARRACK bARRACK
10 Locally prevalent medicine, one consumed indiscriminately (7) ENDEMIC MEDiCINE*
11 Arrogant royal, ignored by most rich, avoids socialising (7) BASHFUL {BrASH}{FULl}
12 Noble queen, very sick, setting off (14) COUNTERVAILING {COUNT}{ER}{V}{AILING}
14 Working lunch with a new item, individually (3,2,1,4) ONE AT A TIME {ON}{EAT}{A}{ITEM*}
15 It is vast, endless, starting from Istanbul and ending in Siberia! (4) ASIA {vASt}{Is...l}{s...iA} Semi&lit
17 Jail mark (4) NICK [DD]
19 Conventional sea tide (10) MAINSTREAM {MAIN}{STREAM}
21 Prudish English titles for men having style, ones like Blair or Sunak (5,9) PRIME MINISTERS {PRIM}{E}{M{IN}ISTERS}
24 Love small number and a Greek alphabet (7) OMICRON {O}{MICRO}{N}
25 Obscure LA haunt for native American (7) NAHUATL*
26 Flimsy charge biller deducted regularly (6) FEEBLE {FEE}{BiLlEr}
27 Fatness of a duck, very large, one with bit of swagger (8) ADIPOSIS {A}{DIP}{OS}{1}{Sw...r}

1   Soldiers embodying unity and dignified manner (4) MIEN {M{1}EN}
2   Old ape working beyond time or younger, offensive version of a French fellow (7) TADPOLE {OLD+APE}*<=>{T}
3   An explosive food for the plants (8) AMMONITE [DD]
4   Gold coffer supplies and logistics (14) ORCHESTRATIONS {OR}{CHEST}{RATIONS}
 CV Sir returns greeting (5) RISHI {SIR<=}{HI} This will be known only to solvers of The Hindu Crossword through this blog
7   Leader of America with very loud unnatural manner and transactions (7) AFFAIRS {Am...a}{FF}{AIRS}
8   Make girl move halfway around to measure (10) KILOGRAMME {MAKE+GIRL+MOve}*
Naive men bend to conform as referred to earlier (5-9) ABOVE-MENTIONED* One 'O' short and one extra 'N' in the fodder
13 Spooner beats top cover for something any good detective wants (10) SOUNDPROOF (~pounds roof to soundproof)  A detective will want SOUND PROOF and not SOUNDPROOF
16 Unfair situation, puts away, suppresses desire! (6-2) STITCH-UP {ST{ITCH}UP*}
18 One most insecure, forgets about cooking food! (7) CUISINE {1+INSECUre}*
20 Noble part of church, mainly used for gathering sounds (7) EARLAPS {EARL}{APSe}
22 Recruit looney loner (5) ENROL*
23 Most luxurious sign (4) PLUS PLUSh

Reference List
Royal = R, Queen = ER, Very = V, English = E, Style = IN, Number = N, very large = OS, Time = T, Loud = F


  1. 18D- 'Most' indicates removal of 1/2 letters? Or as the situation demands?

    1. Its a flaw in the clue. Most is extraneous. Forgets about:re is deletion.

  2. 5a A doubt Col
    Soldier's quarters:barrack
    Soldiérs quarters: barracks
    Isnt it that way!

  3. 11a isnt there a POS mismatch! V vs adj?

  4. Not a smooth CW. Though unable to pin point why.
    Some issues already pointed by Prasad.

    Thanx Vidwan

  5. Best of luck to all ixl participants.

    1. @Prasad - r u not participating?

      Best of luck to all !
