Monday 16 September 2024

No 14281, Monday 16 Sep 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 6A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Vehicle reverses on street at a circle, basically near a small powerhouse (10) SUBSTATION {BUS<=}{ST}{AT}{1}{O}{Near}
6   Girl at a US city takes a ship (4) ?A?S (Addendum - LASS {LA}{SS} - See comments)
10 Registration made with specialist for admission of rabbi and aged people without 500 (9) ENROLMENT {EN{R}{OLd MEN}T}
11 Mark found in Insta intermittently (5) STAIN [T]
12 With Delhi, Thane too served English dish (4-2-3-4) TOAD IN THE HOLE {DELHI+THANE+TOO}*
14 Grasped new gun after corps left (5) CLUNG {GUN}*<=>{C}{L} Corps/C?
15 Let off former lover, one using speed (9) EXONERATE {EX}{ONE}{RATE}
17 Thracian gladiator to wrestle with wild cat at America (9) SPARTACUS {SPAR}{CAT*}{US}
21 Bring the foot down slowly, tread on mat, prostrate in the front (5) STOMP Acrostic
22 Aunt roasting some lamb, gets burned leading to suffocation (13) STRANGULATION {AUNT+ROASTING+Lamb}*
24 A German had a gemstone (5) AGATE {A}{G}{ATE}
25 Smoking nicotine around hospital puts one precariously close to trouble (2,4,3) ON THIN ICE {NICOTINE}* over {H}
26 A piece of satin or same type of fabric (4) SILK {Sa..n}{ILK}
27 Persistent and aggressive sellers hound a specialist (10) RELENTLESS {REL{ENT}LESS*}

1   Ice mixed with some cocaine? PT miss has doubt (10) SCEPTICISM {ICE+C+PT+MISS}*
2   Predatory man seen in pub, Dracula lacking love, is drunk (9) BARRACUDA {BAR}{DRACUlA}*
3   Powerful, legendary archer in Germany (7) TELLING {TELL}{IN}{G}
4   Article on a tree abridged at the stage (7) THEATRE {THE}{A}{TREe
5   One then got tails cut working constantly (2,3,2) ON THE GO {ONe}{THEn}{GOt}
7   Observant king replaced by another and nothing changes (5) AWARE AWA(-r+k}E
8   Chant for good after lapse (4) SING {G}<=>{SIN}
9   As an animal loses the first step on land... (6) ASHORE {AS}{HORsE}
13 ...unarmed Pole was confused and received a few directions (10) WEAPONLESS {POLE+WAS}*over {N}{E}{S}
16 Heartless. Hate police officer in England; original inhabitant (9) ABORIGINE {ABhOR}{IG}{IN}{E}
18 Lathe operator in a bad pitch (6) TURNER [DD]
19 Hint at criminal's message (7) CONNOTE {CON}{NOTE}
20 Travel stop, having tea, in conversation with the French (7) SHUTTLE {SHUT}{(~tea)T}{LE}
21 Triages conducted at island, perhaps (7) SEAGIRT*
22 A sluggish person uncovers cycling (5) SNAIL (+s)SNAIL(-s)
23 Service the crowd (4) MASS [DD]

Reference List
Street = ST, Ship = SS, Specialist = ENT, Rabbi = R, 500 = D, Corps = C, Left = L, German = G, Hospital = H, Cocaine = C, Love = L, Germany = G, King = K,R, Good = G, England = E, The in French = LE


  1. 6A Lass
    LA ..Los Angeles
    SSD. Ship

  2. Girl...lass
    La .los Angeles

  3. Replies
    1. +1
      Think we had a discussion long back here.
      Unless the changing letters are a crossing, its a no-ball.

    2. Anno seems to indicate awake.

    3. +1, the inclusion of "nothing changes" might have been for this reason.
      Can we call it &LIT?

    4. King (K) in awake replaced by another (king)(R) makes it aware. Nothing changes (both mean observant).

    5. 1. king replaced by another....but not mentioned as another king. No indicator in the clue..
      simillarly in 6a - US city LA is only abbr. of Los Angels. but in clue no indication given.
