Wednesday 18 September 2024

No 14283, Wednesday 18 Sep 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 16A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Thin-skinned to speak of and yobbish primarily (6) TOUCHY {TOUCH}{Yo...h}
4   Roused by image in Stag, excellent at the outset (6) SPICED {Stag}{PIC}{Ex...t}D D from?
9   Capital of Laos, looks to captivate (4) OSLO [T]
10 Indian lady triumphs primarily by way of shrewd resourcefulness (10) STREETWISE {STREE}{Tr...s}{WISE}
11 Somehow take on comedian Buster (6) KEATON*
12 Alloy for digital memory hardware put in position (8) NICHROME {NICH{ROM}E}
13 Network takes time to work on human element (9) LANTHANUM {LAN}{T}{HUMAN*}
15 Princess's help returned with new assistant from the front (5) DIANA {AID<=}{N}{As...t}
16 Box at clubs and collect payment (5) ?R?T? (Addendum - CRATE {C}{RATE} - See comments)
18 Fluency of one clue rewritten about Qatar's entertaining to begin with (9) ELOQUENCE {ONE+CLUE}* over {Q} then {En   g}
22 Essentially flavour penetrates mind, an ultimate Greek international dish (8) SOUVLAKI {SOU{flaVour}L}{A}{g..eK}{I}
23 Urges famous golfer to back mischievous child (6) IMPELS {ELS}<=>{IMP}
25 Engineer certifies purchasing right devices (10) RECTIFIERS {CERTIFIES}* over {R}
26 Common sense of Latino users displayed (4) NOUS [T]
27 America retreats and Sweden enters union to take a county (6) SUSSEX {US<=}{S{S}EX} Why 'to take'?
28 One adapts to powers (6) ANGELS {AN}{GELS}

1   A square tile sets magically over time (7) TESSERA {SETS}*{ERA}
2   Snake, in say Puducherry, moves under water (1-4) U-BOAT {U{BOA}T}
3   Praise from head office Chief Superintendent received by a girl (7) HOSANNA {HO}{Su...t}{ANNA}
5   Request child to braid (6) PLEACH {PLEA}{CH}
6   Company division meeting with ICE with spinelessness (9) COWARDICE {CO}{WARD}{ICE}
7   Garbage collector is mad, nuts in a way (7) DUSTMAN
8   Queen takes ill in train crash, arises in the second half and gets calmer (13) TRANQUILLISES {TRAN{QU}{ILL}I}*{ariSES} Definition is off!
14 Note; 4 employed in galleries spruces up (9) TITIVATES {TI}{T{IV}ATES} Tates is incorrect
17 Regarding work, nurse at Sweden starts again (7) REOPENS {RE}{OP}{EN}{S}
19 Made good money in quarter? Paper's wrong (5,2) QUIDS IN {QU}{ID}{SIN} Made or Makes?
20 Paints company line is owned by us (7) COLOURS {CO}{L}{OURS}
21 Blather in WhatsApp, very loud against the French (6) WAFFLE {WA}{FF}{LE}
24 Writer these days get small change (5) PENCE {PEN}{CE}

Reference List
Indian lady = STREE, Time = T, New = N, Clubs = C, International = I, Right = R, Pondicherry = UT(Union Territory), Child = CH, Queen = QU, Note = TI, Regarding = RE, Work = OP, Nrse = EN(Enrolled Nurse), Sweden = S, Quarter = QU, Papers = ID, Line = L, WhatsApp = WA, Loud = F, The in French = LE, These days = CE


  1. Typo in 19D- It should be made or makes. Made is in the clue for makes ( to go with def.)

    1. Quids in" is a British slang expression that means to be in a position of having made a good profit, or to have more money left than expected. For example, "Rob: Some antique pots and vases. Then I can sell it to someone else and I'll be quids in!"

  2. 8D - Tranquilizes or tranquillizes - which spelling is correct

  3. I think quids in means having made good profit. Clue seems ok to me

    1. Made/ quids in verbs don't match.
      It had to be makes

    2. Its a phrase paddy, "quids in" Usage as suggested.

    3. Thats the only thing i can go with in this errors filled crossy for an AD puzzle

  4. Replies
    1. 16A – {C}{RATE}
      Def – BOX
      Club – C
      Payment – Rate
      solved. but left for lunch before 1 PM

  5. 16A CRATE; box; C (clubs) RATE (payment)

  6. 16A CRATE- box (def) C (clubs) RATE (payment)

  7. What's the role of collect in 16ac?
