Sunday 27 October 2013

No 2762, Sunday 27 Oct 2013

1   A bishop's sermon is profound (8) ABSTRACT {AB'S}{TRACT}
5   Field event record set by American (6) DISCUS {DISC}{US}
9   Prepare to fire at ducks and a parrot (8) COCKATOO {COCK}{AT}{OO}
10 Dominating woman in house hiding key (6) VIRAGO {VIR{A}GO}
12 Gentleman's gentleman mislaying article at end of dance (5) VALET VALETa
13 Horror novel: males butchered in opening (6,3) SALEM'S LOT {S{MALES*} LOT}
14 Seen reaching out for Internet facility (6,6) SEARCH ENGINE*
18 Flog dish, potty, and basin in place lacking privacy (8,4) GOLDFISH BOWL {FLOG+DISH}* {BOWL}

21 Having a litre in bar is common (9) PREVALENT {PREV{A}{L}ENT}
23 Man in Bible, one backing church (5) ENOCH {ENO<=}{CH}
24 A place where event is held in broad road (6) AVENUE {A}{VENUE}
25 Simone's dishevelled after party game (8) DOMINOES {DO}{SIMONE*}
26 Sample taken from plant by botanist, ultimately (6) TASTER {T}{ASTER}
27 Contemporary, a top duet in variety (2-2-4) UP-TO-DATE*

1   Capone's chap in corner (6) ALCOVE {AL}{COVE}
2   Head of state, in a hostile manner, leaves Mediterranean island (6) SICILY {S}{ICILY}
3   Meat dish - best fare, possibly, around centre of Bologna (5,4) ROAST BEEF {R{bolOgna}AST BEEF*}
4   Transvestite annoyed actor's assistant in the theatre (5-7) CROSS DRESSER {CROSS}-{DRESSER}
6   Nothing seen in one obscure turn of phrase (5) IDIOM {1}{DI{O}M}
7   Take tea with ordinary clergyman (8) CHAPLAIN {CHA}{PLAIN}
8   Fielder, not long a member (5,3) SHORT LEG {SHORT} {LEG}
11 What may be clearly listed in an ABC Food Guide? (8,4) ALPHABET SOUP [CD]

15 We come in barking about ten, in a state (3,6) NEW MEXICO {NEW ME{X}ICO*}
16 A vegetable in, for example, good plot close to quickset (8) EGGPLANT {EG}{G}{PLAN}{T}
17 Stupid sort of crossword that nobody can solve? (8) CLUELESS [C&DD]
19 Girl ringing about ring (6) CORONA {COR{ON}A}
20 Henry in class, modest (6) CHASTE {C{H}ASTE}
22 A pleasantly appealing French accent (5) ACUTE {A}{CUTE}


  1. 16d we can add a vangibadnekai to that list

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