Thursday 31 October 2013

No.10918, Thu 31 Oct 2013, Mover

Mover gives you an opportunity to move in sync with the Mariachi, with copperheads and dovetails !

1 Bouncer coming back for ID (7) NAMETAG (GATEMAN<)
          Rare full word reversal !
5 Condensed agreement (7) COMPACT (2)
          I thought of Contract first and ran out of space, so I had to further reduce it
8 Timid gentleman clutches fly (5) MIDGE (T)
9 Napoleon at a distance, wearing an off-white colour (9) BONAPARTE (APART wearing BONE)
11 Bemired post for a staid conservative? (5,2,3,3) STICK IN THE MUD CD,DD
13 Medicine man producing counterfeit article (6) SHAMAN (SHAM AN)
16 Overwhelm one sister keeping tryst (8) INUNDATE (1 NUN DATE)
          Yesterday, too, we were Inundated ! Truly, it does not rain, but pours
18 Somehow twice I charm a group of Mexican musicians (8) MARIACHI (IX2 CHARM A)*

19 Over-producer could provide capital cover (6) BOWLER (2)=cricket player/hat
24 Mortality census perhaps for sailing blindly (4,9) DEAD RECKONING (2)
26 Quacking civil servants? (9) MANDARINS (CD) ref to ducks and bureaucrats
          Some turn out to be quacks and some turn out to be toadies
27 Roman goddess fifty found in meeting-places (5) FLORA (L in FORA)
28 Set of baby’s clothes even in the past (7) LAYETTE (YET in LATE)
29 Loose coat for a wan-looking toddler (7) PALETOT (PALE TOT)

1 Siemens could be a source of harm (7) NEMESIS (SIEMENS*)
2 Wine and cheese brought back to revolutionary group? (7) MADEIRA (EDAM< IRA)
3 Adjust to initially having very little strength (5) TWEAK (T WEAK)
4 Board-game sounds as if it could explode (6) GOBANG (GO BANG)
5 Child’s play on a tree (8) CINCHONA (CINCH ON A)
          Remembered the old malaria days !
6 Biting copperhead found in desert conditions (5) ACRID (C in ARID)
7 Ranks knot makers (5) TREES (2) = organisation charts / trees make knots (Addendum - TIERS [DD] - See comments)
10 Irrational men to get pepper (7) PIMENTO (PI MEN TO)
12 Dovetail at end of animal enclosure may result in inflamed swelling (4) STYE (E at the end of STY)
14 Equal share in a fishing ground, reportedly (4) HAAF (~HALF)
          New word for me. Had to cheat for this!
15 Watch tower at a secular academy (7) ATALAYA (AT A LAY A)
          And this!
17 Incendiary gas entering an isopteran (8) THERMITE (H entering TERMITE)
20 Explained how ill-behaved fellow accepted help (4,3) LAID OUT (LOUT accepted AID)
21 Heading off with child leading (7) REGNANT (pREGNANT)
22 Catsup in a salad; What a fellow does to give trouble? (4,2) ACTS UP (CATSUP*)
23 Lawrence of Arabia’s transport arrived and left (5) CAMEL (CAME L)

24 Shabby, dirty-looking boat (5) DINGY (2)
25 Refuse dyke-builder left (5) OFFAL (OFFA L)


  1. I too had filled in 'Tiers' and was wondering on seeing the blog. Thank you Ajay.

    Nice cartoon on farting. Havenot heard camel but an elephant's could beat a motorcycle exhaust!

  2. Why only two bloggers? where have all the others gone? crackers?

    Could crack this MOVER with a bit of help from Google chacha to confirm that CINCHONA< ATALAYA and MARIACHI are indeed ok. Last one reminded me of Aachi's pickles here in CBE !
    One gets to learn very new words-- but one wonders, to what avail? Are they ever used in our day to day life?

    Happly Divali to ye-all, fellow and belle- bloggers !
    Be kind to animals when you fire crackers and also- avoid if you can-- in the interest of a pollution-free air ! Ever since my return to CBE, I'm suffering from allergic rhinitis !! rheumy nose and glazed eyes ! surviving on anti-histamines .

    1. Looks like the anti-cracker/noise pollution drive is gaining momentum. Two days to Diwali and I am yet to hear a cracker go off near my house

  3. On reflection, did MOVER intend to link up 8 and 9 across as one answer? Napoleon Bonaparte was known for his small height (MIDGE) but great achievements !

    One can comment ( commend?) on each of the clues today at length-- so good is the work of the compiler !

  4. I was employed by SIEMENS for considerable time.

  5. 24D : Shabby, dirty-looking boat (5) DINGY (2)

    My OED says Shabby = DINGY and Boat = DHINGY .

  6. For 'boat', dinghy is the usu. sp., but 'dingy' is a sp variant found in Chambers and other dicts.

    In India we use the term 'dingy' more to mean ill-lit, dark - rather than shabby, dirty-looking.

    1. Thanks, CV Sir. I'm planning to buy Chambers Dic soon !

  7. Col. Saheb,
    Enjoyed listening to Mariachi music. I already have this version of the song sung by Gypsy Kings in my collection of Non-English songs. Thanks for the link.

    1. You need to thank Kishore. He blogged today

    2. Thanks, Kishore for Mariachi music. Didn't expect you to blog on Thursday. It used to be Mondays and Fridays.
