1 Revolutionary takes back a cutting tool to Isle of Man with some celestial beings (8) CHERUBIM {CHE}{RUB<=}{IM}
5 Commands for some celestial beings (6) POWERS [DD]
9 Illegible handwriting of the lawyer sheltered by a reporter (8) SCRIBBLE {SCRIB{BL}E}
10 Wardrobe item found in an aircraft parking structure reportedly (6) HANGER (~hangar)
11 Chief with ego connects with some celestial beings (14) PRINCIPALITIES {PRINCIPAL}{I}{TIES}
14 Snake in a logic circuit (5) ADDER [DD]
16 Marc hyped arrangement with an insensitive person (9) PACHYDERM*
17 Collapse after receiving the volunteers' son's small cup of black coffee (9) DEMITASSE {DEMI{TA}{S}SE}
19 Stingy hoarder Tom is erring to some extent (5) MISER [T]
20 Methods that might irk a purist? (14) NONTRADITIONAL [CD]
23 Principal ignores the average number (6) AMOUNT
24 Female horses going west carry a Greek character and some celestial beings (8) SERAPHIM {SERA{PHI}M<=}
25 Stand against sister at fault (6) RESIST*
26 Broadcast answer for the princess and got defamed (8) ASPERSED (-di+a)ASPERSED
1 Safe to get a modest box for the spade (4) COSY {CO{S}Y}
2 Panic after losing the opener is a mistake (5) ERROR
3 Almost miss out on the submariner awkwardly showing a higher degree of refinement (7) URBANER
4 Opposed to breaking spoiled lids (3-8) ILL-DISPOSED*
6 Cover rolled up and put inside the oddity with the missing cleric showed cloudiness (7) OPACITY {O
7 Meg's tiger agitated by some sandglasses (3,6) EGG TIMERS*
8 Left under pressure? (6,4) STRESS MARK [CD] ?
12 Intense scan reveals antiquity (11) ANCIENTNESS*
13 Young lady with the vocal German man gets a fern (10) MAIDENHAIR {MAIDEN}{HAIR}(~herr)
15 Party with the attendants in the territories (9) DOMINIONS {DO}{MINIONS}
18 Letters from goldsmith Ron established the seats of power (7) THRONES [T]
19 Fee for docking in the space was returned on time (7) MOORAGE {MOOR<=}{AGE}
21 Desires to get bonfire leftovers with Charlie for the first son (5) ACHES A(-s+c)CHES
22 Surrounded by the domestic help's agents, initially at the wrong place (4) AMID (+a)AM(-a)ID