Wednesday, 10 January 2018

No 12211, Wednesday 10 Jan 2018, Afterdark

1   Censor record about attorney facing first trial (6) REDACT {RE{DA}C}{Tr..l}
4   Song written on ship arriving first at Ukrainian city (6) ODESSA {ODE}{SS}{Ar...g}
9   A long distance, but right in the middle of 12 (4) AFAR sAFARi 12 or 11?
10 Assistants down with cold — boss spends a dollar to hire youth leader as replacement (6,4) OFFICE BOYS {OFF}{ICE} {BO{Yo..h}Ss}
11 A female draping sari is a trip (6) SAFARI {S{A}{F}ARI}
12 Heard it’s easy to get kiss, lady hopes to get calls (8) EXCLAIMS {E{X}C}{L}{AIMS}
13 Beaten up, in Goa forces face a test, perhaps (9) ANGIOGRAM {IN+GOA}*{G}{RAM}
15 In general, many have gun (5) RIFLE {RIF{L}E}
16 Departure of a group (5) ASIDE {A}{SIDE}
18 Probably blocking tickets for leaves (9) FAREWELLS {FARE{WELL}S}
22 Cynthia watered husband's plant (8) HYACINTH {H}{CYNTHIA*}
23 Wise have different taste having passed university (6) ASTUTE {AST{U}TE*}
25 Master involving seniors to create a method of education (10) MONTESSORI {M}{SENIORS+TO}*
26 Look back but carry on (4) KEEP <=
27 First in the family led astray — set right (6) ELDEST {LED*}{SET*}
28 Spies' profession is dangerous — needs fire inside (6) SNOOPS PrOfeSSiON*

1   Avoid touching female on shower (7) REFRAIN {RE}{F}{RAIN}
2   Bahadur ran to hide grain (5) DURRA [T]
3   Turning right away for preparing... (7) COOKING CrOOKING
5   ...extract in two months (6) DECOCT {DEC}{OCT}
6   At Brunei, Sam built a boat (9) SUBMARINE*
7   In a way, Malay boys are empty and disgraceful... (7) ABYSMAL {MALAY+BoyS}*
8   ...because of a suit in a way (5,1,7) AFTER A FASHION {AFTER} {A} {FASHION}
14 Displayed dedication without love somehow (9) INDICATED DEDICATIoN*
17 Special unit lacking leadership takes a year to design a feature in door (7) SPYHOLE {SP}{(-w+y)YHOLE}
19 Delight family right away (7) ELATION rELATION
20 Assembler in the absence of boss puts last part first — primarily screws up and makes a mess (7) LITTERS {Last}{fITTER}{Sc...s}
21 Worries about wrong GST levied on article at the first shop (6) ANGSTS {AN}{GST}{Shop}
24 Took off beyond the end of sky to capital (5) TOKYO {TOK{skY}O}



  1. My heartfelt condolences for your loss Colonel. Its unbelievable that you still wanted to stick to posting this blog in time. The community owes a lot to you. Specifically people like me who can attribute all our CW skills to this blog.

    1. Thank you Shrikanth, as we were required to keep vigil through the night since the funeral is only tomorrow I had the time to blog, else I would have requested someone to stand in for me

  2. Col, condolences on the bereavement of your mother in law.

  3. Hats off Col.!!
    I was surely expecting someone else to blog.

  4. My condolences colonel on your loss.

  5. Managed to solve 12 clues today (having read Frederick Forsyth novel Odessa file 4A was not difficult).

    Now seeing all solutions I feel I'd never have gotten 12 A, exclaims. Does not it mean calls out? (Clue says calls).

    Also in ANGIOGRAM (13A) not able to see how G, RAM fits into the clue.

    In FAREWELLS (18A) not able to see how WELL enters the picture.

    1. Forces = G and RAM
      Probably = WELL

    2. I thought ram as a noun meant the battering ram, a tangible object, used in warfare. Did not know it also meant force, an abstract noun. Thanks. And about "well=probably" now I understand. But not something I could come up with. Kudos to the setters who make puzzles distracting us to other meanings of the words used away from the one that explains the answer.

    3. Well is for probably. Will you be attending the wedding today? answer with Well! means probably

  6. I request that all of us stay in silence at 12 noon today to pray for the departed soul, wherever we are. May her soul rest in peace ! God bless the Col's family.

  7. Please accept my condolences Colonel.

  8. Sorry to hear about the sad demise of your Mother-in-law Deepak. Our condolences to you and your wife. May the departed soul rest in peace.
