1 Care to steal from English cabinet? (8) WARDROBE {WARD}{ROB}{E}
5 Forms of speech in dialect ignoring meticulous syntax for starters (6) IDIOMS Acrostic with O missing
9 For a change, society banned ring — one seen on a horse’s face (8) NOSEBAND {S+BANNED+O}*
10 Angry about lifetime compensation (6) DAMAGE {MAD<=}{AGE}
12 True mixture a rookie moved to the end (5) LOYAL (-a-l)LOY(+a+l)AL
13 Half second dance by advocate — it could be seen in a movie (9) FLASHBACK {HALF+S}*{BACK}
14 Doctor wearing outfit for battle (6) COMBAT {CO{MB}AT}
16 Establish residence outside a city in America (7) SEATTLE {SE{A}TTLE}
19 Engineer missing the first mild feature (7) ELEMENT {E}{cLEMENT}
21 Animal dance by river (6) SAMBAR {SAMBA}{R}

By Charlesjsharp - Own work, from Sharp Photography,, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
23 Rest uneasy after cunning act by fraud (9) TRICKSTER {TRICK}{REST*}
25 Food item’s history at Austria (5) PASTA {PAST}{A}
26 Peacekeepers’ issue with international accord (6) UNISON {UN}{I}{SON}
27 Formal event where church distributed money (rand) (8) CEREMONY {CE}{R+MONEY}*
28 Neatly arranging removal of core information (6) TIDING TIDyING
29 Intimidate and then tear forms (8) THREATEN*
1 Engineer losing resistance in fight (6) WANGLE WrANGLE
2 Flipping over my ski — it could have a bad consequence (5,4) RISKY MOVE*
3 Maverick wore belt in part (5) REBEL [T]
4 Aid suitable to accommodate north-east (7) BENEFIT {BE{NE}FIT}
6 Page hundred introduced diagram representing membrane (9) DIAPHRAGM {P}{Hu...d} in {DIAGRAM}*
7 Tomahawk buried in US city (5) OMAHA [T]
8 Spotted tap in vehicle (8) SPECKLED {S{PECK}LED}
11 Exceed power on a ship (4) PASS {P}{A}{SS}
15 Board knew about failure (9) BREAKDOWN*
17 Send one away to coach cricket, perhaps? (9) TRANSPORT {TRAiN}{SPORT}
18 Opening established right inside to demolish (8) DESTRUCT {D{EST}{R}UCT}
20 Carry odd tool and evenly cut tree (4) TOTE {ToOl}{TrEe}
21 Cry from short guard at church (7) SCREECH {SCREEn}{CH}
22 Prohibit covering every tree (6) BANYAN {B{ANY}AN}

By Abdulkaleem md - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
24 Poem one wrote up almost everyday (5) ILIAD {1}{DAILy<=}
25 Right away pass through section (5) PIECE PIErCE
1 Care to steal from English cabinet? (8) WARDROBE {WARD}{ROB}{E}
5 Forms of speech in dialect ignoring meticulous syntax for starters (6) IDIOMS Acrostic with O missing
9 For a change, society banned ring — one seen on a horse’s face (8) NOSEBAND {S+BANNED+O}*
10 Angry about lifetime compensation (6) DAMAGE {MAD<=}{AGE}
12 True mixture a rookie moved to the end (5) LOYAL (-a-l)LOY(+a+l)AL
13 Half second dance by advocate — it could be seen in a movie (9) FLASHBACK {HALF+S}*{BACK}
14 Doctor wearing outfit for battle (6) COMBAT {CO{MB}AT}
16 Establish residence outside a city in America (7) SEATTLE {SE{A}TTLE}
19 Engineer missing the first mild feature (7) ELEMENT {E}{
21 Animal dance by river (6) SAMBAR {SAMBA}{R}

By Charlesjsharp - Own work, from Sharp Photography,, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
23 Rest uneasy after cunning act by fraud (9) TRICKSTER {TRICK}{REST*}
25 Food item’s history at Austria (5) PASTA {PAST}{A}
26 Peacekeepers’ issue with international accord (6) UNISON {UN}{I}{SON}
27 Formal event where church distributed money (rand) (8) CEREMONY {CE}{R+MONEY}*
28 Neatly arranging removal of core information (6) TIDING TID
29 Intimidate and then tear forms (8) THREATEN*
1 Engineer losing resistance in fight (6) WANGLE W
2 Flipping over my ski — it could have a bad consequence (5,4) RISKY MOVE*
3 Maverick wore belt in part (5) REBEL [T]
4 Aid suitable to accommodate north-east (7) BENEFIT {BE{NE}FIT}
6 Page hundred introduced diagram representing membrane (9) DIAPHRAGM {P}{H
7 Tomahawk buried in US city (5) OMAHA [T]
8 Spotted tap in vehicle (8) SPECKLED {S{PECK}LED}
11 Exceed power on a ship (4) PASS {P}{A}{SS}
15 Board knew about failure (9) BREAKDOWN*
17 Send one away to coach cricket, perhaps? (9) TRANSPORT {TRA
18 Opening established right inside to demolish (8) DESTRUCT {D{EST}{R}UCT}
20 Carry odd tool and evenly cut tree (4) TOTE {T
21 Cry from short guard at church (7) SCREECH {SCREE
22 Prohibit covering every tree (6) BANYAN {B{ANY}AN}

By Abdulkaleem md - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
24 Poem one wrote up almost everyday (5) ILIAD {1}{DAIL
25 Right away pass through section (5) PIECE PIE