Thursday, 19 April 2018

No 12295, Thursday 19 Apr 2018, Gridman

Answer and anno for 25A left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Dollar was put back on tool (7) BUCKSAW {BUCK}{WAS<=}
Bucksaw2 (PSF).jpg
By Pearson Scott Foresman - Archives of Pearson Scott Foresman, donated to the Wikimedia Foundation, Public Domain, Link
5   Expert politician getting a bit of temerity without delay (6) PROMPT {PRO}{MP}{Te...y}
9   Intimidate daughter and another relative (5) DAUNT {D}{AUNT}
10 Explain why former head skirted insurers (9) EXPLICATE {EX}{P{LIC}ATE}
11 Decline to vary pitch? (7) INFLECT [DD]
12 Was managing greeting fifty with one foreign language (7) SWAHILI {WAS*}{HI}{L}{1}
13 Clothe bear without resistance (5) ENDUE ENDUrE
14 Launched popular appeal by one perked-up date (9) INITIATED {IN}{IT}{1}{DATE*}
16 Raja in total chaos gives stern lecture (7-2) TALKING-TO {TAL{KING}TO*}
19 A question of choice hag pronounced (5) WHICH (~witch)
21 Non-acceptance of redrafting of FA rules (7) REFUSAL*
23 Pete hit out: there emerges an abusive word (7) EPITHET*
24 Former heads of organisation favour fomenting in-fighting craftily in order by post (2,7) EX OFFICIO {EX} {Or...n}{Fa...r}{Fo...g}{In...g}{Cr...y}{In}{Or..r}
25 Transport 1000 harvest stalks (5) H?U?M (Addendum - HAULM {HAUL}{M} - See comments)
26 A couple of females join a man in a brawl (6) AFFRAY {A}{FF}{RAY}
27 Tank tops? (7) TURRETS [E]

1   Their recitals would no doubt make kids doze off (7,7) BEDTIME STORIES [CD]
2   Pleased friend endlessly — fellow was given nourishment (7) CHUFFED {CHUm}{F}{FED}
3   "Son of the engineer...Told you!" (2,5) SO THERE {S/o}{THE}{RE}
4   Fighting others left in building section (9) WRESTLING {W{REST}{L}ING}
5   Voices plumber's concerns (5) PIPES [DD]
6   Old one in exotic marg, acquiring one Japanese art (7) ORIGAMI {O}{R{1}GAM*}{1}
7   A key player in an orchestra (7) PIANIST [CD]
8   Not catching up with where the news reader is hidden, perhaps (6,3,5) BEHIND THE TIMES [C&DD]
15 No outride fixed and made smooth (6,3) IRONED OUT*
17 Promote cancelled Sriharikota event (4-3) LIFT-OFF {LIFT}{OFF}
18 Afros stylish to a degree (2,2,3) IN SO FAR {IN}{AFROS}*
19 Little bit to that woman — to which point? (7) WHITHER {WHIT}{HER}
20 Heinous arrangement by company's own staff (2-5) IN-HOUSE*
22 Fortunate to have short, tricky clue — extremely kinky — solved (5) LUCKY {CLUe}*{KinkY}



  1. Replies
    1. +1. Thank you Gridman- you gave me enough and more time for my morning constitutional.

  2. 25A
    HAULM= Stalk
    Haul = transport
    M= 1000

  3. Gridman reminds I am a student. Can someone decrypt 18d pls.

  4. 22 DN IMO, the clue still works without tricky. Am I right?

    1. Tricky is the Anagram indicator

    2. 22D Tricky rearranging clu-(e) luc(ky)

    3. I take solved as anagrind. Otherwise, it will be extraneous, I think.
      But for reading solved is better.

    4. I think 'short' should follow ' clue'. Short tricky clue conveys that 'tricky' is cut short.

  5. In stylish. Afros : so far

  6. The bouncer and the dancer - Part 13.

    11.45 p.m.

    The PIANIST was attempting a Bach.
    Two persons were checking their PIPES to usher in the New Year.

    SS began TALKING TO the audience.

    "WHITHER are you all bound? IN SO FAR as I am concerned you are BEHIND THE TIMES. With the LIFT OFF of the curtain, you are all going to see this girl (gently pats the cheek of the SWAHILI girl standing near him) dance with a snake in the altogether"

    (to WHICH there were very few who clapped)

    The situation was IRONED OUT by Uncle Sam the EX-OFFICIO owner of Shangri-La
    with his PROMPT action. He whisked away the girl and the mystic with the help of the bouncer.

    What happened next?

  7. 22 dn short tricky means jumble clue without e luc+KinkY
    Am I right?

    1. Yea mam..the discussion was one of the anagram indicators(tricky and Solved) was superfluous.

  8. Excellent surfaces- eg. 16 & 21 A and 8D.
    24A is an unusually long clue in a Gridman puzzle.

    1. 24A:Probably because 7 letters were clued for acrostic
