Tuesday 24 April 2018

No 12299, Tuesday 24 Apr 2018, Arden

Answer and anno for 27A left for a rookie commenter till 10AM.

1   Dissolute, taking a month's time to go around port (8) DECADENT {DEC}{ADEN}{T}
5   Set off right away from footrest (4,2) STIR UP STIrRUP
10 Green alternative in metal (7) POTHERB {P{OTHER}B}
11 Magpie finds it tougher — getting old (7) HOARDER {H{O}ARDER}
12 Well, starts saying Mike's a jerk (5) SPASM {SPA}{Sa...g}{Mike}
13 Repeat and run transport (9) ENRAPTURE {REPEAT+RUN}*
14 Built on shaky ground, of course had shifted seconds later (5,2,5) HOUSE OF CARDS {OF+COURSE+HAD}*{S}
18 Choose right one, but make it a diode, perhaps (8,4)  ELECTRON TUBE {ELECT}{R}{ONE+BUT}*
Diode: electrons from the hot cathode flow towards the positive anode, but not vice versa
By Svjo - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
21 Fool intervenes, keener to become a singer (9) WASSAILER {W{ASS}AILER}
23 Missile about to come in the way (5) LANCE {LAN{C}E}
24 Pitch on the edge, basically making it fit to drive (7) TARRING {TAR}{fRINGe}
25 The French can be seen showing dexterity (7) SLEIGHT {S{LE}IGHT}
26 Rock bass gets cheap whiskey (3-3) RED-EYE [DD]
27 Expressed annoyance over return of party man (8) ?E?O?R?T (Addendum - DEMOCRAT - {D{COME<=}RAT} - See comments)

1   So deep, difficult to remove (6) DEPOSE*
2   Girl accepts American and Chinese (6) CATHAY {CATH{A}Y}
3   He's handsome, met a broad by accident (9) DREAMBOAT*
4   Be sensiblelogo could be "Privilege comes with responsibility" (8,6) NOBLESSE OBLIGE*
6   From transformer terminals, current goes all over the place (5) TRAMP {Tr...eR}{AMP}
7   Youth movement had protection under shade (3,5) RED GUARD {RED} {GUARD}
8   Warped on each line (8) PERVERSE {PER}{VERSE}
9   Settles our problem after daily round of trifle (9,5) CHARLOTTE RUSSE {CHAR}{SETTLES+OUR}*

15 Party role played by Spanish gentleman (9) CABALLERO {CABAL}{ROLE*}
16 What goes into the drink? (8) SEAWATER [CD]
17 Disciplined — saw to it that Charlie came first (8) CENSURED {C}{ENSURED}
19 The ass gets orange squash (6) ONAGER*
20 Band — it comes before an offensive (6) SEXTET {SEX}{TET}
22 Girl has sex appeal, finds peace (5) AMITY {AM{IT}Y}



  1. 27A) Expressed Annoyance = DRAT;
    Defn: Party Man
    Solution = DEMOCRAT

    1. I think your answer is incomplete. Can you elaborate?

    2. return = COME
      of = reversal indicator

    3. Slight correction:
      Return = Come back
      of is not reversal indicator.

    4. over = reversal indicator and not "of"

    5. stand corrected; thanks KKR

    6. I don't think there is any reversal indicator as return = come back. Drat is over come back.

  2. Slightly tougher one today.
    Enjoyed the long ones- Noblesse oblige, electron tube,House of cards.
    I did not know the meaning of 'red eys' as cheap whisky- more familiar with overnight flight.

  3. 16 down is not clear to me. Can someone elaborate?

    1. 16 What goes into the drink? (8) SEAWATER [CD]
      Sea is also known as drink. Actually it is The drink

    2. I guess salt and water are ingredients in alcoholic drinks.

      So, seawater is OK to me.

      But more valid reasons are needed for substantiation.

    3. RAF slang Drink refers to ocean.

    4. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/thesaurus/sea

      informal the drink

  4. The bouncer and the dancer - Part 17


    That would sum up the Parson's deed.
    He had the mind, the will and an obligation to DEPOSE any harm.

    So Sunder Smith's plans fell like a HOUSE OF CARDS in no time. He wanted to STIR UP the baser instincts of the gullible. Become a HOARDER and ultimately buy Shangri-la and convert it into a night club.

    His PERVERSE schemes had to be kept on hold as he was CENSURED by the Parson.

    No sex. No SEXTET. No ENRAPTURE. No nothing?

    Our Sunder Smith won't be beaten. He took a RED EYE flight from a nearby airport and disappeared for a few days.

    What happened next?

    1. Noblesse Oblige.
      Privilege of continuing the daily story comes with a responsibility!

  5. 21A. Keener and wailer are synonyms?

    1. I too had the same doubt. Dict. came to my help. Keener is also mourner/wailer.

    2. Thank you, KKR and Chaturvasi sir. I tried a couple of dictionaries online but didn't get this meaning.

  6. Keen, v, means to wail, mourn over the dead. Have to check the noun derivation from that.

  7. I had the same doubt. On checking with Free di., the meaning as
    "A loud wailing or lament for the dead".
    We keep learning new meanings.

