Tuesday 15 January 2019

No 12524, Tuesday 15 Jan 2019, Arden


9   Girl child placed first, gets cup (7) CHALICE {CH}{ALICE}
10 Strange bloke is a character (7) OBELISK*
11 Make merry, include one in the list (7) ROISTER {RO{1}STER}
12 Snafu affected all pubs (5-2) BALLS-UP*
13 City's refusal to allow girl to enter show (9) BANGALORE {BA{N{GAL}O}RE}
15 Girl is in heaven, time for one to follow (5) HOURI {HOUR}{1}
16 Spirit of power — completely detailed hand book (7) PHANTOM {P}{HANd}{TOMe}
19 Removing your heart pain (7) OUSTING {yOUr}{STING}
20 Penguin leaves home, becomes free (5) UNPEG PENGUin*
21 Cooked with onions only, as in the final mix (9) LYONNAISE {ONLY+AS+IN+thE}*
25 Slated to stand scrutiny (7) BERATED {BE}{RATED}
26 Endowing could be late (7) OVERDUE {OVER}{DUE}
28 Objections to enter — Jesus! These Italians! (7) GENOESE {GE{NOES}E}
29 Warne gets wickets, England follow on — brave people (7) SHAWNEE {SHA{W}NE}{E}

1   Sign to stop accounts withdrawal (6) SCARAB {BAR}{ACS}<=
2   Country at ten — breaking news (6) NATION {N}{AT}{10}{N}
3   Clue for success without name (4) HINT {HI{N}T}
4   Crazy to work under the dam (6) WEIRDO {WEIR}{DO}
5   Hat is grey half way down (8) SOMBRERO {SOMBRE}{ROut}
6   Carefully picked parts of Spain (4-6) WELL-CHOSEN Anno pending (Addendum - (spa){WELL}(in){CHOSEN} - See comments)
7   Long for our independent state (8) MISSOURI {MISS}{OUR}{I}
8   Not doing exercise (8) SKIPPING [DD]
14 Voice will reach the girl, in full... (10) ALTOGETHER {ALTO}{GET}{HER}
16 ...true, still it's a plant (8) PLUMBAGO {PLUMB}{AGO}
17 A contract to procure shredded paper is evident (8) APPARENT {A}{NT} over {PAPER}*
18 Doctors deal with AIMS to treat these (8) MALADIES {DEAL+AIMS}* Semi&lit
22 Musician sure turns boisterous (6) OBOIST BOISTerOus* [CA]
23 Immoral to exclude the church — it's an order (6) INDENT INDEceNT
24 Watch over block ring (6) EYELET {EYE}{LET}
27 Style is inherent in Telangana (4) ELAN [T]



  1. Holiday special at 7 AM tomorrow will be the 13x13 CW used at the IXL-18 finals

  2. Carefully picked parts of Spain (4-6) WELL-CHOSEN
    Parts of Spain = SPA and IN
    SPA = Well, IN = chosen (i.e. elected)
    WELL-CHOSEN = Carefully picked
    Liked this clue a lot, also OUSTING, BERATED and OVERDUE. Thanks Arden

  3. Would a modified version also work?
    A contract to procure shredded is evident (8)

    A {PPA} RENT
    PPA Power purchase Agreement
    Rent-> shredded

    1. What is 'shredded' which is to be procured?

    2. PPA for contract? Seems impossible to perceive.

  4. Arden - 12A - the answer is vulgar British slang. Should it be used in our crosswords?

    1. Rita mam neither the Chambers nor online dictionaries threw up the phrase as vulgar. Should it be used?
      If it hurts anyone's sensibility, no. But a setter is forced to write in some phrase or word due to crossing compulsion.
      I thought this was neither vulgar nor demeaning.

  5. Could you please explain 17ac - what is the clue for dropping last letters of . Hand + tome ?

  6. 16d - the only word I didn't get. How do I get ago from still ?

  7. 24d- how do you get let from block ?
    Please explain. Thx

    1. See the link provided in the blog. In fact Col has given many links today! For links The word is underlined

    2. Thx. I didn't know abt the links till today. Now understood. 🙂

  8. Ms.Rita Mathur: I never realized that the word in question would hurt the sensibilities of the solvers. There are certain words which I use in everyday life, especially in some exasperating circumstances without thinking about their meaning. I consider the word in question to be one of those. However, to use them in a published work in a national daily may not be kosher and I accept that. Nor would I hide behind the excuse that such words do crop in some of the leading UK dailies. I offer my sincere apologies for the oversight.

    1. I understand totally. And apology accepted wholeheartedly. It didn't offend me in any way, but I did wonder about it. Yes such expressions have become a part of daily conversation and writing!

  9. Replies
    1. NT stands for No Trump in the card game Bridge

