Thursday 31 January 2019

No 12537, Thursday 31 Jan 2019, Dr. X

1   Renegade mafia head caught leaving nation (8) APOSTATE {cAPO}{STATE}
5   Dead snake outside sanctuary (6) ASLEEP {AS{LEE}P}
10 Is ABC perhaps? (5) BASIC &lit
11 Like Lady Macbeth in the act? (3-6) RED-HANDED [CD]
12 Shoot around study and scatter (6,3) SPREAD OUT {SP{READ}OUT}
13 Because of couple’s performance, a little overcrowded (3,2) DUE TO {DUET}{Ov...d}
14 A skin problem? We’d like you to get in touch (6) CALLUS {CALL US}
15 Rushed to fire rifle (7) RANSACK {RAN}{SACK}
18 Massacre! Save songstress (7) BUTCHER {BUT}{CHER}
20 Foolishly dares to trap many snakes (6) ADDERS {AD{D}ERS*}
22 Cold heartless beauty rejects superstar (5) CELEB {C}{BElLE<=}
24 Drunk about to bother inexperienced driver! It makes one see red? (9) TAILLIGHT {T{AIL}{L}IGHT}
25 They reduce tension when sloppy amateur gets involved in rifts (9) RELAXANTS {RE{LAX}{A}NTS}
26 Life-giving source of tincture in ampoule (5) VITAL {VI{Ti...e}AL}
27 Give up unnatural diets involving shakes principally (6) DESIST {DE{Sh...s}IST}
28 Envy move trapping rook say in front (8) BEGRUDGE {B{EG}{R}UDGE}

1   Time left for a bit of bowling! Declare, taking the most optimistic view (2,4) AT BEST AT(-t+b)BEST
2   Sharp old boy on retainer (9) OBSERVANT {O}{B}{SERVANT}
3   Fill entire questionnaire to satisfy every requirement (4,3,3,5) TICK ALL THE BOXES [C&DD]
4   They cause one to feel excited! Lots outside run wild (4-3) TURN-ONS {T{RUN*}ONS}
6   Couple of bears: ‘Give us all your money!’ (5,3,7) STAND AND DELIVER {STAND} {AND} {DELIVER}
7   Ignoring start of recession? Brave to invest (5) ENDUE ENDUrE
8   Walks quietly around crop fields (8) PADDOCKS {PAD{DOCK}S}
9   Journalist travelled back to secure appeal (6) EDITOR {ED{IT}OR<=}
16 Entrance into overseas area barred and done away with (9) ABROGATED {ABRO{GATE}aD}
17 Sick boss, not quite restored to health, muddled (8) OBSCURED {BOSs}*{CURED}
19 Stout from large cask in bar (6) ROTUND {RO{TUN}D}
20 A matter under discussion (2,5) AT ISSUE {A}{TISSUE}
21 Remove or tolerate liberal British prime minister (6) ATTLEE ToLErATE*
23 Drunk consuming large pegs finally rises and falls (5) LILTS {LI{L}T}{r..eS}



  1. Skin problem took long time to heal!
    Thanks Dr. for the prescription

  2. Callus, relaxants, vials... bits of medicine?
    Enjoyed,stood and deliverd. Thank you Doc.

  3. Delightful doses of medicine from Dr. X's dispensary. FOIs were the two long ones. Loved the Shakespearian allusion and remembered the soliloquy, "All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand"
    LOI was 28A.

  4. Request elucidation on 23D please

  5. DRUNK as adjective is LIT(informal)
    pegS finally: S

    LILT: a SWINGING Rythm (of song/music)

  6. Just think of undulating lilt in the rhythm.

  7. Catching up with this late - 10A , so simple, so beautiful!
