Sunday 27 January 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3032, Sunday 27 Jan 2019

1   Decide length, cutting piece of cake (6) CLINCH {C{L}INCH}
4   Dash about, beset by mass hatred (7) MODICUM {M}{ODI{C}UM}
9   Sweet temper a prince abandoned, interrupting head of government (10,5) PEPPERMINT CREAM {TEMPER+A+PRINCE}* in {PM}
10 Clerical garment found with odd items of classy clobber (7) CASSOCK {ClAsSy}{SOCK}
11 Article as broadcast about tanks (7) AQUARIA {A}{QUA}{AIR<=}
12 Step inside theatre, admitted (5) TREAD [T]
14 Living without purpose? Find grit to reform (8) DRIFTING*
16 Fight, protecting rear, without a dagger (8) STILETTO {SET TO} over {TaIL}
18 See me in love repeatedly faced by resistance (5) ROMEO {R}{O}{ME}{O} &lit
21 Soldier in middle of foreign field, cold and mournful (7) ELEGIAC {forEign}{LE{GI}A}{C}
22 Lawyer after anger discounting thousand extra items (7) ADDENDA {mADDEN}{DA}
24 Impressed, raved about fake, endlessly accepted without question (5,3,7) TAKEN FOR GRANTED {TAKEN}{FORGe}{RANTED}
25 Communists keeping resolution? Correct (7) REDRESS {RED{RES}S}
26 Vitality needed by keener gymnasts (6) ENERGY [T]

1   Limit a large town’s power (8) CAPACITY {CAP}{A}{CITY}
2   Demon with strength having no time for deadlock (7) IMPASSE {IMP}{ASSEt}
3   Belief about party led by Conservative (5) CREDO {C}{RE}{DO}
4   Citrus fruit supplied by chap, bold European, around North African port (8,6) MANDARIN ORANGE {MAN}{DARIN{ORAN}G}{E}
5   Remove unnecessary items left, say, after December (9) DECLUTTER {DEC}{L}{UTTER}
6   Sign of sharp bend in road in Switzerland, twisting over mountain finally (7) CHEVRON {CH}{OVER*}{m...iN}
7   Animal in line following mother (6) MAMMAL {MAMMA}{L}
 Demo kept moving, not quietly in parts, creating alarms (5,9) SMOKE DETECTORS {DEMO+KEpT}* in {SECTORS}
13 Flirtation beginning to damage partnership (9) DALLIANCE {Da...e}{ALLIANCE}
15 Firm route including road, large and yellow (8) COWARDLY {CO}{WA{RD}{L}Y}
17 Modified material for jacket perhaps worn by a king (7) TWEAKED {TWE{A}{K}ED}
19 Supervise fool in dock (7) MONITOR {MO{NIT}OR}
20 Rouse scattered tribes (6) BESTIR*
23 Like match won by neither side, tense (5) DRAWN [DD]



  1. What is the definition in 15D clue?

    1. Part of the clue indicated in Bold and Italics is the definition. In 15D Yellow (Meaning cowardly) is the definition

  2. It is marked there- 'Yellow'- Rd from road,way from route & L from Large.
