Thursday, 24 October 2019

No 12763, Thursday 24 Oct 2019, Arden

1   Violation of art review in practice (13) CONTRAVENTION {CON{ART<=}VENTION}
10 Pennyfather in endless grief (5) MISER MISERy
11 Underline it Alice is inside (9) ITALICISE {IT}{ALIC{IS}E}
12 A shift in between opposite sides of a port (9) ARCHANGEL {A}{R}{CHANGE}{L}
13 Stalk and carry maiden (5) HAULM {HAUL}{M}
14 People of French descent in America could start, or else move (7) CREOLES {Co..d}{OR+ELSE}*
16 Brace for match, number announced (7) TIGHTEN (~tie ten}
18 Reminder — note sent in without heading (7) MEMENTO {MEME}{iNTO} (Addendum - {MEM{sENT}O} - See comments)
20 Tried out, deliberately turned to observe closely (7) EYEBALL deLiBErAtELY*
22 A gunner overseas called to the capital (5) ACCRA {A}{CC}{RA}
24 Morning breakfast, King's openly complaining (9) LAMENTING {L{AM}ENT}{kING}
26 Film shoot — something a mechanic could use (6-3) GREASE-GUN {GREASE}{GUN}
27 Cat jumped in the middle (5) OUNCE pOUNCEd
28 Compound interest meant to restore one's position (13) REINSTATEMENT*

2   Bone, lost back end in big harvester (7) OSSICLE {OS}{SICkLE}
3   Sailor boy's home, keeping things dry (9) TARPAULIN {TAR}{PAUL}{IN}
4   A noise is what copycats are doing (5) APING {A}{PING}
5   English boy better exposed to adornment in service (9) EPAULETTE {E}{PAUL}{bETTEr}
6   Tense up below the hip (5) THIGH {T}{HIGH}
7   The bard cut off the fallopian tube (7) OVIDUCT {OVID}{CUT*}
8   German maps CIA produced for false propaganda (5,8) SMEAR CAMPAIGN*
9   Nomenclatures some loitering freely (13) TERMINOLOGIES*
15 Small outside pocket is the focus of public attention (9) SPOTLIGHT {S{POT}LIGHT}
17 Union member comes in again — halfway into the backstage lounge (9) GREENROOM {G{REENters}ROOM}
19 Knife inflicts pain in regular matter (7) MACHETE {Ma{ACHE}TtEr}
21 French town will soon allow six gallons (7) AVIGNON {A{VI}{G}NON}
23 Priest decapitated, it's a serious crime (5) ARSON pARSON
25 Painter available from one to two (5) MONET [T]

Reference List
Maiden = M, Gunner = RA, Seas = CC(C's), Fast = LENT, Big = OS, Sailor = TAR, Home = IN, Tense = T, Pocket = POT, Gallon = G,


  1. 24A- Break fast- L..ENT, with AM breaking Lent, right?

    1. Yes,I saw lent in ref. list.

    2. You mean open meaning both ends off? Sometimes we ignore ' and take open as topless. Debatable.

    3. Open is open to any interpretation.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. I got the first Paul from the second Paul.

  3. Attempted Arden, after a very long time, in print edition. Will call it very satisfactory as I could complete 95% correctly. Spent considerable time on 2DN and 7DN. 13AC was the last one to fall, as it is new to me.
    Thanks Arden for the wonderful offering!

  4. Col.,
    Label says Oct.19. Correction needed.

    1. Probably, Paddy thought the bottom label should be Oct, 24? The bottom label is for sorting the grid for the month, I guess.

    2. You are right KKR. It is only month and not date. I mistook 19 to be date.

  5. 22A- I am not able to understand the wp in 22A. CC RA?

    1. Gunner:royal artillery
      Seas (called HP):c's:CC

  6. Thank you Prasad. Clue too cryptic for me though I could get the capital.

    1. It's like the cryptic clue in yesterday's Guardian 1041 [now, of course,deleted] where As' were deleted

  7. overseas - over seas called - over "CC"

  8. Lots of v clever but tough clues, Arden! Acrosses 12 16 18 22 24 and Downs 3 5 etc. Four long anagrams(13 letters)! But what is the record for Hindu Xword?

  9. Fantastic anagrams as 13 letter words! Arden should change his pseudonym as Emden !GREASE GUN is my cod . Looking forward to tomorrow's.
