Wednesday 25 March 2020

No 12892, Wednesday 25 Mar 2020, Arden

Day 1 of 21 Stay safe at home

1   Regular pain to intercept call sign for bloodlines (11) CAPILLARIES {CA{PaIn}LL}{ARIES}
7   Money with Charlie remains (3) ASH cASH
9   In general has adequate capital (5) LHASA [T]
10 Maybe Sellers accept a buck — that’s a factor (9) PARAMETER {P{A}{RAM}ETER}
11 Show displeasure with a cafe (4,1,4) MAKE A FACE {A+CAFE}* [RA]
12 Hope everyone can suppress discontent (5) PEEVE [T]
13 Bag of tricks — grabbed it, getting ultimate thrill (4,3) TOOL KIT {TOO{t...lL}K}{IT}
15 Image exposed — nice and long (4) ICON {nICe}{lONg}
18 Hard to check vehicle daily (4) CHAR {C{H}AR}
20 He gets a bird on flight (7) STEPHEN {STEP}{HEN}
23 Only role of abstractionism in painting (2,3) OP ART {O}{PART}
24 Landlord will glance around before entering empty room initially (9) BARKEEPER {BAR{PEEK<=}E}{Room}
26 Used for divining friend’s secret, reportedly (9) PALMISTRY {PAL}{MISTRY}(~mystery)
27 Well earned, no odds on this animal (5) ELAND {wElL+eArNeD}
28 One breaking a contract is a fool (3) NIT {N{1}T}
29 Free, in case trade is established (11) ASCERTAINED*

1   Disaster — one on the run through London, say (8) CALAMITY {C{A}{LAM}ITY}
2   Support not the growth of marine creatures (8) PLANKTON {PLANK}{NOT<=}
3   Climber gets a fix up (5) LIANA {A}{NAIL}<=
4   It will slither and stop on tarmac (7) ASPHALT {ASP}{HALT}
5   Subject of King's ascendancy — they say ‘Ayes’ have it (7) ISRAELI {I}{LEAR'S<=}{I}
6   Communicate as per home design (9) SEMAPHORE*
7   Perhaps later allowed new growth overhead (6) ANTLER {A{N}TLER*}
8   Complaint with business software he has acquired (6) HERPES {H{ERP}ES}
14 Unkempt, hairy task for him is to fight (9) KSHATRIYA* Task on Double Duty
16 After drink understood he’s a man of God (8) CHAPLAIN {CHA}{PLAIN}
17 Butted in, but perhaps didnt stop offensive (8) INTRUDED Anno pending (Addendum - {INT{RUDE}D*} - See comments for the extra 'D' in the fodder)
19 Automatic turnaround for contributor (7) ROBOTIC COntrIBuTOR* [CA]
20 Endless plea by painter (7) SPRAYER {lesS}{PRAYER}
21 Move on with a ticket (6) COUPON {COUP}{ON}
22 Everyone's sunk low, Tom goes for vote (6) BALLOT {B{ALL}OTtom}
25 Purge the opponent, finally there’s change (5) ENEMA ENEM(-y+a)A

Reference List
Charlie = C, Buck = RAM, Hard = H, Only = O, Contract = NT(No Trump), Aye = I(~i), New = N, Business software = ERP, Drink = CHA,


  1. 17d an extra D in the fodder perhaps. (Didn't*) over rude

    1. You are right. It somehow escaped my scrutiny. My apologies for the oversight

  2. Tha CALAMITY that a 120 nanometer coronavirus has brought about to humans is on an unprecedented scale. The ASPHALTed tarmacs all full of aircrafts that are grounded, the BARKEEPERS have shut shop, Sodexo COUPONs are unusable, and you are PEEVEd that your CHAR isn't allowed inside the apartment. CHAPLAINs now hold services in empty churches. Your emergency medical TOOL KIT is of no use now as what you need is sanitizer and mask and not all the bandages in it. Municipalities have pressed in SPRAYERS to disinfect public areas but their efficacy remains to be seen. The virus has made a NIT of all those experts in astrology and PALMISTRY, who predicted a great year in the beginning of 2020. STEPHEN, an ISRAELI virologist has ASCERTAINED that the virus spreads from the nose through CAPILLARIES also apart from just going down the respiratory tract. The coronovirus fortunately has no affinity for the nervous system unlike the HERPES virus.
    Chinese hospitals have used ROBOTIC drug dispensers to avoid spread of the virus to nurses. Your smartphone may also carry the virus and so it looks like we may have to regress to some SEMAPHORE communication. The PARAMETER that decides whether a country can conquer the scourge of COVID-19 is the compliance of its citizens to social distancing, without MAKING A FACE. Ours is a land where the KSHAATRIYAs have defended the land from dangerous foes. Let us hope that we are able to overcome the new scourge with the same spirit and not be reduced to ASH by this virus that has INTRUDED into our lives.

    1. Superb tale piece Doc. You've a unique talent of weaving disparate words in to an engaging story line.

    2. +1
      Dr. is at ease with contemporary events or way back in history. It is indeed a gift to be such a good spinner.

    3. Well-knit and timely episode.
      Apologies for not posting earlier. I thought I clicked "publish"

  3. You all can stay safe at home but health workers have to work overtime. That accounts for the delay not to mention some tough ones in the Arden offering.

  4. The top half went in quickly but had to struggle in the bottom half. Barkeeper was the LOI.
    Superb tale piece Doc, couldn't have been more topical.
    Happy Ugadi and Gudipadwa to all.
    Stay at home. Stay safe.

    1. Struggled in the bottom half trying to fit in 'innkeeper' & 'test kit'.

  5. Happy Ugadi. The lockdown is from Ugadi to Vishu!

    1. Let us hope the start of New Year Vishu is the successful stoppage of lockdown

  6. Happy Ugadi to all- to be celebrated within the available parameters. One good thing is that all will be home.

  7. I don't know how many of you know about manually operated semaphores before the advent of automatic signals on the railway track.

    1. Learnt at the railway yard at mines of SAIL. Still notice the two flags and different positions they are held by station masters in small ones.

    2. In my school days, the scout master taught us Semaphore communication. Like morse code, it can be used to communicate messages, but is limited to visibility.

  8. Great offering, Arden Sir on Telugu New Year! Thanks to you.
    Happy Ugadi to all my friends here.

    1. Thank you KKR garu. Happy Ugadi to you all

  9. 14DN I think UNKEMPT is the anagrind here.

    1. Yes. Col meant task is part of fodder and def.

      IMHO, semi&lift. A soldier is ref as unkempt hairy.

    2. Thanks Prasad. I see your point.
      Sorry, Col.
      The 'task" colour overrode the blocking.

    3. You have a wrong opinion of soldiers. They are never unkempt and hairy!!!!!! They are always well turned out and with neat haircuts.

    4. Fully agree with you Col Sir! When it comes to discipline, it is the soldiers we draw for comparison.
      Thanks for disciplining me.

    5. KKR, I was not disciplining you but my comment was in response to Prasad's comment at 10:55

    6. Oh I should have been more specific. It was not in ref to modern day soldiers. But to the times when long conquests and battles . for ex, an interesting para on poilu.
      Despite widespread belief, the word "Poilu" (hairy) has nothing to do with difficulties shaving in the trenches and the supposedly hirsute appearance of the soldiers. No army likes its soldiers to look slovenly when in uniform, and in addition, gas masks fit poorly over neglected beards. It was therefore exceptional for the combatants during the First World War to be poorly shaven, except perhaps during engagements that prevented the men from being relieved for long periods (which was rare in the case of Belgium, except during the battle of the Yser or the final offensive). The term actually dates back much further than 1914, as it was already in use in France during the Napoleonic era. "Etre un poilu" or "avoir du poil" (being hairy) meant being fearless: once again, whiskers were the mark of virility. The expression became popular in certain French barracks in the 19th century, and was a huge success during the Great War. But this success wan't unanimous: initially, a French soldier wouldn't refer to himself as a "Poilu". It was civilians and journalists, all non-combatants, in fact, who began to use the expression in order to pay homage to their defenders. The soldiers themselves would either reject "Poilu" as an artificial term, or adopt it in order to garner the respect that it elicited behind the lines. But it long retained a somewhat bookish and unnatural feel to it, with French soldiers frequently using more neutral terms such as "the men" or "the guys"."

    7. 👍👍great history of a word

  10. Sometimes when I look at a solution word here I remember having clued it long ago in one of Gridman crosswords. RHUBARB from Novice's spl. on Sunday last. KSHATRIYA today. But I don't go back to them (though I can easily open my DB and trace the clue for any solution). Would I have done better? Or would I have failed miserably? So I let those clues be! If the same word comes up again, approach it afresh and write a clue. The followers are so indulgent to the setters! Glory be to them.

  11. Age cannot wither, nor custom stale the infinite variety of your clueing!

  12. "Age cannot wither nor custom stale"- it must be from The Deserted Village- one of my father's favourites.

  13. I got it wrong- it is from Antony & Cleopatra of Shakespeare.

  14. Happy Ugadi and Gudi padwa to ye-all.
    I enjoy staying at home as it gives me time to solve more crossies. Lot of time to complete unfinished tasks, catch up on reading too.
    Many assumed services that create a habit are denied like non - availability of newspaper etc. One gets used to it.
    Stay indoors, stay safe, ye-all and thank God for small mercies.

  15. Here is something PP Mam posted in FB. Copy pasting
    Here's a puzzle to lighten up your evening
    There are 10 puzzles.
    Each is a combination of three words which have something in common.
    For example
    Pine tree, compass, phonograph
    All have needles. Courtesy reader's digest.

    Now the rest
    1. College graduates, thermometer, location on the globe
    2. Mattress, health resort, year
    3. Television, cricket field, windows
    4. Greek building, newspaper, marching army
    5. River, nose, denture
    6. Ion, credit card bill, cavalry
    7. Tennis player, noisy party, mafia ring
    8. July, locker room, blessings
    9. Bed, sandwich, rumor
    10. Crossword puzzle, post office, initials

    Now solve

    1. Hopefully in the confines of home and not post answers here!

    2. Yeah. PP mam used to be quite active here.. Nowadays she is very active in FB..

    3. Moreover these would be easy for all solvers here. Triple definitions!

    4. For the benefit of newcomers PP stands for Pavalamani Pragasam.

  16. Hi to all.Long time. No see.

  17. Happy Tamil New Year to all.

  18. I am not convinced with the phrasing of 7 across. Please someone enlighten me.
