Thursday 26 March 2020

No 12893, Thursday 26 Mar 2020, Arden

Day 2 of 21 Stay safe at home

1   Sacked right away after PM made changes (8) MODIFIED {MODI}{FIrED}
5   Maybe lethargic after unscrewing the bulb (6) GARLIC LethARGIC*
10 “Follow anonymously” — One hears it in parts of Asia (7) TAGALOG {TAG ALOnG}
11 Kind of proteinits back in style (7) ELASTIN {ELA{ITS<=}N}
12 Teacher rises and greets the holy man... (5) RISHI {SIR<=}{HI}
13 that it’s tried on or off (2,5,2) IN ORDER TO*
14 Ready to book what’s found in a store (4,8) CASH REGISTER {CASH}{REGISTER}
18 Innocent chap moving vehicle (12) PANTECHNICON*
21 Country gets expert academician to check, target reviewed (9) MACEDONIA {ACE}{DON} in {AIM<=}
23 Taking care, team achieves excellence in Greece (5) ARETE [T]
24 I love to enter, criticize and keep away (7) ISOLATE {I}{S{0}LATE}
25 At first, we lie in wait perhaps (7) INITIAL Anno pending (Addendum - {LIe+IN+wAIT}* [CA] - See comments)
26 After midnight he went finally to the favela (6) GHETTO {niGht}{HE}{wenT}{TO}
27 All in one voice say “bliss at last in marriage!” (2,6) IN UNISON {IN}{UNI{b..sS}ON}

1   Majesty, a true representation of age (6) MATURE {M}{A}{TRUE*}
2   Assimilate the summary (6) DIGEST [DD]
3   Rail almost complete, team informed (9) FULMINATE {FULl}{TEAM+IN}*
4   Educt two sections between UK and France (7,7) ENGLISH CHANNEL {ENGLISH}{CHANNEL}
6   A tie up gets recognition (5) AWARD {A}{DRAW<=}
7   Drunk? Time it’s taken up by the intelligentsia (8) LITERATI {LIT}{ERA}{IT<=}
8   Features to study, goes around later (8) CONTOURS {CON}{TOURS}
9   Government’s surprise decisionestimation done was wrong (14) DEMONETISATION* Semi&lit
15 Sit in a loo — another way to tackle Coronavirus (9) ISOLATION* &lit
16 Plans to go North, China is spreading useless information (8) SPAMMING {MAPS<=}{MING}
17 Starts entering confidential data into a memo, it’s related (8) ANECDOTE {A}{N{En...g}{Co...l}{Data}OTE}
19 Kind to admit one’s very brainy (6) GENIUS {GEN{1}US}
20 Conductor’s capital! (6) BERLIN [DD]
22 It gives you the depth, underneath is the pontoon (5) DRAFT {D}{RAFT} &lit

Reference List
Right = R, Love = 0, Majesty = M, E = English, Drunk = LIT, Study = CON, Depth = D

Dr RKE's TalePiece

DEMONETIZATION was a GENIUS move IN ORDER TO curb the flow of counterfeit currency that was SPAMMING the economy and to ISOLATE the black money. Agreed, there were INITIAL difficulties, especially for people in GHETTOs, who didn't have money to buy onion or GARLIC and ANECDOTEs of people in bank queues having heart attacks.  The so-called LITERATI, who could not DIGEST the abrupt manner of the move, FULMINATEd IN UNISON the PM and the RBI on the talkathons over the ENGLISH television CHANNELs. They pointed out how a similar measure had crippled MACEDONIA in the past. CASH REGISTERS stopped ringing and people had to switch to cheques, DRAFTs and cards. The police would stop any PANTECHNICON plying at night to check for the demonetised notes being taken to be converted to new notes. The finance secretary did his best to break the BERLIN wall of opposition but the PM maintained a RISHI like silence after having dropped the bombshell on 8.11.2016. Even a TAGALOG newspaper from Manila, hailed the ARETE of the Indian economic experiment. The people were MATURE enough to bear their difficulty and AWARDed the PM with a resounding win in the next election. A wag quipped that the CONTOURS of the Indian economy had become "MODI"FIED for ever. 



  2. 12A- 'Rises' as a reversal indicator in ac.clue- Arden feels it is okay.

  3. Loved 15ac and 9dn very much. No wonder I am an ardent lover of Ranger.

  4. Tagalg was new- could not get it. Few others needed ref.
    Pantechnicon- had to cheat. Tough in parts.
    Took longer. Just finished,though started early.

  5. Curious to know when this CW was compiled- isolation,cornea virus,one more isolate....

  6. Enjoyed demonetisation- both in the CW and in Talepiece.

  7. It is a practical move and not a GENIUS move.
    And it could be MODIFIED and extended at a later date.
    IN ORDER TO prevent ourselves we have been told to ISOLATE ourselves and stay in ISOLATION.
    Neither the BERLIN wall nor crossing the ENGLISH CHANNEL is going to help.
    The MATURE find the restrictions easy to DIGEST.
    The common man should stop SPAMMING and abide by the restrictions,
    the AWARD for which could well be the disappearance of the Virus....

  8. DEMONETIZATION was a GENIUS move IN ORDER TO curb the flow of counterfeit currency that was SPAMMING the economy and to ISOLATE the black money.

    Enjoyed the sarcasm 😉

  9. 'Brainy' tale piece by the Neurosurgeon!
    This blog is sounding great in the eerie silence all around.

    1. Gridman to note- I am not the only one to appreciate the Talepieces.
      As long as Dr. is able to find the time,we will enjoy. He has no lockdown!

  10. Got the Hindu & Times ,instead of NIE& DC! At least got some issues,hence no issues!

    New words to collect in my glossary.
    There is a sepulchre graveyard silence all around the house, making me wonder whether the lock down included zip up?

  11. I think DC is on Ugadi holiday- Hyd,HQ. NIE has a CW.

  12. Super surfaces to some clues: 1A, 5A, 10A,14A, 9D,16D. Appreciated the topicality too. But ISOLATE and ISOLATION in the same puzzle didn't feel right. Still don't understand the explanation for 25A: INITIAL.

  13. Composite Anagram.
    Initial (def)+ we gives we lie in wait.
    Def.for initial is 'At first'.

    1. In other words, A composite anagram is a type of cryptic crossword clue where the letters of the answer are obtained by subtracting one set of letters from another.

    2. For example ...(Lie in wait - we) = (li in ait)* = initial. Perhaps is the anind.
