Friday, 27 March 2020

No 12894, Friday 27 Mar 2020, Neyartha

Day 3 of 21 Stay safe at home


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Superior cricket club seen in the pits turns out well (8) SUCCEEDS {S{U}{CC}EEDS}
5   Delay in obtaining a part of the Gothic cupboard (6) HICCUP [T]
9   Relating to the study of matter deformation by the man entering the cool rig at sea (9) RHEOLOGIC {HE} in {COOL+RIG}*
11 Substance to be carried along in a part of a mine (5) DRIFT [DD]
12 You may be required to work it for a free trip to a part of a mine (7) PASSAGE [DD]
14 Unnatural locks protecting the wall from the south (3-4) MAN-MADE {MAN{DAM<=}E}
15 Capable of being fixed, the rabid element gets treated (12) DETERMINABLE*
17 Distended veins of the college teams’ in-charge boarding to pick up the ball (12) VARICOSITIES {VAR{IC}{O}SITIES}
20 German leader at the wrong place showing sensitivity in a part of a mine (7) GALLERY (+g)GALLER(-g)Y
22 Twisting motion sent back group of criminals in front to a part of a mine (7) GANGWAY {YAW<=} after {GANG}
23 Adult getting rid of ego to relocate a part of a mine (5) SHAFT SH(-i+a)AFT
24 Come around and cut short the British textile dealer’s business on the Internet (1-8) E-COMMERCE {COME*}{MERCEry}
26 Department’s ball (6) SPHERE [DD]
27 Loans from government funds to influence Tesla’s participation (8) IMPRESTS {IMPRES{T}S}

1   Letters from the maestri peddled as a rank indicator (6) STRIPE [T]
2   Water clock and the frolicking pterodactyls models go missing after the ring's removal (9) CLEPSYDRA PtERoDACtYLS*
3   Lifted cover to reveal a slippery character (3) EEL LEE<=
4   Eyed group rate arrangement for a photograph taken with an outdated method (13) DAGUERREOTYPE* Thanks to Google
6   Nick’s hotel hoarding antidote mixture (11) INDENTATION {IN{ANTIDOTE*}N}
7   Hard to replace worker in a wine shop in the country (5) CHINA C(-ant+h)HINA
8   Oceanic bird delivering a crude-oil derivative to the auditor (6) PETREL (~petrol)
10 Arrival with a clutched box in the class to explain a linguistic element (9,4) COMBINING FORM {COM{BIN}ING}{FORM}
13 Cinema crew member’s rubbish turning up under the refurbished cartridge’s not good (3,8) ART DIRECTOR {ROT<=} under {CARTRIDgE}*
16 Famous ones quoted for remembrance? (4,5) LAST WORDS [CD]
18 Discharges erudite George executing strangely tricky steps first (6) EGESTS Acrostic
19 Cored out fragrant Asian fruit for the French schools (6) LYCEES LYChEES
21 Strain to draw blood reportedly (5) LEACH (~leech)
25 Blemish in the Switzerland-banned parade (3) MAR MARch

Reference List
Superior = U, Cricket club = CC, In charge = IC, Adult = A, Ego = I, Tesla = T, Model = T, Hard = H, Worker = ANT, Switzerland = CH

Dr RKE's TalePiece

It is rare that one SUCCEEDS in making an easy PASSAGE, without any HICCUP,  through a NEYARTHA puzzle without looking up at LAST for WORDS in THCC. Of course, you get the word play - remove T and O from pterodactyls - but how is one know that the remaining letters go on to form a water clock called CLEPSYDRA? Or that those who "eyed group rate" would know about the outdated "DAGUERREOTYPE"? Is it easily DETERMINABLE that it is a  COMBINING FORM of a rabid element? I know most of you got CHINA but did you really get it by working Hard to replace the ant in CANTINA, an Italian wine shop? You also need to be familiar with abstruse SPHEREs such as vascular flow dynamics to get words like RHEOLOGIC or VARICOSITIES. They didn't teach all that in the LYCEES. I suppose you get the DRIFT of what I am driving at.

Even an ART DIRECTOR like Sabu Cyril or Thota Tharani would not be able to create such a perfect MAN MADE setting of a mine, complete with SHAFT, GANGWAY, PASSAGE and GALLERY, as our favourite setter has done. And that too with surfaces as smooth and slippery as an EEL! Some may feel that the verbosity of some clues MAR the beauty but the brevity of 26A is striking. Neyartha proves that he is not a the stormy PETREL like NJ once was. I must say this crossie is a perfect "antidote" to not being able to visit the "inn" during these lockdown times.


  1. 5A....Gothic cupboard....HICCUP ---->[T]
    15A..rabid + element* = DETERMINABLE
    1D...maestr* (-i) = MASTER
    4D....(eyed+group+rate) *.... DAGUERREOTYPE
    23a... EMIGREE

  2. 1Dn STRIPE – (T)
    15Ac DETERMINABLE – {Rabid element}*
    2Dn CLEPSYDRA – {P(-t)ER(-o)DAC(-t)YLS}*
    4Dn DAGUERREOTYPE – {Eyed group rate}*
    16Dn LAST WORDS – (DD)

    1. Model is T. Models go missing after the ring (=O) 's removal states that two T's and one O goes out which shown by subtracting sign in the solution

  3. 9A RHEOLOGIC,Def:relating to study of matter deformation.:anag: The man(HE)in COOLRIG
    4D DAGUERREOTYPE_photograpg taken with outraged method anagram:eyed group rate*

  4. 24A E COMMERCE Def:business on internet
    Come around=E com+merce(MERCER_r)

  5. 3D,EEL:(slippery character) Lifted cover rEvEaL

  6. 5ac
    HICCUP - delay
    Got(HIC CUP)board

  7. 18dn
    EGESTS: discharges
    First letters of Erudite George Executing Strangely Tricky Steps

  8. 19ac
    LYCEES : French schools
    Lychee : fruit - cored out, it is lycee

  9. 15 ac- Determinable. Available in rabid element

  10. 21dn
    LEACH : strain
    'Reportedly' indicates homophone, namely leech, meaning ' to draw blood'

  11. 13ac locks MANE protecting wall from South DAM<-- MAN MAD E Unnatural
    22ac twisting motion YAW<- sent back group of criminals in front GANG GANGWAY part of mine

  12. 20 Ac showing sensitivity ALLERGY German leader at wrong place GALLERY part of a mine

  13. 1 a succeeds-Superior-u cc-cricket club.Seeds-pits.S(u)cc)eeds.Turns out well.
    27 a Imprests.Influence-impress,T esla.Impres(t)s.-Govt Funds.

  14. 26 a Sphere-Department,Ball.DD

  15. 6dn
    INDENTATION : nick
    Hotel: INN
    Antidote mixture: DENTATIO

  16. 8d PETREL; oceanic bird; ~petrol
    17a VARICOSITIES; distended veins; {VAR{IC}{O}SITIES}

  17. 10d COMBINING FORM; linguistic element; {COM{BIN}ING}{FORM}

  18. 13d rubbish turning up ROT<-- under C -G)E refurbished ART DIRECTOR Cinema crew member

  19. 27A IMPRESTS; loan from Government funds; {IMPRES{Telsa}S}

  20. 3d EEL; lippery character; cover= LEE<<

  21. 7 dn CHINA. {C(-ant+ h)INA}
    23 ac SHAFT {SH (-I +A) FT}
    12 ac PASSAGE dd

  22. 25dn MAR {MARCH - CH} Country code of Switzerland is CH

  23. 25D: MAR {MAR(-CH)} = Blemish
    Switzerland = CH; Parade = March

  24. Compensating for repeat
    19D: LYCEES {LYC(-H)EES} = The French schools

  25. Last one for someone who has not commented as yet


  26. A plateful of neiyyappams for Newarthill for new and unusually words.
    China and Petrel are the best wordplays

  27. Sorry , NEYARTHA . Damn the auto correct !

  28. setter mostly used the word as 'part of mine'. so I was trying to substitute the answer. for me it was too tricky. enjoyed all the puzzles. few silly mistakes made in the beginning.

  29. Wow.. Dr. RKE dissecting a Setter! And bring in Sabu Cyril and Thota Thurani!
    And to the delight of all remembering the much reviled NJ!

    1. I am wondering if Dr. had been following from NJ times, how come we did not hear from him- I mean not the talepiece,but other comments as well. Anyway,better late than n ever.

    2. I have been with Hindu crossword for some 25-30 years. Initially I would be happy to get about 25% right. Looking up the solutions would teach a thing or two but the score didn't improve much. It was Sunnet who introduced me to THCC and from there to Crossword Unclued about 5 years back. I learnt a lot from these sites and as Gridman said a few days back I was a silent follower. Now, if i can get nearly 100% on most days, I owe it to these few years of learning from here.Thank you Colonel and Shuchi

  30. 16d is DD,IMO. Famous last words "said when someone makes a statement that is shown very soon, and in an embarrassing way, to be wrong:"

  31. What a verbose description of our struggle this morning with various passages in mines. Dr.RKE's description would have lightened our mood if it had come at the usual hour. Looks like Neyartha of old times.

  32. I have sent my piece at the usual hour but being a Friday, it could be put up by 4pm only

  33. Did nobody notice the incomplete grid published in Bangalore edition of the newspaper ? The last column is missing. I am surprised that no one has commented on this
