Thursday 12 August 2021

No 13324, Thursday 12 Aug 2021, Afterdark

Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Contract for an offer, got in writing at company (7) ABRIDGE {A}{B{R}ID}{GE}
10 Regarding sailor, one on ocean in a Canadian province (7) ONTARIO {ON}{TAR}{1}{O}
11 Got excited with second side, half the side on comeback (7) STEAMED {S}{TEAM}{siDE<=}
12 Wanting to sack student — troubling (7) NEEDING NEEDlING
13 Nun disturbed, having mental breakdown about cancellation (9) ANNULMENT {A{NUN*}LMENT*}
15 Perhaps a Thai king or reportedly leader of Nepal (5) KAREN {K}{(~or)ARE}{Ne..l}
16 Mark had one drink first and at the end more cocktail (7) SIDECAR {S{1}{Drink}{morE}CAR}
19 Irritated with new journalist covering final battle moved (7) NEEDLED {N}{b...lE}{ED}{LED}
20 Capital of Denmark, initially also known as capital of Russia (5) DAKAR {De...k}{AKA}{Ru...a}
21 Variable direction, that is on road is the most frivolous (9) YEASTIEST {Y}{EAST}{IE}{ST}
25 If it could be one assisting in childbirth (7) MIDWIFE {IF} is in middle of {WIFE}Semi&lit
26 Axes interchanged in observation behind net used by acrobats (7) TRAPEZE {E(-y+z)ZE}<=>{TRAP}
28 Paralysing pain at the extremity and top, doctor’s information not good (7) NUMBING {paiN}{U}{MB}{In...n}{N}{G} I for Information? Is a letter pick indicator missing? Comment deleted as I for information is from Chambers XWD Dictionary.
29 Recognised South African instrument having depth (7) SALUTED {SA}{LUTE}{D}

 New one — upstart has sea sickness (6) NAUSEA {N}{A}{Up}{SEA*} Semi&lit
2   Doctor losing his head? Encourage (4,2) URGE ON sURGEON
3   A dad and mom primarily made first man (4) ADAM Acrostic
4   Parish official’s dog's not good, died (6) BEADLE BEA(-g+d)DLE
5   Can almost rock in US city (8) JOHNSTON {JOHN}{STONe}
6   King brought in redrawn treatises, most uneven in quality (10) STREAKIEST {STREA{K}IEST*}
7   Support withdrawn, mistrial due to something relating to mediation (8) ARBITRAL {BRA<=}{TRIAL*}
8   Damned pet, escaped by first door (8) DOGGONED {DOG}{GONE}{Door}
14 Article rewritten about trouble with lizards (10) LACERTILIA {ARTICLE*}{AIL<=}
16 Grounds for side to change people in third match (8) SEDIMENT {SIDE*}{MEN}{maTch}
17 Germany and Britain way back had Saxon titles (8) DUKEDOMS {D}{UK}{MODE<=}{S}
18 British physicist’s suggestion; the French power has no limits (8) RAYLEIGH  {RAY}{LE}{mIGHt}
22 A rare thespian in South, Tamil leading actor perhaps (6) ARTIST Acrostic
23 Leaves, leaves, each for one (6) E?E?T?  (Addendum - EXEATS EX(-i+ea)EATS - See comments)
24 Courses at river ends, fade away at the bend (6) TRENDS {aT}{r..eR}{END}{S}
27 Friend’s call about leaving first year (4) ALLY {cALL}{Y}

Reference List
Writing = R, Company = GE, Sailor = TAR, Ocean = O, Second = S, Student = L, King = K, New = N, Also known as = AKA, Variable = Y, Axes = X,Y, Top = U, Doctor = MB, Not good = NG, Information = I, Depth = D, Good = G, Died = D, Can = JOHN, Support = BRA, Germany = D, Saxon = S, The in French = LE, Each = EA, Bend = S, Year = Y


  1. 23D. EXEATS. {EXITS} – {I} + {EA}

  2. 15A. Does ARE really sound like OR?

  3. 17D- It should be 'Dukedoms'. Enu is 8. Obviously S is from Saxon and def. has to be just titles

  4. ℹ️ the symbol for information.

  5. Very tough going today. Was able to scrape through. Sat on it for quite a while. New words for me - Yeastiest, Lacertilia. Arbitral and Rayleigh were beautifully clued. Many thanks for the work out. Could not parse the annotation for Midwife.

  6. 24d is it (R)(ends)<=>T with fade away as tail off. (Read somewhere To clue in ends which is already in the clue isn't kosher)

    1. Ends which is part of the clues does not figure in the solution. The 'end' in the solution comes from 'fade away'

    2. This is not a T clue. The ends in the clue is for picking the last letters. the 'end' in the solution comes from fade away,as Col. mentioned.

  7. Some of the explanations seem pretty contrived.

  8. 22d - was trying to fit in Sivaji

  9. It was tough. But i got all except EXEATS (new word). Could not parse MIDWIFE, DUKEDOMS.
    Nice cluing.

  10. Kept putting per for each in exits.
