Sunday 22 August 2021

The Sunday Crossword No 3164, Sunday 22 Aug 2021

1   Drinking quickly, setter unsteady somewhere in London (7,6) DOWNING STREET {DOWNING}{SETTER*}
 Freaks of nature: mongrels ain't regularly included (7) MUTANTS {MUT{AiNt}TS}
9   A bit of ghastly cheese and fruit (7) LYCHEES [T]
11 Greek character to provide roof for bird (8) NUTHATCH {NU}{THATCH} 
12 Perhaps hearing report of euro's make-up (5) SENSE (~cents)
14 Painter (grand), returned a casual greeting (4) GOYA {G}{A YO<=}
15 Novel about brash strongman (5,5) CLOUD ATLAS {C}{LOUD}{ATLAS}
17 Household devices prepared cold salmon (3,3,4) ALL MOD CONS*
19 To be heard, provoke ravens' calls (4) CAWS (~cause)
21 Light bike moved aimlessly (5) MOPED [DD]
22 I can be seen among bald men challenging part of bill (8) MANDIBLE {I} in {BALD+MEN}*
25 What's seen in a chest, or somewhere below one? (7) DRAWERS [DD] 
26 Shelters knight in an annexe with son (7) AWNINGS {A}{W{N}ING}{S}
27 Mint tea I aim to turn into modern culinary proposition (9,4) IMITATION MEAT*

2   Last longer than most of your stat might suggest? (7) OUTSTAY {YOUr+STAT}*
3   Hitman in Japan's hidden? (5) NINJA [T] Semi&lit
4   'Hulk' not half succeeds on getting reboot: chance'd be a fine thing (2,4,4) NO SUCH LUCK {HULK+SUCCeeds+ON}*
5   One mason's silent, essentially (4) SOLE {maSOns}{siLEnt}
6   Light vehicle strains to turn left (8) RICKSHAW {RICKS}{HAW}
7   With times moving on, that may be seen to become timeless (7) ETERNAL ExTERNAL
8   Groom with 'Mad Men' stylings, like a fancy hanky? (11) MONOGRAMMED*
10 Pop quintet is short, stunted family group (11) STEPSISTERS {STEPS}{IS}{TERSe}
13 Fertiliser reserves upset man's invested in somewhere in Cuba (10) GUANTANAMO {GUAN{TA}{MAN<=}O}
16 Timidity caught by ancient poetry (4,4) COLD FEET {C}{OLD}{FEET}
18 Everyman, blood pressure rising in the French lake with Frenchman wanting protection from elements (3,4) LIP BALM {L{I}{BP<=}A}{L}{M}
20 Adriatic land, Balkan? Assigned name: Illyria? Absolutely, at first! (7) ALBANIA Acrostic Semi&lit
23 Material extracted from ground, sent up (5) DENIM<=
24 Listen to me: some apps stink (4) PSST [T]

Reference List
Grand = G, About = C, Knight = N, Son = S, Times = X, Reserves = TA(Territorial Army), Caught = C, The in French = LA, Frenchman = M