Saturday, 30 April 2022

No 13544, Saturday 30 Apr 2022, Karaoke

Solution to 28A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Repeatedly law is broken in affirmative votes (6) ALWAYS {A{LAW*}YS}
5   Rigid sailor’s initial opposition to stolen goods reportedly (8) ABSOLUTE {AB'S}{Op...n}{LUTE(~loot)}
9   Intolerably sweatier, so to say (2,2,4) AS IT WERE*
10 Treat with love — stop terror, ignore fundamentalists at first (6) ENDEAR {END}{fEAR}
11 Annulment of first rate soldiers’ protection rejected (10) REVOCATION {NO 1}{TA}{COVER}<=
12 Cut plant, leave the top (4) ETCH vETCH
13 One country’s code (5) INDIA [DD]
14 Periodical goes online with an attractive feature (6) MAGNET {MAG}{NET}
17 He employs lawyer to make up a story on opponents essentially within the boundaries of court (6) CLIENT {C{LIE}{o..oNe..s}T}
19 Clumsy workout at present (5) AWARD AwkWARD
22 Legal action please (4) SUIT [DD]
24 Current actor only possibly gets hero-worship (10) ICONOLATRY {I}{ACTOR+ONLY}*
25 Animal returning as soon as possible, no good! (6) PASANG {ASAP<=}{NG}
26 What a hen will do? Drop a bomb? (3,2,3) LAY AN EGG [DD]
27 Bonds be taken out — they bridge the gap (8) DENTURES DEbeNTURES
28 Soldiers leave sum and substance (6) E?T?T?  (Addendum - ENTITY ENTIreTY - See comments)

2   Take notice fifty = X (6) LISTEN {L IS TEN}
3   Permit gold to speculate without base (9) AUTHORISE {AU}{THeORISE}
4   He serves primarily snacks, drinks with water at sea (7) STEWARD {Sn...s+Dr...s+WATER}*
5   Injured chimaera left hospital for New World (7) AMERICA ChIMAERA*
6   It is part of humans to hide master numbers (7) STERNUM [T]
7   Duck to accept first love for daughter in retreat (5) LODGE (-d+l)LODGE
8   Shoots model for bishop’s blocks of money (8) TRANCHES (-b+t)RANCHES
15 Backtrack and check on idiot’s annoying expression (9) GODDAMNIT {DOG<=}{DAM}{NIT} 
16 A gelusil treatment or bad treatment? (3-5) ILL-USAGE*
18 It may start a train of actions or spit fire (7) TRIGGER [DD]
19 Adult swimming pools contain large butterflies (7) APOLLOS {A}{PO{L}LOS*}
20 Follower is yet tipsy after pub abruptly rejected (7) ACOLYTE {YET}*<=>{LOCAl<=}
21 It is a horrifying situation when box contains central part of torso (6) FRIGHT {F{R}IGHT} R/Part of torso? (Addendum - {F{toRso}IGHT} - See comments)
23 Siemens comes in with perfect exactness? Cheers! (5) TOAST {S} in {TO A T}

Reference List
Sailor = AB, Soldier = TA(Territorial Army), Work = WK, Current = I, No good = NG, Soldiers = RE(Royal Engineers), Fifty = L, X= TEN, Base = E, Hospital = H, Daughter = D, Model = T, Bishop = B, Adult = A, Large = L, Siemens = S

Friday, 29 April 2022

No 13543, Friday 29 Apr 2022, Gussalufz


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Repeated refusals to eat one round vegetable (5) ONION {NO}{1}{NO}<=
4   Order screw that is short, twisting around, and tapers (9) RECORDERS {ORDER+SCREw}*
9   Brief comeback in theatre is so disastrous (7) DOSSIER [T<=]
10 Frequently overlooked, is academic drug abuse cooler? (3,4) ICE CUBE {Is+aCadEmiC+drUg+aBusE}
11 Lots of pasta but no starter (6) OOODLES nOODLES
12 Extremely sharp and extremely hot Kelvin displacing Charlie (8) SPIKIEST SPI(-c+k)KIEST
14 Dull-witted, sickly gangster bumped off (4) SLOW SalLOW
15 AromaInc.! Our secret? Eating bean casserole, perhaps (4,6) MAIN COURSE [T]
18 Size of nuclear family? (4,6) MASS NUMBER [CD]
19 Popular time to chase married moneymaker (4) MINT {IN}{T}<=>{M}
22 Rum and lemonade, 50% each: dainty, quirky, and rich! (8) DAIQUIRI {DAInty}{QUIrky}{RIch}
24 Priosentence, after regular review, is cut (6) CENSOR {pRiOr+SeNtEnCe}<=
26 Check accountalign every now and then (7) CONTAIN {aCcOuNt+To+AlIgN}
27 Lovers finally ran off after suffering stigmas (7) SAFFRON {l...rS}{RAN+OFF}*
28 Glares angrily at some shocking and extremely egregious gifts (9) LARGESSES {GLARES*}{Sh...g}{Eg...uS}
29 Groom’s preparation (5) CURRY [DD]

1   Regularly ignored sordid entrepreneur's menial chores (3,4) ODD JOBS {sOrDiD}{JOBS}
2   Current with unsteady sinusoid is potentially harmful (9) INSIDIOUS {I}{SINUSOID*}
3   Going through Singapore via Nanning while returning is less practical (6) NAIVER [T<=]
4   Remarkable raise after lowering a bit of expenditure (4) RARE R(-e)ARE(+e)E
5   Saga this distant relative of mine misused for cheap magazines? (10) CHIMPANZEE {SAGA+CHIMPANZEE=CHEAP MAGAZINES}
6   Bond? OKenter dramatically while embracing female (4,4) REEF KNOT {OK+ENTER}* over {F}
7   Sex with dude without initiations creates issue (5) EXUDE {sEX}{dUDE}
8   Second/minute — time that is precious! (7) SWEETIE {S}{WEE}{T}{IE}
13 Upon getting hacked, Germany is lodging many complaints (10) YAMMERINGS {GERMANY+IS}* over {M}
16 Check (to get more confident) one providing some protection a second time (9) REINSURER {REIN}{SURER}
17 Heartless drone under mindless control (8) INHUMANE {IN{HUM}ANE}
18 About to sit in Radio &TV Apprentice Test (7) MEDICAL {MEDI{C}A}{L} 
20 Oppression of dashed city under theocracy ends (7) TYRANNY {RAN}{NY}<=>{Th...cY}
21 God-like attitude (if I choose to show!) (6) DEIFIC [T]
23 Victor, when wife’s gone, gets intimate! (5) INNER wINNER
25 Takes after sailor, hurls swear words (4) USES abUSES

Reference List
Kelvin = K, Charlie = C, Gangster = AL, Time = T, Married = M, Current = I, Female = F, Second = S, Many = M, About = C, Apprentice = L, Wife = W, Sailor = AB

Thursday, 28 April 2022

No 13542, Thursday 28 Apr 2022, Lightning

Solution to 1A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Finally sever lock, move ahead to enter unlawfully (8) T?E?P?S? (Addendum - TRESPASS {TRESs}{PASS} - See comments) 
5   Say no to target (6) OBJECT [DD]
9   Skill packing picture with the French grain (8) PARTICLE {P{ART}IC}{LE}
10 Happy destroying very old jail (6) JOVIAL {VO+JAIL}*
12 Design rusty leather hides (5) STYLE [T]
13 Car that doesn’t need manual shifting? Transport it to Macau (9) AUTOMATIC*
14 Approximately short line on electronic ring (6) CIRCLE {CIRCa}{L}{E}
16 Almost done with cycling one’s getting swimwear (7) BIKINIS {BIKINg}{1'S}
19 Chief trader regularly read documents on debt — it’s boring (7) TEDIOUS {Tr...r}{rEaD}{IOUS}
21 Scold bachelor with energy and charge (6) BERATE {B}{E}{RATE}
23 Break leader coming back in period of economic decline (9) RECESSION {RECESS}{NO 1<=}
25 One controlling a vehicle losing velocity with machine (5) DRIER DRIvER
26 A vigil with large number to evoke feelings (6) AWAKEN {A}{WAKE}{N}
27 It may be asked of one that is charged after search (8) QUESTION {ION}<=>{QUEST}
28 Makes strenuous effort moving ten into endless road going west (6) EXERTS {STRE{X}Et<=}
29 Organised entry to a lawyer (8) ATTORNEY*

1   One punching keys in segment of faulty piston (6) TYPIST [T]
2   Not late, regularly bait with ends of rod it may get the worm (5,4) EARLY BIRD {EARLY}{BaIt}{RoD}}
3   Top seven perhaps (5) PRIME [DD]
4   Rescue in Las Vegas for the most part in order (7) SALVAGE {LAS+VEGAs}*
6   Register to earn rupee for one accepting bets (9) BOOKMAKER {BOOK}{MAKE}{R}
7   Sex is tiring, partly survive (5) EXIST [T]
8   Lets engineer act funnily in small screen show (8) TELECAST {LETS+E+ACT}*
11 Cut small bill (4) STAB {S}{TAB}
15 Lookout point where crew on ship used telescopes primarily (5,4) CROWS NEST {CREW+ON+SS}*{Te...s} &lit
17 Cashew perhaps — right it is primarily working to provide sustenance (9) NUTRITION {NUT}{R}{IT}{Is}{ON}
18 Daydream of celebrity look (8) STARGAZE {STAR}{GAZE}
20 Firstly, short heel is needed for part of leg (4) SHIN Acrostic
21 Forbid silent one leaving ceremonious dinner (7) BANQUET {BAN}{QUiET}
22 Pal missing id, partly lazy in a state of agitation (6) FRENZY {FRiENd}{laZY}
24 Annoy engineer after cutting short worthless material (5) CHAFE {E}<=>{CHAFf}
25 Where music may be recorded with old dance (5) DISCO {DISC}{O}

Reference List
The in French = LE, Very = V, Old = O, Line = L, Electronic = E, Bachelor = B, Energy = E,  Velocity = V, Rupee = R, Engineer = E, Small = S, Ship = SS, Right = R

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

No 13541, Wednesday 27 Apr 2022, Hypatia

Solution to 18D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Get No. 1 bat to play (6) OBTAIN*
4   Supply short garland for a communal gathering (6) LANGAR GARLANd*
 It’s useful to make dough in Manhattan (4) ATTA [T]
10 Drained lake into well to conform with regulations (4,2,4) FALL IN LINE {F{ALL IN}{L}INE}
11 Paranoid about dropping an Apple accessory (6) AIRPOD PARanOID*
12 Noisily strip rug in fireplace, say (8) BEARSKIN (~ bare skin)
13 Treat firm couple holding husband behind (9) CHOCOLATE {C{H}O}{CO}{LATE}
15 Zoom group (4) WING [DD]
16 God of two elements (4) AGNI {AG}{NI}
17 Equitable treatment in allotment? Sham, as per Spooner (4,5) FAIR SHAKE (~ share fake)
21 Contents of cat litter, perhaps? Extremely vile source of annoyance (3,5) PET PEEVE {PET PEE}{VilE}
22 Revolting in Tibet? A tumult for change (6) MUTATE [T<=]
24 Arrange, sort, find and nearly substitute (5,2,3) STAND IN FOR {SORT+FIND+ANd}*
25 Festival starts to bring in harvest, usually (4) BIHU Acrostic Semi&lit
26 Most unusual artist joins others (6) RAREST {RA}{REST}
27 Leaders from West enjoy bonuses and perks, posts in Facebook, say (3,3) WEB APP Acrostic

1   Money lost by wealthiest person out of touch with reality (7) OSTRICH {mOST RICH}
2   Walk in region from South covering miles (5) TRAMP {P{M}ART<=}
3   Sceptic’s field? (7) INFIDEL {FIELD}* [RA]
5   “Beast” shot in a mall? Mostly (6) ANIMAL {IN+A+MALl}*
6   Writer’s good novel sold with story, say (9) GOLDSMITH {G}{SOLD*}{MITH(~myth)}
7   Managed sovereign status (7) RANKING {RAN}{KING}
8   It’s impossible to gamble in real tables (3,4,3,3) ALL BETS ARE OFF {REAL+TABLES}* [RA]
14 Handy tool for a prison warden (3,6) CAN OPENER [DD]
16 Associate with a loud gambler (7) ABETTOR {A}{(better)BETTOR}
18 Cut up with such regret moving Supreme Court (7) R?M?R?E (Addendum - REMORSE [CA] (REMORSE+CUT+UP=SUPREME COURT) - See comments))
19 Draw and drink going topless? That’s saucy (7) KETCHUP {sKETCH}{sUP}
20 Deserts in summer, it seems (6) MERITS [T]
23 Trip by Iran, frequently picking a bone (5) TIBIA {TrIp+By+IrAn}

Reference List
Lake = L, Firm = CO, Husband = H, Artist = RA(Royal Academician), Money = M,  Miles = M 

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

No 13540, Tuesday 26 Apr 2022, Hypatia

Solution to 4D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Nope! I never excel performing a new experiment (5,10) NOVEL EXPERIENCE*
10 What often goes over a judge’s head? (7) PERIWIG [CD]
11 Restrict people leaving America for India (7) INHIBIT INH(-a+i)IBIT
12 Kind of anxious? (9) CONCERNED [DD]
14 Scoundrel chucking black shoe (5) ROGUE bROGUE
17 Person charging a small amount gets customer (7) ACCUSER {A}{CC}{USER}
19 Impress, say, outside national party (7) ENGRAVE {E{N}G}{RAVE}
21 Fight without English weapon (5) SPEAR {SP{E}AR}
23 Spooner’s gathering grass, perhaps for Jamaican singer (3,6) BOB MARLEY (~ mob barley to bob marley)
25 As perhaps, a rule since broken (7) ARSENIC {A+R+SINCE}*
27 Obsolete global body caught probing expert (7) DEFUNCT {DEF{UN}{C}T}
30 Admit defeat through title he won? (5,2,3,5) THROW IN THE TOWEL {TITLE+HE+WON}* [RA]

1   Photograph vessels from below (4) SNAP<=
2   Basically assert vocally establishing right, say (4) AVER Acrostic
3   Wild sex ahead? Perfect! (8) FLAWLESS {LAWLESS}<=>{F}
4   Passenger in Airport? (6) ?X?G?N (Addendum - OXYGEN [CD] - See comments))
5   Revive decentralised treatment before new doctor led (8) REKINDLE {REiKI}{N}{LED*}
6   Nobody’s got the code (6) CIPHER [DD]
7   Rolls over in shame (4) SNUB<=
8   Gaze steadily concealing enthusiasm (4) ZEST [T]
12 Tea often picked up from shop in mess (5) CHAOS {CHA}{ShOp<=}
13 Start to huddle in pleasant corner (5) NICHE {NIC{Hang}E}
15 Called about lake swelling (5) GNARL {RANG<=}{L}
16 Ultimately one mournful dirge, sung sadly (5) ELEGY Tail Acrostic &lit
18 Copper, interrupting hot date after massage becomes flushed (8) RUBICUND {I{CU}N}{D}<=>{RUB}
20 Kid cycling very loudly often seen in this picture (8) GRAFFITI {+g)GRA(-g)}{FF}{In+ThIs}
22 Mark name under soldier’s present (6) RENOWN {N}<=>RE}{NOW}
24 Priest crosses heart reflecting on a religious leader (6) BUDDHA {H{DD}UB<=}{A}
25 Vehicle crashing out after acceleration (4) AUTO {OUT}*<=>{A}
26 Active chief of staff meets peer (4) SPRY {St..f}{PRY}
28 Trap to catch weak animal (4) NEWT {NE{W}T}
29 Take money from farm (4) TILL [DD]

Reference List
America = A, India = I, Black = B, National = N, Party = RAVE, English = E, Rule = R, Caught = C, New = N, Lake = L, Hot = IN, Date = D, Very loudly = FF, Name = N, Soldier = RE(Royal Engineers), Priest = DD, Acceleration = A,  Weak = W

Monday, 25 April 2022

No 13539, Monday 25 Apr 2022, Vulcan

Solution to 10D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Thrilling and highly gripping film (6) GANDHI [T]
4   Infrequent shocks reported (6) SCARCE (~scares)
8   Arsenal playersgood athletes needing no introduction (7) GUNNERS {G}{rUNNERS}
9   Clubs’ guarantee drawing criticism (7) CENSURE {C}{ENSURE}
11 Met guy, in awe, at her mansion (10) WEATHERMAN [T]
12 Excellent article about Old English (1-3) A-ONE {A{O}N}{E}
13 Get painter’s source of oil (5) COPRA {COP}{RA}
14 A way of expressing a point — universal for all basically (8) LOCUTION LOC(-a+u)UTION
16 Its a term perhaps for abuse (8) MISTREAT*
18 A means of directing commands, say (5) REINS (~reigns)
20 Separate piece (4) PART [DD]
21 Designed to reflect (10) DELIBERATE [DD]
23 Work backward to bury evidence (7) POINTER {OP<=}{INTER}
24 Pavement and a wall next to westbound river (7) MACADAM {A}DAM}<=>{CAM<=}
25 This resort town’s temperature is most pleasant (6) NICEST {NICE'S}{T}
26 Guy taking time to provide chinaware (3,3) TEA SET{TEASE}{T}

1   Evaluate university in good time (5) GAUGE {G}{A{U}GE}
2   Continuously running between poles at first (7) NONSTOP {N}{ON}{S}{TOP}
3   Chose rare sort of a contest (5,4) HORSE RACE*
5   Basically chic, thin and neat (5) CLEAN {Chic}{LEAN}
6   Pick up paintings after break (7) RESTART {ART}<=>{REST}
7   Wrong user or one mistaken (9) ERRONEOUS*
10 Nothing big comes of this exchange (5,4) ?M?L? T?L? (Addendum - SMALL TALK [CD] - See comments)
13 With Canon made a movie (9) CHINATOWN*
15 Think new, be the first to reinvent/create (9) CEREBRATE {BE+The+CREATE}*  Is the Anind in the right place? (Addendum - {BE+The+Re...t+CREATE}* - See comments)
17 It aint Cameron's first lousy movie (7) TITANIC {IT+AINT+Ca...n}*
19 Advances into Greek Island, say (7) INROADS (~in rhodes)
21 Clothing label needing no advertisement (5) DRESS adDRESS
22 Mostly liking nothing in brown (5) TOAST {T{0}ASTe}

Reference List
Good = G, Clubs = C, Old = O, English  E, Painter = RA, Universal = U, Temperature = T, Time = T, University = U, Advertisement = AD

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Special, Sunday 24 Apr 2022, Ajji

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Ajji
Squares filled: 0/158
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Ajji & THCC

1e – lover (10)
6The stake returns for the Italian mountain (4)
10Last goodman at Indian Revenue Service rouses to action (7)
11The Shakespearean orator has little money to make the poor, rich, say (7)
12Useful facility? So be it! It is followed by you, initially! (7)
13Alternatively the setter working for the hunter (5)
15Most untrue around novice collapses (5)
17Blatant plumage, okay? (9)
19The prisoner and a model hold a string for covenant (9)
21The internet streaming service delivering content returns with mantra to reveal the maxim (5)
23The mollusc is the same as the earlier one beheaded (5)
24The travel document holds half the record backward for internal organs (7)
27Weapons are mostly on back streets (7)
28The award winner loses last medal of gold (7)
29Remove first shirt inside out (4)
30Folk-tale beauty recalled in word play (10)

1The boss is so upset that he weeps (4)
2The nobleman holds new tin to draw into a tangle (7)
3The dialect at church gives double (5)
4The former Civil Aviation minister left Indian Airlines, joined the journalist and cut off (9)
5Fully prepared to learn yoga first (5)
7The woman has a slight colour around, endless for her beauty routine (7)
8Reprimand is the process of summing replacing 500 by 1000, around a backward number shortly (10)
9The alien and the sheep trap the domesticated pig to prepare the catalogue of animal behaviour (8)
14A heartless tale followed by fuss for the enthusiast (10)
16Polishing is healing taking oxygen in, preceded by safety first (8)
18That’s in trouble, caught in the middle of the wind – endure (9)
20Born around first of May, the half sister is the Goddess of retribution (7)
22The painful effort leaves a series of marks around Virginia (7)
24The old lieutenant in Virgin Islands gives a musical direction to turn the page (5)
25It is a mistake that the queen and king are with gold (5)
26The time goes up to five for the star (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3199, Sunday 24 Apr 2022

1   Jester to reach princess that's not all there (8) COMEDIAN {COME}{DIANa}
5   Good times! Cool! Result! (6) UPSHOT {UPS}{HOT}
10 Policeman: 'Two PMs in report' (7) MAIGRET (~ may grey)
11 Woman's captivated by philistines: tell everyone (7) ESTELLE [T]
12 Month lost in major reversal: Everyman's drunk wine (5) RIOJA {mAJOR}<= over {I}
13 Ignore girls' weapons (9) CUTLASSES {CUT}{LASSES}
14 This pie came in from the cold? (6,5) FROZEN PIZZA [CD]
18 Pope's support complete for untrue tale (5,6) URBAN LEGEND {URBAN}{LEG}{END}
21 Earls deny rearing cattle (9) ALDERNEYS*
23 Jealous politician (5) GREEN [DD]
24 Sportsperson, part of eleven, terminated (7) EVENTER [T]
25 Soldiers in resistance shunning restraining devices (7) LEGIONS {LEG IrONS}
26 Originally, Tethys, Iapetus, Theia and nine siblings? (6) TITANS &lit
27 Seaman did what seamen do, we're told: moved using ropes (8) ABSEILED {AB}{(~sailed)SEILED}

1   Ubiquitous app in flipping Apple product taking long time (6) CAMERA {MAC<=}{ERA}
2   Family members eating starter of intestines in French accommodation (6) MAISON {MA{In...s}SON}
3   Part of shark seen above water: Floridans unsettled (6,3) DORSAL FIN*
4   Vegetable ingredient in hot cake Harriet baked (9,5) ARTICHOKE HEART*
6   Bread rising at end (5) PITTA {AT}{TIP}<=
7   Smaller-than-usual fish cooked with zeal (4-4) HALF-SIZE {FISH+ZEAL}*
8   Swallowing last of Cointreau, a sleuth ordered a drink (3,5) THE USUAL {c...aU} in {A+SLEUTH}* Ordered is Anind as well
9   Perhaps driver supports soothing facilities in recreational establishment (10,4) GENTLEMENS CLUB {CLUB}<=>{GENTLE}{MENS}
15 Teacher of ape gouged bananas (9) PEDAGOGUE*
16 Tense, following friend with parrots somewhere in C Europe (8) BUDAPEST {T}<=>{BUD}{APES}
17 Honour the German books, showing respect (8) OBEDIENT {OBE}{DIE}{NT}
19 Give new kit to thief that's upset (6) RETOOL<=
20 University students' education neglected (6) UNUSED {U}{NUS}{ED}
22 Run with stick, heading off to shop (3,2) RAT ON {R}{bATON}

Reference List
Month = M, Resistance = R, Seaman = AB, Driver = CLUB(Golf club), Tense = T, Honour = OBE(Order of British Empire), The in German = DIE, Books = NT(New Testament), University = U, Education = ED, Run = R

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #78, Sunday 24 Apr 2022, Vidwan

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday can be accessed at the link given below. You need to register and sign in using an email ID and password, subscription may or may not be required.
The crossword is not being blogged as the annotations are provided in the interactive version itself which can be seen if you click on 'Show a hint' under the 'reveal' tab on the top.

The same will be posted on every Sunday at 6 AM.


Saturday, 23 April 2022

No 13538, Saturday 23 Apr 2022, Incognito


8   Hit party (4) BASH [DD]
9   A legal right for outsider (5) ALIEN {A}{LIEN}
10 Part of church collapsed to some extent (4) APSE [T]
11 Annual relay spoiled yard (6) YEARLY {RELAY*}{Y}
12 Around one, before commencement of lunch, badly drench kids (8) CHILDREN {1}{Lu..h} in {DRENCH*}
13 Hated peculiar hoarder hoarding piece of baklava (8) ABHORRED {A{Ba...a}HORRED*}
15 Start afternoon meal eating appetisers in the beginning (6) LAUNCH {L{Ap...s}UNCH}
17 Batter on one’s face? (7) EYELASH [C&DD]
19 Cites as evidence, “Italian title appears in advertisements” (7) ADDUCES {AD{DUCE}S}
22 Interrupt, “Except metal” (4,2) BUTT IN {BUT}{TIN}
24 Rats! Scurrying rats consume torn roti (8) TRAITORS {RATS}* over {ROTI}*
26 Going out, carrying clubs, can be dramatic (8) EXCITING {EX{C}ITING}
28 MP paced around carrying rifle at first (6) REDCAP {PACED}*<=>{Ri..e}
30 Perhaps, saint’s sign (4) MARK [DD]
31 Leading man gets new bird (5) HERON {HERO}{N}
32 Leave president in custody of alien (4) EXIT {E{XI}T}


1   Docked animal’s arrived (4) CAME CAMEl
2   Charlie has endlessly processed coral to produce fuel (8) CHARCOAL {C}{HAs}{CORAL*}
3   Advocate’s hen swallows worm initially (6) LAWYER {LA{Worm}YER}
4   Zulu wrongly copied delivery aid (7) ZIPCODE {Z}{COPIED*}
5   English bird went ahead and qualified (8) ENTITLED {EN}{TIT}{LED}
6   Region having gold vehicle (6) LANDAU {LAND}{AU}
7   Lies badly, “Land surrounded by water” (4) ISLE*
14 A boy jumps over university creek (5) BAYOU {A+BOY}*{U}
16 Encourage French actress having energy (5) CHEER {CH{E}ER} CHER is an American and not French
18 Southern university designs thing having luminance giving daytime illumination (8) SUNLIGHT {S}{U}{N{L}IGHT*}
20 Messier American female leaves infuriated horribly (8) UNTIDIER {INfURIaTED}*
21 Old timers change gears after commencement of sharp turn (7) STAGERS {GEARS}*<=>{Sh..p}{Turn}
23 Lean king and Sikh leader cogitates (6) THINKS {THIN}{K}{Sikh}
25 Pieces of protective wear made after fourth month on ship (6) APRONS {APR}{ON}{S}
27 Revolting Marxists giving up stir for festival (4) XMAS {MArXistS}*
29 Australian police department makes lime juice, for example (4) ACID {A}{CID}

Reference List

Legal right = LIEN, Yard = Y, Italian title = DUCE, Advertisements = ADS, Clubs = C, New = N, Alien = ET 
Charlie = C, Hen = LAYER, Zulu = Z, English = EN, University = U, Energy = E, Southern = S, Luminance = L, American = A, Female = F, King = K,  Ship = S, Australian = A

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Friday, 22 April 2022

No 13537, Friday 22 Apr 2022, Incognito


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   Yankee residing in Indian state is a painter (4) GOYA {GO{Y}A}
9   Push sideways and steal (5) SWIPE [DD]
10 Placed cap around head of arrow (4) LAID {L{Ar...w}ID}
11 Himalayan guide’s turn of phrase (6) SHERPA*
12 English girl with a railway messenger (8) EMISSARY {E}{MISS}{A}{RY}
13 For starters, a bright spot coloured isome shining amber’s X-coordinate (8) ABSCISSA Acrostic
15 Senate endlessly works around start of century and passes laws (6) ENACTS {SENATe}* around {Ce...y}
17 Graduate school, before long, gets woodwind instrument (7) BASSOON{BA}{S}{SOON}
19 Perhaps, Tamil Nadu embraces, for example, Puducherry’s law (7) STATUTE {STAT{UT}E}
22 Disposing torn sash from steakhouse ruins, make money with great difficulty (3,3) EKE OUT sTEaKhOUsE*
24 Kidnapped sailor Edward carrying pipe (8) ABDUCTED {AB}{DUCT}{ED}
26 Allies’ HO arranged for fuel (5,3) SHALE OIL*
28 Arranged notes, around end of lesson, for poem (6) SONNET {SO{l...oN}NET*}
30 A mud building for Russian parliament (4) DUMA {A+MUD}*
31 Serenades Indian girl on board ship (5) SINGS {S{IN}{G}S}
32 Spot rejected toys (4) TOPS<=

1   Insect found in bergamot herb (4) MOTH [T]
2   Prohibit storage equipments in living quarters for 5 (8) BARRACKS {BAR}{RACKS}
3   Large vehicles for prizes (6) OSCARS {OS}{CARS}
4   Badly scared about current bike accessory (7) SIDECAR {S{I}DECAR*}
5   Tiger prowls around soldiers in military unit (8) REGIMENT {REGI{MEN}T*}
6   Anchorage may be found in this state (6) ALASKA [GK]
7   Baked food roasted initially in seaside venue (4) PIER {PIE}{Ro...d}
14 First ledger in financial institution is devoid of any entries (5) BLANK {B{Le...r}ANK}
16 Name plate includes model’s designation (5) TITLE {TI{T}LE}
18 Excitedly shout about love around university’s eastern shed (8) OUTHOUSE {OUTH{0}{U}S*}{E}
20 Once a tit flew around low grade ore (8) TACONITE*
21 Girl student with soldier is brave (7) GALLANT {GAL}{L}{ANT}
23 Setter left coal-mine, wandering to get lubrication equipment (6) OILCAN {COAL+mINe}*
25 Stop German nurse leaving emergency room (6) DESIST  {DE}{SISTer}
27 Carry and hide uranium in India’s main aircraft manufacturing company (4) HAUL {HA{U}L}
29 See drunk author leaving house party clumsily (4) ESPY {houSE+PartY}*

Reference List
Yankee = Y, English = E, Railway = RY, School  S, Sailor = AB, Indian = IN, Girl = G, Ship = SS, Large = OS, Current = I, Model = T,  University = U, Eastern = E, Student = L, German = DE, Emergency Room = ER

Thursday, 21 April 2022

No 13536, Thursday 21 Apr 2022, Incognito

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Freelancer’s flair (4) ELAN [T]
9   Excited emir chased legendary streaker (10) ARCHIMEDES*
10 Meteor Resort is far away (6) REMOTE*
11 Hid heads of some extinct dinosaurs around island (8) SECRETED {Some}{Ex...t}{CRETE}{Di...s}
12 Agitate returning spur and some pieces of riding equipment (8) STIRRUPS {STIR}{SPUR<=}
14 Eccentric landowner evicting lad gets fame (6) RENOWN {laNdOWNER}*
16 Poet’s banned on radio (4) BARD (~barred)
17 Whiskey and drinks in Cymru (5) WALES {W}{ALES}
18 Heal stray dog by middle of September (4) CURE {CUR}{s..tEm..r}
19 Horrible noise about dead scientist (6) EDISON {E{D}ISON*}
21 Aunt and lass danced in Queens (8) SULTANAS*
23 Tavern hostesses served idli-sambar after removing bits of imported leaves (8) BARMAIDS {iDlI+SAMBAR}*
26 Sum of first four squares and product of first three primes (6) T?I?T? (Addendum - THIRTY  {12+22+32+42 =2x3x5=30} Definition by examples - See comments)
27 Mesmerises worried parent with devious ruse (10) ENRAPTURES {PARENT*}{RUSE*}
28 At times, without using ATM, one gets neckwear (4) TIES {aT+tImES

 Send the lad wrongly to get the first person to receive cards (6,4) ELDEST HAND
2   Adrift, nude moor released painter (8) UNMOORED*
3   Entrance with gold and baked sweet (6) GATEAU {GATE}{AU}
4   In America, kills some police sergeants (4) ICES [T]
5   Drops princess’s vehicle in front of driving school at first (8) DISCARDS {DI'S}{CAR}{Dr...g}{Sc...l}
6   Lower reputation of university official hugging setter (6) DEMEAN {DE{ME}AN}
7   Nothing more than a water body (4) MERE [DD]
13 In exchange for cash, disposes some electrical devices, I hear (5) SELLS (~cells)
15 Fight, followed by diatribe, with leaders of injured enemy soldiers, for getting assurances (10) WARRANTIES {WAR}{RANT}{In...d}{En..y}{So...s}
17 Entered with bad intent before end of rodeo (4,4) WENT INTO {W}{INTENT*}{r..eO}
18 Tea followed by street fights for vehicles (8) CHARIOTS {CHA}{RIOTS}
20 South African military police get a new boat (6) SAMPAN {SA}{MP}{A}{N}
22 Tesla designed motor car model that is most recent (6) LATEST {TESLA*}{T}
24 Perhaps spots bent cane (4) ACNE*
25 Certain letters in possession of usurer (4) SURE [T]

Reference List
Whiskey = W, Dead = D, Princess = DI, With = W, Military Police = MP, Motor car model = T