Sunday 3 April 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3196, Sunday 03 Apr 2022

1   International transport system, part of experiment? (4,4) TEST TUBE {TEST}{TUBE}
5   Run into trees, break into laughter (6) CORPSE {CO{R}PSE}
10 At the outset, handcuffed; occasionally underwater, daredevil in Niagara ill-advisedly? (7) HOUDINI Acrostic &lit
11 Virtuous, perhaps, Merkel endlessly in charge (7) ANGELIC {ANGELa}{IC}
12 Sample of Engelbert Humperdinck provides hit (5) THUMP [T]
13 Dye can dry badly, leading to fuss (3,3,3) HUE AND CRY {HUE}{CAN+DRY}*
14 Disney character, 2-D entity, model for Pluto? (5,6) DWARF PLANET {DWARF}{PLANE}{T}
18 Paid up, spread out all round, got wasted (11) DILAPIDATED {DILA{PAID*}TED}
21 Nudist regularly seen in the French promontory in painting (9) LANDSCAPE {LA}{NuDiSt}{CAPE}
23 Get stuck in, Barney (3-2) SET-TO [DD]
24 Afternoon with Everyman during journey, losing energy: it's hard work (7) TRAVAIL {A}{I} in {TRAVeL}
25 Costumier for Tom Cruise? (7) ANAGRAM Defintion by example
26 Distant socialist with no yen for revolution (6) YONDER {RED}{NO}{Y}<=
27 After messy kiss, run to find snowy incline (3,5) SKI SLOPE {KISS*}{LOPE}

1   Italian signori finally seen with cap doffed somewhere in Polynesia (6) TAHITI {IT}{s...rI}<=>{HAT<=}
2   Confine is quiet! (4,2) SHUT UP [DD]
3   Tense and tattered, stumbled (7,2) TRIPPED UP {T}{RIPPED UP}
4   Barren daylight breaking at crack of dawn (6,3,5) BRIGHT AND EARLY*
6   Perhaps bladder is a music-maker? (5) ORGAN [DD]
7   Using part of scalpel, I can shave waterfowl (8) PELICANS [T]
8   Pathetic counterspy, omitting two consecutive vowels, creates coded message (8) ENCRYPTS CouNTERSPY*
9   Take thermal pants away inside, revealing behind (4,3,3,4) LATE OFF THE MARK {TAKE+THERMAL}* over {OFF}
15 Spooner's put Scandinavian on board for help with navigation (9) LODESTARS (~stowed lars to lodestars)
16 Adroitly handled hero-worship (8) IDOLATRY*
17 'Banana's member of vegetable kingdom': artificial intelligence note (8) PLANTAIN {PLANT}{AI}{N}
19 Noise-maker, a little arriviste, reoffended (6) STEREO [T]
20 Speed of light covering no distance: that is revolutionary (6) COMMIE {C}{0 MM}{IE}
22 Tool's fixed, we're told (5) SPADE (~spayed)

Reference List
Run = R, In charge = IC, Model = T, The in French = LA, Afternoon = A, Energy = E, Yen = Y, Italian = IT, Tense = T, Note = N, Speed of Light = C


  1. Special at 10:30 by new setter SS

  2. Came across this interesting article

    The 'real outlier' in crossword puzzle-making community

  3. Is the digital version of this Sunday crossword available for Hindu on-line subscribers?
    The Everyman crossword of 3rd April in Hindu digital is a different one.
    I can see the PDF version of this crossword in Sunday magazine.

    1. It used to be. The digital version was one week ahead till March.
      Since they missed two weeks in March, it's running late by one week.
      So probably you will see this appear online next week.

      Or you can try directly at the Gaurdian website everyman 3927.

  4. Yes,in the Sunday Magazine section.
