Thursday 28 April 2022

No 13542, Thursday 28 Apr 2022, Lightning

Solution to 1A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Finally sever lock, move ahead to enter unlawfully (8) T?E?P?S? (Addendum - TRESPASS {TRESs}{PASS} - See comments) 
5   Say no to target (6) OBJECT [DD]
9   Skill packing picture with the French grain (8) PARTICLE {P{ART}IC}{LE}
10 Happy destroying very old jail (6) JOVIAL {VO+JAIL}*
12 Design rusty leather hides (5) STYLE [T]
13 Car that doesn’t need manual shifting? Transport it to Macau (9) AUTOMATIC*
14 Approximately short line on electronic ring (6) CIRCLE {CIRCa}{L}{E}
16 Almost done with cycling one’s getting swimwear (7) BIKINIS {BIKINg}{1'S}
19 Chief trader regularly read documents on debt — it’s boring (7) TEDIOUS {Tr...r}{rEaD}{IOUS}
21 Scold bachelor with energy and charge (6) BERATE {B}{E}{RATE}
23 Break leader coming back in period of economic decline (9) RECESSION {RECESS}{NO 1<=}
25 One controlling a vehicle losing velocity with machine (5) DRIER DRIvER
26 A vigil with large number to evoke feelings (6) AWAKEN {A}{WAKE}{N}
27 It may be asked of one that is charged after search (8) QUESTION {ION}<=>{QUEST}
28 Makes strenuous effort moving ten into endless road going west (6) EXERTS {STRE{X}Et<=}
29 Organised entry to a lawyer (8) ATTORNEY*

1   One punching keys in segment of faulty piston (6) TYPIST [T]
2   Not late, regularly bait with ends of rod it may get the worm (5,4) EARLY BIRD {EARLY}{BaIt}{RoD}}
3   Top seven perhaps (5) PRIME [DD]
4   Rescue in Las Vegas for the most part in order (7) SALVAGE {LAS+VEGAs}*
6   Register to earn rupee for one accepting bets (9) BOOKMAKER {BOOK}{MAKE}{R}
7   Sex is tiring, partly survive (5) EXIST [T]
8   Lets engineer act funnily in small screen show (8) TELECAST {LETS+E+ACT}*
11 Cut small bill (4) STAB {S}{TAB}
15 Lookout point where crew on ship used telescopes primarily (5,4) CROWS NEST {CREW+ON+SS}*{Te...s} &lit
17 Cashew perhaps — right it is primarily working to provide sustenance (9) NUTRITION {NUT}{R}{IT}{Is}{ON}
18 Daydream of celebrity look (8) STARGAZE {STAR}{GAZE}
20 Firstly, short heel is needed for part of leg (4) SHIN Acrostic
21 Forbid silent one leaving ceremonious dinner (7) BANQUET {BAN}{QUiET}
22 Pal missing id, partly lazy in a state of agitation (6) FRENZY {FRiENd}{laZY}
24 Annoy engineer after cutting short worthless material (5) CHAFE {E}<=>{CHAFf}
25 Where music may be recorded with old dance (5) DISCO {DISC}{O}

Reference List
The in French = LE, Very = V, Old = O, Line = L, Electronic = E, Bachelor = B, Energy = E,  Velocity = V, Rupee = R, Engineer = E, Small = S, Ship = SS, Right = R


  1. Replies
    1. Recalling discussion earlier, with ship meaning s,ss and host of other things: wouldn't it be indirect?

    2. When these abbreviations (S,SS) were formed Steam would mostly have been the power for navigation and so it hardly mattered. Though things have changed quite a bit old standards continue. IMO there is nothing indirect about it (though we are more used to SS)

    3. SS stands for Steamship or Screw steamer as per chambers, as correctly brought out by you, but the usage continues even though we do not use Steam nowadays.
      By the way Chambers does not list S for Ship

  2. Solved 1a but cannot come up with an acceptable anno, waiting for somebody to post it. Nice clues.

  3. 1A answer TRESPASS, Enter unlawfully
    Lock = TRESS ( Finally sever, TRES

  4. 1 ac..TRESPASS..tres(s) pass

  5. Lightning is easier than incognito.

  6. Lightning fast- as usual. Enjoyed every clue. Thank you.

  7. Thoroughally enjoyed the clues. In 26A one shd know the special meaning of wake to solve it.

  8. To make it interesting, tried something for the first time.

  9. Very enjoyable puzzle, thank you lightning, I can now carry on with my day peacefully :)

  10. Enjoyable puzzle. Double pangram?

  11. Smooth grid, thanks Lightning! Saw a pangram, but didn't realise that it was actually a double pangram!

  12. Col. Please mention Double Pangram in the main post.

  13. Spotted it was a double pangram because of 2 Zs.
    Nice breezy grid.

  14. my picks are RECESSION, TELECAST & TRESPASS (bit struggled & managed) . Thank you Lightning. Have a nice day .
