Monday 11 April 2022

No 13527, Monday 11 Apr 2022, Dreamer

I am surprised to see the kind of foreword posted by the Crossword desk on today's crossword in the online edition, while other third rate crosswords are put up shamelessly without any comments whatsoever, I am sure all of you know whom I mean without giving names. Most disgusting. I wonder if the other third rate crossword being passed is by some relative from the team at the the Crossword desk. 

Update as at 12:15 PM: The Foreword has since been removed from the Online edition.

Update as at 1:15 PM: The Foreword has been reworded as an apology and posted again and in addition the earlier Foreword has been put on the Crossword by WrdPlougher on 09 Apr. 

Solution to 18D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Escort company’s representatives, essentially (6) CONVOY {CO}{eNVOYs}
9   Target Pique and Hazard (8) ENDANGER {END}{ANGER}
10 Actor suspiciously follows editor and university teacher (8) EDUCATOR {ACTOR}*<=>{ED}{U}
11 Smooth stretch at ocean (6) LEGATO {LEG}{AT}{O}
12 Peaks of Everest erupted by cracks (8) VERTEXES {VERTE{X}ES*}
13 It’s appropriate ultimately that setter gets married at a cathedral city (6) TIMELY {thaT}{I}{M}{ELY}
14 Despise, deceive and tease men, heartlessly (7) CONTEMN {CON}{TeasE}{MeN}
17 Problem announced by Irish king is exasperating (7) IRKSOME {(~sum)SOME}<=>{IR}{K}
20 Trainee from Egypt avoiding cyberspace (6) INTERN INTERNet
22 Our son kept failing in a movement towards higher position (8) UPSTROKE {OUR+S+KEPT}*
25 Father and mother touring Portugal, Sweden and grassy plains of South America (6) PAMPAS {PA}{M{P}A}{S}
26 Release English girl before no one returns (8) EMISSION {E}{MISS}{NO 1<=}
27 Some jobless youngster’s response to expulsion of air, perhaps (5,3) BLESS YOU [T]
28 Arrest that woman outside India (6) HINDER {H{IND}ER}

1   Goodbye to old lion in party (6-2) TOODLE-OO {TO}{O}{D{LEO}O}
2   Bird found in a muddy cove near Thailand (6) AVOCET {A}{COVE*}{T}
3   Reported crime rate to make a set of rules (6) SYNTAX {(~sinSYN}{TAX}
4   Closest shelter admits every abandoned refugee, primarily (7) NEAREST {N{Every}{Ab...d}{Re...e}EST}
5   I perform next for a devotee (8) IDOLATER {I}{DO}{LATER}
6   Society supports sick aged men in final stages (8) ENDGAMES {S}<=>{AGED+MEN}*
7   Merry fellow and others parted by closure of business (6) FESTAL {F}{E{b...eS}TAL}
15 Lock health club to stop unlawful entry (8) TRESPASS {TRES{SPA}S}
16 Maybe I need my special imagination! (5,3) MINDS EYE {I+NEED+MY+S}*
18 Casually remove caps from kitchen appliances for renovation (8) M?K?O?E?  (Addendum - MAKEOVER - {REMOVE+Ki...n+Ap...s}* - See comments)
19 Engineer used to upload in the beginning, being obedient (7) DUTEOUS {USED+TO+Up...d}*
21 Almost new opening (6) NEARLY {N}{EARLY}
23 Insignificant deception, say (6) SLIGHT (~sleight)
24 Dislike leaderless state (6) RESENT pRESENT

Reference List
University = U, Ocean = O, Married = M, Irish = IR, King = K, Egypt = ET, Son = S, Portugal = P, Sweden = S, English = E, Old = O, Party = DO, Thailand = T, Society = S, Fellow = F, Special = S, New = N


  1. 18d. MAKEOVER=renovation, k=kitchen a=appliances caps =first letter casually=anagrind {REMOVE+KA}*

  2. 18d. MAKEOVER= Renovation

    Anagram of remove + k and a
    (caps from kitchen and

    Casually = anagram indicator

  3. Sorry unaware of the 8.34 post, hence mine

  4. This grid is perfectly kosher and poses a great challenge to the solver...a variety of clues and entertaining no way this is a work of an inexperienced setter..far from it! I am also unpleasantly surprised by the editor's comments.. unnecessary and not becoming at all ..

  5. Col, I don't think it's relatives nor the editor himself. There is only one section that can yield this kind of abusive power.

    1. As a paper/institute TH IS AT LIBERTY to have a disclaimer. But "this setter" and "most inexperienced"? Is an abusive usage of its power.

  6. Smooth grid with many nice clues - liked mind's eye, endgames, vertexes, toodle-oo, festal, nearly.

  7. Today's crossword makes you work your Grey cells and kept one absorbing. Definitely not the work of novice. Lots of f(p)un intended.

  8. Nice grid Dreamer! Loved many clues.. keep up the good work and just ignore the Loser Moron who wrote non-sense intro in retaliation. We all stand by you.

  9. Note to the editor: I DID enjoy the grid, and have no concerns about its quality :)

  10. Nice one Dreamer. What has happened to The Hindu crossword desk? Only explanation I can think of is that this disclaimer was meant to come up for the CWs set by the infamous one and has by mistake been added to the one set by Dreamer

    1. RameshJ either you have a uncanny foresight (by which you gave them a easy way out) or insider information!

    2. Or I unwittingly provided a face saving option

  11. +1
    But I can't say the same thing with other CW's which did not carry any foreword. If it has been "evaluated and certified" why this disclaimer? Looks like experience does not count in presenting a good and enjoyable CW. ("Most inexperienced setter"!)

    1. This is in response to Ramki's post @ 09.34.

  12. Worst grid. No ploughing NINA. No words like Orchil,Wrasse etc. Solvable clues. Smooth surfaces.Everything wrong with the grid.No wonder the editor is peeved. Dreamer should set the next one as a nightmare and measure up to the expectations.

  13. Also why no mention of it in the print edition. Are the users of print edition not supposed to do the CW's published?

  14. A very enjoyable grid by Dreamer..again! Good surfaces, good cryptic grammar, all kosher. He maybe new to THC, but definitely not an 'inexperienced' setter! All of his grids have been good thus far. I have seen much worse grids from an 'experienced' setter.. Favourite clues 1d, 7d, 16d,24d 12a, 20a

  15. Think this is the first time in the history of TH to put on such a despicable note. By what standard has the present cw, an excellent grid, been judged, I can’t imagine!

  16. Nice grid. Some of the clues are very good and pose a challenge to the solver.
    Why this disclaimer by the Hindu? Why doesn't it appear in the printed edition?

  17. Unexpected, unnecessary, and uncalled-for intro in the online version! :-(

  18. Hindu Crosswords desk takes no responsibility for errors in this grid, nor any concern for unsavoury opinions expressed against its quality. Do enjoy the puzzle! In case of any comments or concerns, reach out to us at
    This remark published by the crossword desk seems a little strange and self-contradictory to me.
    1. Even at the time of posting the grid, the crossword desk has foreseen errors, then why publish it?
    2. They have also foreseen unsavoury comments. They have issued a disclaimer in this regard. In that case what is the purpose of asking people to contact them ?

    1. This remark was meant to be published on Saturday 11.4.22 but was inadvertently posted

      on 11.4.22. Extremely tacky to say the least.

    2. read as Saturday 9.4.22

    3. Mam, After publishing the grid this type of info. should not be posted in online version. In what scale they mentioned as 'inexperienced setter'. It's really surpraising. Some concealed protocols might not be revealed it to setter.

    4. Even if it is for 9th April, 2022, it is unwarranted.

    5. +1 KKR. Publication cannot single out any setter.

  19. VLADIMIR was distraught.
    BLESS YOU told his elderly friend.
    Let your thoughts not HINDER in getting the right mate!
    If someone made YOU IRKSOME, forget it. Don't RESENT.
    Go to the NEAREST pub and have a drink!

    1. Lots of nearest pubs these days!
      Nice one CGB.

  20. 20A Egypt ET or EG? ET is Ethiopia.


      ET is Egypt. For Ethiopia it is ETH

    2. ET is the International Vehicle Registration code for Egypt

  21. @Ajeesh Always enjoyed your grid. I don't understand how one will become an inexperienced setter after his grids are published & appreciated by solvers here & in other forums ? Carry on with your setting, we all enjoy it very much .

  22. I usually refrain from posting comments here but feel like I have to say something today. The comments in the introduction to the grid were totally unprofessional and do not suit a publication of The Hindu's standing. Even if the setter were new and inexperienced (which Dreamer is not), this is surely no way to introduce them.

    I really enjoyed today's grid. Dreamer is one of my favourite setters at THC. Please continue your good work, Dreamer, and don't let such pettiness discourage you.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. As the foreword has since been removed from the online version. I am deleting my comment of 11:15

    2. Glad to note that good sense prevailed and the needless foreword has since been removed.

  24. The foreword/comment is uncalled for... even for a rookie setter, which Dreamer certainly is not

  25. The foreword is totally unnecessary. I may not have solved his grids earlier in this platform but have solved many of his clues elsewhere. He is a brilliant setter. No two ways about it.

  26. There is no more word of caution for this puzzle. I am happy about this development.

  27. Just started the grid and am half way through but felt I had to comment since the note attached to it is ridiculous and unfair.

    I have not found a single clue thus far with any issues. On the contrary the clues parse fine and as expected, they follow cryptic grammar correctly.

    This may be "Dreamer's" 8th crossword but Ajeesh has set clues/grids in multiple volumes of Cryptic Crossroads which have been published in print. His grids have also appeared several times in this blog over the years and have been met with good feedback which led to his selection in the panel of setters. He has demonstrated his knowledge of cryptic grammar many times through his comments in this blog and other forums including my FB group and we have often sought his views as a subject matter expert.

    The note is hence obviously incorrect with respect to his experience and should not have been included with the crossword. Further, the way it has been conveyed in poor taste, tarnishes "The Hindu Crossword's" reputation and franchise - something that had been carefully built and maintained over so many decades.

  28. Easy to spoil a reputation,extremely difficult to build one.

  29. Easy to plough, difficult to grow

  30. I have a sneaking suspicion that WrdPlougher is the editor of crosswords at The Hindu. It would explain why his grids continue to be published despite the universal condemnation and also why the juvenile intro was posted this morning. If true, this is completely unconscionable. To use one's position as editor to wage a personal vendetta against one of your foremost critics on this blog is sickening.

  31. Refer my comment at 12:14 above the Foreword in the online edition was removed and has now been replaced by the following

    "The Hindu Crossword desk apologises if a disclaimer message posted earlier, since removed, has caused any offence. We have seen that inexperienced setters often receive undue flak that can be downright abusive and dent their budding confidence. Our idea, as always, was to protect the young setter, redirect any concerns, and invite feedback at Enjoy the puzzle!"

    The earlier Foreword as an afterthought has now been shifted to the Crossword by WrdPlougher which was published on 09 Apr!!

    Though the apology is accepted the current Foreword appears to be a face saving exercise.

    I would like to add that none of the comments here have been 'abusive', harsh yes but constructive in nature and not downright 'abusive'. Comments here are made for the improvement of the setters and not to dent their confidence, but if someone is unwilling to accept their errors and learn, then it is another story. My advisory on the top of this page clearly mentions that derogatory comments will be deleted.

    1. +1 for comments never being abusive. The basic idea has always been to have better and enjoyable CW's.

  32. I enjoyed the grid thoroughly. A good mix of easy and somewhat difficult clues. All fair to the solver with correct cryptic grammar and no unwanted redundancies. Way to go, Dreamer. Regular solvers have expressed their views.
    ENDANGER is my COD with a lovely football-related surface. VERTEXES, INTERN, BLESS YOU, IDOLATER, ENDGAMES, MIND'S EYE are my other faves. Smooth surfaces with no complicated long-winding wordplay, misdirection, balance across types of clues and correct cryptic grammar - the essentials of a good grid are all present in this grid

  33. A small q. VERTEXES or VERTICES?

    1. ver·tex (vûr′tĕks′)
      n. pl. ver·ti·ces (-tĭ-sēz′) also ver·tex·es

    2. Thank u. I was hesitant to fill. So asked. 😊

    3. Ajeesh,
      Brahma Muhurtam- time to sleep peacefully!

  34. Really nice grid. A near novice like me could complete in 40 mins.
    Thanx Ajeesh.

  35. Reg - the above controversy - i have a small point to add.
    We don't know for sure - Wordplougher's role in Today's fwd & subsequent withdrawal.
    However there was a post yday - uncalled for IMO, about the CW & what passes muster here etc.
    I am surprised nobody responded to that.
    Coolcat is a new setter & the remarks were unsettling - threatening the confidence of a would be setter like me.
    Maybe our regulars should respond.

  36. A few points:

    The setter in the midst of the controversy creates output that are unconventional - downright incomprehensible in many cases

    However, does it justify
    - Name calling - "Moron", "Amateur" ,"Loser"
    - Unsavoury phrases and words - "Nepotism", "Third-rate"
    - Tag-team punch outs

    Does anyone in this blog have proof that the said setter is a beneficiary of nepotism? Any proof that the Hindu editorial team was practising nepotism?

    Apology accepted! Quite graceful! May be something is owed.. May be some introspection?

    1. Agree with your point on use of some superlatives. We do get carried away at times and we need to restrict ourselves from hurting someone even if that person deserves it.

    2. oH Col, when someone calls us MOB but we still need to restrict! 🙏

    3. No point in stooping down to a lower level

  37. Think twice before shooting off.
    The point of discussion today is the needless foreword by TH and its hasty withdrawal. Not about acceptability or otherwise of Saturday's CW.

  38. Why should TH shift the foreword from today to that of Saturday- retrospectively! Is this the way for a National Newspaper to act?

  39. Excellent puzzle! Just found time to solve this.
    Thank You Dreamer. Keep them coming.

  40. Fantastic grid again dreamer. Thoroughly enjoyed solving it. Unfortunately the "foreword" took the focus today. Happy that better sense prevailed and it has been removed or moved? Let by-gones be by-gones. Look forward to more interesting elegant puzzles from Ajeesh. Cheers

  41. Magical grid Dreamer! So many incredible clues! Great vocabulary, flawless wordplay and excellent surfaces. So many favourites: 9a, 12a, 13a, 14a, 17a, 20a, 6d, 16d, 18d and 24d. Only 2 clues that super picky me could even suggest improving: adding 'loud' to the expulsion of air in 27a to make it clear what kind of expulsion it is haha. Also the sarcasm didn't quite work for me in 26a. All the rest are perfect :D

  42. Oh yeah. What's the go with that apology? I've never seen Dreamer get flak before. What was the editor thinking?!

  43. Excellent grid. The Hindu Crossword Desk could have avoided this unpleasant incident, which they got into in order to protect one inexperienced setter (by their own admission). The Hindu Crossword Desk must understand such protection comes at the cost of the solvers.

  44. The Hindu Crossword desk's "foreword" leaves a bad taste in the mouth. It could have been avoided.

  45. Tough to plough. Easy to dream. Enjoyed filling it. Kudos to Dreamer.
