Thursday 14 April 2022

No 13530, Thursday 14 Apr 2022, Lightning


Solution to 22D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

 It may be integral to california copper with endless desire (8) CALCULUS {CAL}{CU}{LUSt}
5   Perhaps one anaesthetist? (6) NUMBER [DD]
9   Chase with fear right away in aerial battle (8) DOGFIGHT {DOG}{FrIGHT}
10 Caught in fear of short supply (6) SCARCE {SCAR{C}E}
12 New measure left out for compound (5) NITRE {N}{lITRE}
13 Im unclear about designating digits (9) NUMERICAL*
14 One replacing a specimen — it’s straightforward (6) SIMPLE S(-a+1)IMPLE
16 A lion is dealt with by intermediary (7) LIAISON*
19 A liberal German engineer, supporter of mathematics branch (7) ALGEBRA {A}{L}{G}{E}{BRA}
21 One propagating falsehood around Nebraska is one dimensional (6) LINEAR {LI{NE}AR}
23 Data point not moving — it’s inside (9) STATISTIC {STA{TIS}TIC}
25 Country’s criminal attempt (5) CONGO {CON}{GO}
26 Auditor’s not a failure (6) NOUGHT (~not)
27 Study of shapes somehow grey to me (8) GEOMETRY*
28 Explanation of mythical God assimilating energy — unknown (6) THEORY {TH{E}OR}{Y}
29 Detailed examination of a new medical condition, not par (8) ANALYSIS {A}{N}{parALYSIS}

1   Programming firm with blemish (6) CODING {CO}{DING}
2   Flash that may be seen at the top of this grid (9) LIGHTNING Definition by example
3   Spun it evenly concealing link (5) UNITE [T]
4   Peacekeepers with pivot point to disrupt (7) UNHINGE {UN}{HINGE}
6   Not sure of a nice turn at sea (9) UNCERTAIN*
7   Black gold one caught relating to a compound (5) BORIC {B}{OR}{1}{C}
8   About to ingest one drink — dry white wine (8) RIESLING {R{1}E}{SLING}
11 King leaving army line — it’s radical (4) AMYL {ArMY}{L}
15 Guardian perhaps, aggressive person, going around partly carefree (9) PUBLISHER {PU{BLIthe}SHER}
17 Agents sat around stalls (9) STAGNATES*
18 Fish I catch with small basket (8) BASSINET {BASS}{I}{NET}
20 Gold cover clipped for vehicle (4) AUTO {AU}{TOp}
21 Chose to cut corners, managed without a desk (7) LECTERN {eLECTEd}{RaN}
22 Cop partly with unknown power, seconds malicious developments (6) ?O?Y?S (Addendum - POLYPS {POLice}{Y}{P}{S} -  See comments)
24 Damage a vehicle with energy (5) ABUSE {A}{BUS}{E}
25 Animal primarily camping across middle eastern lands (5) CAMEL Acrostic Semi&lit

Reference List
Right = R, Caught = C, New = N, Left = L, Libersl = L, German = G, Engineer = E, Supporter = BRA, It's = TIS, Energy = E, Unknown = Y, Black = B, Gold = OR, Caught = C, About = RE, King = R, Line = L, Power = P, Seconds = S


  1. 4d typo? IA version read disrupt (IB?).

    1. Print version also has disrupt. Probably it is right- disrupt is to unhinge.
      I don't know why IB and how does it fit?

    2. Anyway cluing unhinge with hinge as a component is not elegant. Same roots

    3. That was a formatting error I forgot to hit the Control button to make the definition in Italics and Bold so it just overwrote it as IB.
      Corrected now

    4. Ajeesh is our resident Root expert :-)

    5. Yes the submitted clued had disrupt as the def. Printer's devilry I guess :)

      Ajeesh, on the subject of root words, this has been my opinion:

      If the clue had def == separate (or) disconnect, then cluing hinge as component leads to a root word problem.

      This is specifically why I chose an alternate meaning like confuse (or) disrupt as the def.

      Open to thoughts / suggestions on this.

    6. IMU, what ajeesh is saying is not about root problem between def and solution.
      It's cluing the word unhinge as un-hinge.
      Essential we are cluing for hinge as pivot point. Which is a 1/0 situation for solver. Either you get it or not. Or work backwards from solution. In a DD one atleast have second def to cross check.

    7. I suppose the “root issue” is a problem only because the etymological root shared by a wordplay component and the definition might make the clue insufficiently cryptic and therefore too straightforward. So, on a lighter note, those who like an easy solve may actually enjoy clues with a “root issue”!

      But at the same time, I wouldn't say that breaking up FOOTBALL, say, into a charade of FOOT and BALL is an issue at all (root or otherwise). That is just a simple charade. And as long as each wordplay component has been clued cryptically in its own right, I see no problem. For example, how about ‘Game to cover dance (8)’? (Game is noun in cryptic reading, but adjective in the surface; to cover as FOOT also has verb-noun bisociation; dance as BALL is a distinct semantic sense from spherical object). This is probably an awful clue, but just to get the point across.

      Re Lightning’s clue, even if HINGE means “pivot point”, it is a noun, whereas UNHINGE is a verb. So, we could consider it to be cryptic enough, as solvers might actually enjoy making that connection.

      Also, interestingly, I think a “printer’s devil” actually refers to an apprentice or peon at a publishing house, so-called because they would usually be covered in black ink or soot and resemble an imp. Not a printing error or typo as is commonly believed.

      Happy New Year to everyone :)

  2. 23a reversal indicator for its? Stati(sti<=)c

    1. ‘tis is contraction for “it is”, right?

    2. It is. (But not expecting in a lightning puzzle)!!!

    3. It is just 'tis' moving- 3 letter word. Question is only about anagrind.

    4. There is no anagrind paddy. Not moving:static
      It is:tis
      Inside: insertion

    5. Reference List gives
      it's = TIS

    6. It is either TIS or IST depending on where you split. In either case it is not 'its. So you need either an anind or reversal indicator.

    7. There is a typo also. Col. has left out one T.

    8. Paddy, no anagram of reversal. tis = it’s . Example from google search below

      it is.
      "“'tis but a scratch,” she murmured"

    9. So,finally It's= It is= 'tis. Right? Pretty confusing.

    10. Thanks for saving the clue Ajeesh, but the fault is mine. Referred my notes - at some point, I had the clue as

      Data point not moving — it’s back inside
      {STATI {S'TI <=} C}

      Didn't look good on surface, so changed it (incorrectly) before submission.

    11. Added the missing T
      It's = TIS as explained by Ajeesh is how I saw it

  3. Host of clues related to mathematics and few to chemistry. Enjoyable grid!

  4. filled and completed at 'Lightning'speed. Is it because he has included his name in the solution words?

  5. 22D POLYPS
    Cop partly= POLice - ice
    with unknown = Y
    malicious developments = defn.
    are polyps malicious or benign could be explained by medical fraternity.

    1. Cryptics like "sufficient but not necessary". Dictionary says mostly benign but for cryptics Even if 1% turn out to be malicious, that's enough.

    2. 👍Thanks Sree_Sree garu.

    3. Polyp is a projection from the lining of a tubular organ like Intestine .Most of the polyps are benign.Some polyps,especially in the colon may become malignant and therefore need regular follow up.

  6. 22 D POLYPS

    Cop partly POL(ice)
    Unknown = Y
    Power = P
    Seconds = S
    Answer POLYPS

  7. Could solve more words than usual, though not fully, at a fast pace. Thank you Lightning.

  8. Simple clues. Thanks Lightning

  9. There is a Delete button under every comment.

  10. Don’t see an option. I face another issue too. Blogger doesn’t allow me to post comments most time. Need to clear the history many a time

  11. Happy Tamil New Year to all.

  12. That then must be an issue with your Phone/Laptop if you have to clear history often

  13. Let me join the greeters in Wishing
    Tamizh Puthandu Subhskritu.
    Yes,there are 60 names for years in Tamil and probably 60 was vonsidered a cycle- lifetime? 3 score?

  14. For 19a, shouldn't the clue have an indicator to get the first letters?

    Aside from that, nice grid, Lightning! Favorite clue of the day: NUMBER.

    1. For The letters (short forms) defined in dictionary, not necessary.
      A,L,G,E all are standard abbreviations for the words given in the clue.

    2. Thanks for the clarification, Sree. Is there a place where I could find all these short forms listed?

  15. Ajeesh, probably your internet file cache doesn't get deleted with "clear browsing history."
    Try manually deleting them.

  16. I am wishing Lightning happy Tamil NY Day with this clue for 14A....
    Changing 1 to 1 is example, so easy

  17. Happy Tamil New Year (Subhakritu) to all the blog members!
    Breezy grid today - thanks Lightning.

  18. I had put NOUGHT for 26A, but the online grid shows NAUGHT as the right answer. IMO both fit wrt the meaning as well as the homophone. Maybe Lightning can clarify!

  19. Free Nought as alt.spelling for Naught!

    1. Strictly speaking nought is zero. Naught is nothing.
      So failure is naught.
      But then the whole world philosophy lies between zero and nothing.

  20. Happy Tamil New Year to all. Thanks to Lightning for a breezy puzzle.

  21. Totally forgot to mention that on this day last year Gridman/CV/Rishi left us.
    God bless his soul

    1. உங்களுக்கும் உங்கள் குடும்பத்தில் உள்ள அனைவருக்கும் இனிய தமிழ் புத்தாண்டு நல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்

      Thanks to lightning for the Themed Grid. esp.NUMERICAL,ALEBRA & CALCULUS

      Remebering gridman with a quote of – Hazel Gaynor ' To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die”

    2. Gridman is chiranjeevi in our hearts. All we have to do is to forget that he is no more.

  22. Happy tamil new year and Vishu to all friends and families.
