Sunday 17 April 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3198, Sunday 17 Apr 2022

1   Sportspeople seeing injuries including leaderless crew, flailing rowers (13) WELTERWEIGHTS {WELT{cREW*}{EIGHT}S}
8   Wise men heading off for a long time (4) AGES sAGES
9   Renunciation of stinking acrid slime (10) DISCLAIMER*
10 Single knitted item? Beguiled? Not originally (6) MITTEN sMITTEN
11 Cheap Italian novelist with no means to be heard (8) ECONOMIC {ECO}{NO}{MIC}
12 Digitally alter, very quietly, attractive 'outsize' host – not half, that's accepted (9) PHOTOSHOP {PP} over {HOT}{OS}{HOst}
14 A little busy, the French hotel; nothing to write home about (4) BLAH {Busy}{LA}{H}
15 Witnesses hijack, reportedly (4) SEES (~seize)
16 Extremely professorial tenor, most insipid (9) TWEEDIEST  {T}{WEEDIEST}
20 A cop went to resort city on Atlantic (4,4) CAPE TOWN*
21 Some vicar, uselessly tragic figure (6) ICARUS [T]
23 A grandpa ('Pop'), shortly tipsy, offering misinformation (10) PROPAGANDA {A+GRANDPA+POp}*
24 Somewhat shamefaced, keeling over where drinks are served (4) CAFE [T<=]
25 What the King's men did: failed (4,2,3,4) WENT TO THE WALL [DD]

1   Amusing Western, A Horse Is Hot (7) WAGGISH {W}{A}{GG}{IS}{H}
2   Composer's catalogue in the auditorium (5) LISZT (~list) 
3   Delivering 'second-to-last' finales (7) ENDINGS (-s)ENDING(+s)S
4   Poor tenant was wont to be thrifty (5,3,4,3) WASTE NOT WANT NOT*
5   Very old (50), solider heads north to find accommodation there (6) IGLOOS {SO}{O}{L}{GI}<= Why there?
6   Those on the Corinthian omnibus? (3,6) HOI POLLOI [CD]
7   Like ABBA? Like a turnip? (7) SWEDISH [DD]
13 Subsequently, the Scripture lessons at university in progress (9) THEREUPON {THE}{RE}{UP}{ON}
15 Little singer to squabble repeatedly (7) SPARROW {SPAR}{ROW}
17 Everyman's flipping furious in far-off land? (7) EMIRATE {ME<=}{IRATE}
18 Heartfelt lines describing fine uniform following small change (7) SOULFUL {L{F}{U}L}<=>{SOU}
19 Believed unpleasant smell that's disgusting lost at last (6) BOUGHT {BO}{UGH}{losT}
22 African capital city reaching Atlantic, for starters? (5) ACCRA Acrostic Semi&lit

Reference List
Quietly = P, Outsize = OS, The in French = LA, Hotel = H, Western = W, Horse = GG, Hot = H, Second = S, Old = O, 50 = L, Scripture lessons = RE, University = UP, Line = L, Fine = F, Uniform = U, Small change = SOU, Unpleasant smell = BO