Saturday, 14 May 2022

No 13556, Saturday 14 May 2022, Arden

Solution to 9A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Devil-may-care fighting unit with perhaps, a sole follower (7) RAFFISH {RAF}{FISH}
5   Lug into fight and offer support (4,3) BEAR OUT {B{EAR}OUT}
9   Money, one that goes into the loo (5) M?A?S (Addendum - MEANS {ME{A}NS} - See comments))
10 With husband in prison, strives to get endowments (9) CHANTRIES {C{H}AN}{TRIES}
11 Tailor asking her about reduction in size (9)  SHRINKAGE*
12 Heathen quiet once more, losing interest (5) PAGAN {P}{AGAiN}
13 Insect behaving naturally when trapped (4) GNAT [T]
15 West ends gone, badly disconnected (8) OCCIDENT dIsCONneCTED*
18 Booze, eating meat led to his heart complaint (4,4) BERI BERI {BE{RIB}ER}{hIs}
19 Told to see the place (4) SITE (~sight)
22 She springs into existence right in the middle of Australia (5) ALICE [C&DD]
24 Thief going around with mask, rough and ready (9)  MAKESHIFT {THIEF+MASK}*
26 Stops accepting money transfer? Definitely not! (2,2,5) BY NO MEANS {B{MONEY*}ANS}
27 He pays money essentially to go through the portal (5) DONOR {DO{moNey}OR}
28 Born with a voice, raised to get a title (7) BARONET {B}{A}{TENOR<=}
29 Lazy question about choice before Kings (4-3) WORK-SHY {W{OR}{K'S}HY}

1   Give up a carriage (6) REMISE [DD]
2   Starts growing roses again in the country — such sweet smell! (9) FRAGRANCE {FRA{Gr...g}{Ro..s}{Ag..n}NCE}
3   Playwright bar hopping in Brisbane (5) IBSEN brISBaNE*
4   Cut one extra, make a headgear (9) HACKAMORE {HACK}{A}{MORE}
5   Support for a couple (5) BRACE [DD]
6   Does it pan out like the Poles? (9) ANTIPODES*
7   Due to win in up coming game (5) OWING {O{WIN}G<=}
8   When a situation arises, has some herbal tea (6) TISANE [T<=]
14 Term used with 3 to describe 16 perhaps (9) TRIBESMEN {TERM+IBSEN}*
16 In Kurukshetra, both sides saying they were brave (9) CHICKASAW {CHIC}{Ku...rA}{SAW}
17 Second time dives into river during sunrise, they keep you healthy (9) NUTRIENTS {NU{TR{tIme}ENT}S<=}
20 Some blood groups contribute to growth in Africa (6) BAOBAB Letter Bank
21 Anecdote about the bottom floor (6) STOREY {STOR{thE}Y}
23 Those who do bad things exposed, they’re close to centre (5)  INNER sINNERs
24 Last man in playing team mattered (5) MEANT {MEA{maN}T*}
25 Somethings ordered especially for the upcoming feast (5) SEDER [T<=]

Reference List
Husband = H, Quiet = P, Born = B, Kings = K'S, In = CHIC, Saying = SAW, Blood groups = A,O,B 


  1. Slightly on the tougher side today with a few new words- Chantries,Chickasaw,at least to me.
    Letter bank clue was also tough.

  2. In Chickasaw wordplay was also difficult.

    1. +1, I felt the same, Kurukshetra took my train of thoughts elsewhere

  3. Letter bank clue AB is also a blood group- a rare one.

  4. Col.on the move again. We get the blog at 8.30 sharp wherever he is!

  5. One = A
    Loo = MEN'S
    One goes into loo = MEANS = MONEY

  6. Could someone please explain the verification beriberi clue? A newcomer here

    1. Kindly Ignore the verification 😅

    2. Booze:beer. Meat:rib eating is insertion ind. Beriberi is a health condition

    3. Booze- Beer
      Eating- encapsulation ind.
      Meat- rib
      led to- connector
      His heart- i(heart of the word 'his')
      Beri Beri- complaint(definition)
