Sunday 22 May 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3203, Sunday 22 May 2022

1   Gadgets displaying pretension (3,7) TIN OPENERS*
6   Yin's antithesis – nature's governor, to begin with? (4) YANG Acrostic Semi&lit
9   Swan Island's latest script (10) PENMANSHIP {PEN}{MAN'S}{HIP}
10 German lad looking back and forth? (4) OTTO <=>
11 Unsettling joke welcomed by bachelor, relaxing (4-8) BONE-CHILLING {ONE} in {B} {CHILLING}
15 Wear out car part (7) EXHAUST [DD]
16 Washing facility, bar and hotel bill in retreat (7) BATHTUB{BUT}{H}{TAB}<=
17 Some French ate aubergines in their big house? (7) CHATEAU [T]
19 Over-use worn-out bodies of work (7) OEUVRES*
20 Drunk eager to follow competition, Rangers gutted (4-8) BEER-SWILLING {WILLING}<=>{BEE}{Ra...rS}
23 Good to throw a ball (4) GLOB {G}{LOB}
24 Charitable gesture in which writer's backing tyranny (10) DOMINATION {DO{I'M<=}NATION}
25 Hairy beasts' jaws (4) YAKS [DD]
26 Stresses from unfortunate mishaps, see? (10) EMPHASISES*

1   Ends giving clues (4) TIPS [DD]
2   Grandma's somewhat bananas (4) NANA [T]
3   Engineer ruins tape: no help for musicians (5,6) PIANO TUNERS*
4   Nostrils running, you say? Easily fixed! (2,5) NO SWEAT (~ nose wet)
5   Perhaps Victoria's sporting mostly blue hair (4,3) RAIL HUB {BLUe+HAIR}*
7   That man's Conservative: the old are first thing to study (3,7) ART HISTORY  {HIS}{TORY}<=>{ART}
8   He defeated Gore; he bugs Gore terribly (6,4) GEORGE BUSH*
12 EU members shun Italian reforms (11) LITHUANIANS*
13 Bravo for every malfunctioning vehicle (5,5) BEACH BUGGY {B}{EACH}{BUGGY}
14 Tourist guide, Romeo during season, with hygiene problem? Yes (6,4) PHRASE BOOK {PH{R}ASE}{BO}{OK}
18 All the same, perhaps, Oxford students (7) UNIFORM {UNI}{FORM}
19 Spooner's expressed imperial desire to be like Saudi Arabia (3-4) OIL-RICH (~royal itch to oil rich)
21 Pork pies in France leading to intestinal discomfort (4) FIBS {F}{IBS}
22 Pubs in which Everyman sits finally absorbing news (4) INNS {I}{sitS} over {NN}

Reference List
Joke = ONE, Bachelor = B, Hotel = H, Good = G, Bravo B, Romeo = R, Hygiene problem = BO(Body odour), France = F, News = NN


  1. Joke=one.
    I would like to know how?
    Of course I checked up Chambers CW dict.and it is there. Don't remember coming across it before.

  2. As an aside: why does THC bother to publish Everyman, 8-10 weeks old puzzle in this digital era. When it has good bench strength of crossword setters.

    1. They must have made a long term payment to The Guardian

    2. Could be, Col. But even then, the regular solvers would know the digital link. "Only on paper" solvers would be small compared to the printing and space cost.

    3. I think the same applies to the quick they carry on Thursdays only in the magazine print edition- again very very old.

    4. Many times paper solvers (like me) also access the on line version of the guardian.

  3. Col - unable to post in the special. 🤔
