Monday 8 August 2022

No 13629, Monday 08 Aug 2022, Incognito

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Indian with joints stays (11) INJUNCTIONS {IN}{JUNCTIONS}
9   AT&T in-charge's room at the top (5) ATTIC {ATT}{IC}
10 Musical instrument's alternating current wire has charged particle (9) ACCORDION {AC}{CORD}{ION}
11 Soccer player's barefoot, dribbling around left line (10) FOOTBALLER {FOOTBA{L}{L}ER*}
12 Rodents run back for popular actor (4) STAR<=
13 Spanish friend's a fighter, love (5) AMIGO {A}{MIG}{0}
15 ISIS captures violent earl and some middle easterners (8) ISRAELIS {IS{EARL*}IS}
17 Wrongly suppress arm strengthening exercises (5-3) PRESS-UPS*
19 To some extent, desecrate a seer's rib (5) TEASE [T]
22 With difficulty, pull Doctor Silver (4) DRAG {DR}{AG}
23 Calm cop wrongly gets diamond for henchman (10) ACCOMPLICE {CALM+COP}*{ICE}
26 Found the Basils running amok (9) ESTABLISH*
27 Pointed part of whale-boat's harpoon (5) SHARP [T]
28 Martini poured in grotto? It may reduce gas! (11) CARMINATIVE {CA{MARTINI*}VE}

1   Ration distributed without a preamble (5) INTRO RaTION*
2   A stock job arranged to give military footwear (9) JACKBOOTS*
3   Almost before time, just after noon (6) NEARLY {EARLY}<=>{N}
4   Notices in America, perhaps, alien surrounded by insects (7) TICKETS {TICK{ET}S}
5   Fine! God creates lady's fingers! (4) OKRA {OK}{RA}
6   Isn't lilac folded a little bit? (9) SCINTILLA*
7   For starters, Royal Air Force fighters initially airlifted some kind of fibre (6) RAFFIA Acrostic

8   Aboard ship, crazy Nero sleeps soundly (6) SNORES {S{NERO*}S}
14 Plasticine moulded, after loss of pressure, becomes rigid (9) INELASTIC pLASTICINE*
16 Saint wanders around, carrying shred pita, for making Italian starters (9) ANTIPASTI {AN{PITA*}STI*}
17 Father's own home near small residence (6) P?D?E? (Addendum - PADRES {PAD}{RES} - See comments)
18 ISI chap confused about Indian game (7) PACHISI*
20 Old English representative and model is not taxable (6) EXEMPT {EX}{E}{MP}{T}
21 Biblical spy's lei lost during jail-house reconstruction (6) JOSHUA {JAil+HOUSe}*
24 Icon found in Fukushima generator (5) IMAGE [T]
25 Sailor kidnaps in boy in a type of ski lift (1-3) T-BAR {T{B}AR}

Reference List
Indian = IN, In charge = IC, Left = L, Line = L, Fighter = MIG, Diamond = ICE, Noon = N, Alien = ET, God = RA, Ship = SS, Pressure = P, Old = EX, Representative = MP, Model = T, Sailor = TAR, Boy = B


  1. 23a ice slang diamonds (collective). Is it OK to use it in singular!

    1. 6. Slang Diamonds. From Free dic. for ice.

    2. ICE: (slang) a diamond or diamonds [Free Dictionary]

    3. So you are probably right.

    4. Please refer Chambers. Ice= diamond(s)

    5. OK Sir. had only diamonds. And the rap usage has never been singular.

  2. 17d Padres-fathers - house is PAD(own home) RESidence

  3. Dear Mr. Kishore Rao,
    The very opening of today's grid by you was (is) a masterstroke in the sense I was wondering as to which Indian with the J as the third letter 'stays' {had rightly solved the 2, 3, 4,5 & 6 clues) and instantly RAJASTHANI appeared in my mind but in ten letters and not 11.
    When the clock struck ten, switched on the PC to access this blog-site to realise that I am yet to learn judicial terms judiciously. Thank you.

    1. No hesitation in filling injunction- may be a coincidence that my father was an advocate!

    2. Thanq Padmanabhan Sir,
      So much so I also grew up in a family at Bangalore where our guardian happened to be a leading & much respected senior advocate of Mysore High Court,,,,,

  4. I thought 25 D was J Bar, which is also a ski lift. AB = Sailor and JR = junior for boy.

  5. Is PACHISI the same as our good old LUDO??

    1. As a matter of fact , Pachisi is far , far more older than Ludo. I remember in my child hood, my grand parents used to play pachisi with tamarind seeds as dice. That should make it atleast a 150 years old in the modern context.

    2. The game itself is the reason for woes of Pandavas!
      But the name pachisi is it's variant Hindi form.

    3. This is what is called 'Daya kattam' in Tamil? It seems so from the picture.

  6. Just for fun
    Assumed identity of West Indian Setter!(9)

    1. I couldn't parse it though

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. DD, West Indian - may be because he is from Karnataka (Konkan areai if I remember right)?

    4. +1 badri.
      There was a discussion sometime back in the days of still discovering who's who of setters. (Post NJ). That was Kishore's play of being west Indian, of being from konkan.

  7. Nicely finished the grid. Thanks to col.sir for the perfect picturization. esp. Pacsihi (Dayakkattam in Tamil) as mentioned by Paddy.
