Tuesday, 31 December 2024

No 14370, Tuesday 31 Dec 2024, Avtaar

Solution to 18A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Recent communication about a missing Earl (6) LATTER {L{A}eTTER}
4   Agitated swimmer eating constantly (8) FEVERISH {F{EVER}ISH}
9   Soccer balls near goalpost's end grabbed by linesman from back (6) FOOTER {OO}{g...sT} in {REF<=}
10 Difficulty in speech... and I capitulate (8) HANDICAP [T]
11 Things are stirring in images of that old European complex (3,4,2,5) THE GAME IS AFOOT {IMAGES+OF+THAT+O+E}*
13 Practical test that is included by banks for financial director ahead of court proceeding (5,5) FIELD TRIAL {Fi...{IE}...aL}{D}{TRIAL}
14 Check by spinning top of tuner on TV (4) TEST {Tu..r}{SET}<=
16 Unevenly rough, dry part of Germany (4) RUHR {RoUgH+dRy}
18 Spies taken in by extremely bright discharged emigrants who frequent upper-class dos (10) ?O?I?L?T?S ()
21 A mantis flirting with sinister marsupial (9,5) TASMANIAN DEVIL {A+MANTIS}*{AND}{EVIL}
23 Most of our experiment covers onset of Venus' eclipse (8) OUTRIVAL {OUr}{TRI{Ve..s}AL}
24 Bird sighted at first on trek across river (6) SHRIKE {Si...d}{H{R}IKE}
25 Nocturnal habits? (8) NIGHTIES [DD]
26 "Dash" in special font (6) SPRINT {S}{PRINT}

1   Pick up fight after changing sides (4) LIFT (-r+l)LIFT
2   Old children cutting, say, palm and foot (7) TROCHEE {TR{O}{CH}EE}
3   Nuclei of cells modified in degrees after removing electron (8) ENERGIDS {IN+DEGReES}*
5   In the morning, Avtaar visits former kingdom for investigation (11) EXAMINATION {AM}{I} in {EX}{NATION}
6   Get close to target and rip top off (6) ENDEAR {END}{tEAR}
7   Go down supporting popular Conservative ring (7) INCLOSE {LOSE}<=>{IN}{C}
8   Condition is almost pathetic after treatment (9) HEPATITIS {IS+PATHETIc}*
12 Likeness of, say, ruler with gold skirt reflecting on casing of gemstone (6,5) MIRROR IMAGE {AMIR}{OR}{RIM}<={Ge...nE}
13 Eldest brother is new head of family after he goes abroad (5-4) FIRST-BORN {BROTheR+IS+N+Fa...y}* 
15 Cool to follow book with cryptic clue of top quality (4-4) BLUE CHIP {HIP}<=>{B}{CLUE*}
17 Touch of titanium and silver below pot# (7) HASHTAG {Ti,,,m}{AG}<=>{HASH}
19 Stability's in doubt - possibly stay away, after leaving son in capital (7) TBILISI staBILITyS Third I from? Seems to be an error in fodder?
20 Cryptically, it's savage (6) SADIST {ITS}* [RA]
22 Superman's well-known place in England (4) KENT [DD]

Reference List
Earl = E, Old = O, European = E, Director = D, River = R, Special = S, Children = CH, Electron = E, Conservative = C, Gold = OR, New = N, Book = B

Monday, 30 December 2024

No 14369, Monday 30 Dec 2024, Hypatia


By Prasanna


By Gowri

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Probe worker posing as influencer (5,6)  POWER BROKER*
8   Beauty spot basically in skin, perhaps acne (3) SPA Acrostic
10 Took advantages of cues read periodically (4) USED {cUeS+rEaD}
11 GATE, NEET or IIT-JEE’s portions (5) TORII [T] 
12 Circulating attaché’s proposal (4) IDEA (-a)IDE(+a)A
13 Tiny part appeared ordinary (5) CAMEO {CAME}{O} 
15 Spooner’s chief gardener’s a valuable employee (9) RAINMAKER (~main raker to rainmaker) 
16 Small crew controls royal jet (6) STREAM {S}{T{R}EAM}
18 Santa's reindeer pranced freely dropping presents at entrance (6) DANCER pRANCED*
21 Dead jail bird tipped to smuggle drugs at first (9) CONCLUDED {CON}{CLU{Dr..s}ED} 
23 Oddly selected UK guards in new year (5) UGADI {Uk+GuArDs+In}
25 Prejudice in British civil service (4) BIAS {B}{IAS}
26 Jerk tackles work subject (5) TOPIC {T{OP}IC}
27 Colony resident hosting posh relative (4) AUNT {A{U}NT}
28 Embarrassed in fling (3) SHY [DD]
29 Stymie attack behind Putin (3,2,3,3) NIP IN THE BUD*

1   Fixed fan during study time (8) ?O?S?A?T (Addendum - CONSTANT {CON}{STAN}{T} - See comments)
2   Initially found enemies using daggers in rivalry (4) FEUD Acrostic
3   Sailor had to sink (5) ABATE {AB}{ATE}
4   Diary of sweetheart, a student smoking pot (7) JOURNAL {JO}{URN}{A}{L}
5   Gave up degree for writing as planned (8) DESIGNED (-r+d)DESIGNED
6   Non-commercial tool covering that woman's domain (6) SPHERE {SPad{HER}E}
9   Encounter a problem against husband at work (3,1,4) HIT A SNAG {AGAINST+H}*
14 Training in duty overcoming hesitation (8) EXERCISE {EX{ER}CISE}
17 Sex change at the onset of spring makes one peak (8) MOUNTAIN (-f+m)MOUNTAIN
19 Player Liren entertained by joke about finishing (6,2) ENDING UP {E}{N{DING}UP<=}
20 Paradise lost without a hope? Just the opposite! (7) DESPAIR PARaDISE*
22 State Modi's happy to govern (6) ODISHA [T]
24 Critical crop planted in area regularly (5) ACUTE {Ar{CUT}Ea}
27 Cross monkey climbing above top (4) APEX {X}<=>{APE}

Reference List
Ordinary = O, Small = S. Royal = R, British = B, Posh = U, Time = T, Sailor = AB, Sweetheart = JO, Studdent = L, Degree = D, Writing = R, Commercial = AD, Husband = H, Player = E

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Special, Sunday 29 Dec 2024, IXL-2024 Onstage Final 1, Avtaar

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  


IXL 2024 FINAL 1

By Avtaar
Squares filled: 0/158
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Avtaar IXL THCC

1Cut back reserve force (6)
4Entertainment by English corporal is sombre (8)
9Uneasy future, perhaps (5)
10Prominent revolutionary had suspicion of serial blasts (9)
11Meat sliced by long, fine tool (9)
12Support black people (5)
13Write about prevailing over unionist to block Asian country's cool, "win-at-any-cost" tactics (3-9)
17Dangerous and unprotected (3,4,5)
22Space in arcade cleared out for feast (5)
23Principal is least bothered about education lacking content (9)
25Strike worker boarding ferry, in a violent manner (9)
26First-class coach (5)
27Soup distributed closer to the Commons (8)
28Half of movie - soulless and extremely trashy (6)

1Scheme to trick local stealing deposit returned by disheartened journo (3-2,3)
2Stretch of land ceded by country further south of lake (8)
3Bohemian king's position when attacked on air (5)
5Speak out shrugging off old, flawed apprehensions (7)
6Honouring nationalist involved in backing unity with jewellery (9)
7Teammate's upset after run out and catch (6)
8Swimmer sent back to check ship with Navy flag (6)
10500-ounce antique vase with 2 handles (5)
14Virtuoso holding fife in performance regaling audience, basically (9)
15Sea wreck and mounting discharge probed by institute (8)
16Cheating unrestrainedly, duplicitous sinner's gone free (8)
18Thrust, cutting middle of stomach's membranous fold (7)
19Try cycling right across peaks in Southern Andes (5)
20Excellent and mostly lavish structure (6)
21Page from book on "The Self" (6)
24No more eggs and roast on the counter (5)


The Sunday Crossword No 3338, Sunday 29 Dec 2024

1   Take two buses back – one interminable, that’s about right – to outskirts (6) SUBURB {BUS<=}{B{R}Us<=}
4   Envisages crumbly pie crust (8) PICTURES*
9   Object: Everyman has salad (6) ENDIVE {END}{I'VE}
10 Emphasizes anxieties (8) STRESSES [DD]
12 Uncooperative? Quite the opposite! (8) CONTRARY [DD] Mary, Mary quite contrary...
13 Seaman perhaps on leave, a rest (6) GOALIE {GO}{A}{LIE}  
15 Heartless hellodaggers brandished – daggers drawn (11) LOGGERHEADS {HElLO+DAGGERS}*
18 Misbehaviour characteristic of the 2000s, you say? (11) NAUGHTINESS (~noughtiness)
21 A professor is Greek, that’s lovely (6) ADONIS {A}{DON}{IS}
22 Poirot’s one that’s been had, by Jupiter (8) HERCULES {HERCULE'S}
24 Posh comedian? I won’t react (5,3) NOBLE GAS {NOBLE}{GAS}
25 Act as inspiration for puzzle (6) BEMUSE {BE}{MUSE}
26 Perpetual child’s play (5,3) PETER PAN [DD]
27 Please raise one’s Stein in toasting, primarily! (6) PROSIT Acrostic &lit

1   Banksy’s materials: stone – and pencils? Not principally (8) STENCILS {ST}{pENCILS} 
2   Bit of hubbuba dina geezer offering banter (8) BADINAGE [T]
3   Take apart so as to understand Lenurb? (7-8) REVERSE-ENGINEER [CD]
5   Greek character included in audiotape (4) IOTA [T]
6   It’s safe to chase articles needing rewriting (3,5,2,5) THE COAST IS CLEAR*
7   Whispering sound Bertrand heard (6) RUSTLE (~russel)
8   Framed élite soldiers? That man had (6) SASHED {SAS}{HE'D}
11 Classical musician reworked her opus (7) ORPHEUS*
14 Not unknown for Hazel to follow hiphop artist (7) RAPHAEL {HAzEL}<=>{RAP}
16 You can’t buy those who’ve betrayed their principles (4-4) SELL-OUTS [DD]
17 In resort, easiest to be bored by island (in my opinion) (2,1,3,2) AS I SEE IT {EASIEST}* over {I}
19 Tom likes this brief sleep, a becoming one (6) CATNIP {CATN(-a+1)IP} 
20 The solver: hazard, certainly (3,3) YOU BET {YOU}{BET}
23 Priest raised sick in France? Ace (4) LAMA {MAL<=}{A}

Reference List
Right = R, Stone = ST, Unknown = Z, Island = I, Sick in France = MAL, Ace = A

Saturday, 28 December 2024

No 14368, Saturday 28 Dec 2024, Hypatia

7   Covers alien in space shuttle initially (8) BLANKETS {BLANK}{ET}{Shuttle}
9   Contests in online outlets (6) EVENTS {E-VENTS}
10 Won after revolutionary champ (4) CHEW {W} after {CHE}
11 Just bore a son - a blessing to cherish (10) REASONABLE {T}
12 New users supply tenders (6) NURSES {N}{USERS*}
14 Hobby of emperor collecting money over time (8) KNITTING {K{TIN<}{T}ING}
15 An expert presses it (4,9) HIGH PRIESTESS {PRESSES IT}* {RA}
18 Wish horse crosses entire ground (8) GREETING {GG} over {ENTIRE}*
20 Correspondence //from// landlord (6) LETTER {DD}
21 Harry Potter coin in custody (10) PROTECTION*
22 Complaint of boy reversing charge (4) BEEF {B}{FEE<}
23 Jostles below funny bones, eventually (6) ELBOWS {BELOW}{boneS}
24 Lift through real votes mostly rigged (8) ELEVATOR {REAL VOTEs}*

1   Notwithstanding a husband parting, strong lady moves ahead (8) ALTHOUGH {A}+ {T{H}OUGH}<=>{L}
2   Second present's white (4) SNOW {S}{NOW}
3   Noblemen backing president? Maybe, they're cultured (6) PEARLS {EARLS}<=>{P}
4   Reminiscences of viral images featuring Boris in the centre (8) MEMORIES {MEM{bORIs}ES}
5   Doctor, male attender tackling pressure in section (10) DEPARTMENT {P} in {M ATTENDER}*
6   Criminal lost near leaderless hideout acquired illegally (6) STOLEN {LOST*}{dEN}
8   Likes prawn and gin cocktail drink (9,4) SPARKLING WINE*
13 Genius got puzzles accepting small hint (10) SUGGESTION {GENIUS GOT}* over {S}
16 Per Spooner, evil media got Diana, say (8) PRINCESS {Spoonerism of SIN PRESS}
17 Essentially asked to reveal blueprint (8) SKELETON {aSKEd}{LET ON}
19 Seldom undercooked meat's gutted liberally (6) RARELY {RARE}{LiberallY}
20 Pined and attacked having love for you, eventually (6) LONGED {L{-u+O}NGED}
22 Bill and Bob made USA think ultimately (4) BEAK {Tail Acrostic}

Alien = ET, Wo n= W, New = N, Time = T, Horse = GG(gee gee), Boy = B, Husband = H, Lady = L, Second = S, President = P, Mal e= M, Small = S, Love = O

Friday, 27 December 2024

No 14367, Friday 27 Dec 2024, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   How girl uses silly hands-over-eyes question (5,3) GUESS WHO {WHO+G+USES}*
5   Appears suddenly with soda and drink (4,2) POPS UP {POP}{SUP}
10 Bit of gossip in press is about Italian gentlemen (7) SIGNORI {IRON}{Go...p}{IS}<=
11 Oblique patellar fractures need plaster initially (7) LATERAL pATELLAR*
12 Sailor wants second line at right angles to length of ship (5) ABEAM {AB}{sEAM}
13 Brief catchy phrase in Spooner's dance scene (5,4) SOUND BITE (~bound site to sound bite)
14 In any casewant a hotter model to entertain members at inauguration (2,6,4) NO MATTER WHAT {WANT+A+HOTTER}* over {Me...s}
18 Kinky male having sex with very passionate head waiter (6,6) MAITRE D'HOTEL {MALE}* over {IT}{REDHOT}
21 Scoring ecstasy, blither any rubbish in confusion (9) LABYRINTH {BLITHeR+ANY}*
23 Winged mammal at estate captured (5) ALATE [T]
24 Catch one criminal in Italian river (7) RUBICON {RUB}{1}{CON}
25 Introduce band in retro bar (5,2) BRING UP {B{RING}UP<=}
26 Coming back, survives blunder on a mountain range (6) SIERRA {IS<=}{ERR}{A}
27 & 4 What person applying gel might do to terrify (4,4,4,5,2,3) MAKE ONES HAIR STAND ON END [C&DD]

1   Talkative person's gossip about top star, extremely amusing (6) GASBAG {GA{Star}B}{Am...nG}
2   Young bird is elegant, flying out of a little nest (6) EAGLET ELEGAnT*
3   Extra weather protection in new dorm inside grounds reviewed (5,4) STORM DOOR {DORM*} in {ROOTS<=}
4   See 27 Across
6   Selected newspaper article about model (5) OPTED {OP{T}ED}
7   Stumped accurately, having advanced instantly (8) STRAIGHT {ST}{R{A}IGHT}
8   Tot playing behind exotic maple tree (8) PALMETTO {TOT}*<=>{MAPLE}
9   An irrational fear of touch, beginning to suspect a bipolar disorder (14) CLAUSTROPHOBIA {TOUCH+Su...t+BIPOLAR}*
15 Fantastic firemen save female, taking chopper up to double-check (2-7) RE-EXAMINE {fIREMEN}* over {AXE<=}
16 Begs brats to acquire knowledge (8) IMPLORES {IMP{LORE}S}
17 Unknown male abducts one attractive female touring western country (8) ZIMBABWE {Z}{1}{M}{BAB{W}E} 
19 Outlaw killing European disappeared? Exactly right (4,2) BANG ON {BAN}{GONe}
20 Woman getting endless pain in viral infection (6) HERPES {HER}{PESt}
22 Competitor in Rolls-Royce overtakes champion (5) RACER {R{ACE}R}

Reference List
Girl = G, Second = S, Sex = IT, Ecstasy = E, Model = T, Stumped = ST, Advanced = A, Female = F, Unknown = Z, Male = M, Western = W, European = E

Thursday, 26 December 2024

No 14366, Thursday 26 Dec 2024, Dr. X

Have an early morning drive so I cannot post the regular blog today.

Each commenter is requested to post only 3 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment. 

Will update the blog later in the evening.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Lost close cricket match finally - it gives a jolt! (8,5) ELECTRIC SHOCK {CLOSE+CRICKET+m..cH}*
8   Japanese singer's grand performance enthrals king (5) GACKT {G}{AC{K}T}
9   Hero seems endlessly distressed, drinking whiskey in an unknown place (9) SOMEWHERE {HER+SEEMs}* over {W}
11 Bond in darkness cut face of villain holding gun (10) OBLIGATION {OBLIv{GAT}ION}
12 Kiss darling on sofa, cuddling in retreat (4) SNOG<=
14 Rebellious boy, beginning to take liquor and drug (7) NOSTRUM {SON<=}{Take}{RUM}
16 Like meeting trendy girl in latter part of the day (7) EVENING {EVEN}{IN}{G}
17 Stupid person's rage, filled with terrible hate (7) FATHEAD {FA{HATE*}D}
19 Gear in public transport vehicle showing inscription of three letters (7) TRIGRAM {T{RIG}RAM}
21 Work about popular Norse God (4) ODIN {DO<=}{IN}
22 American lady at home involved in reckless liaison (10) ILLINOISAN {L}{IN} in {LIAISON}*
25 Assisted living facilities provided by hospital in Somerset, remarkable (4,5) RESTHOMES {H} in {SOMERSET}*
26 Charges rebellious drunkard stealing couple of pounds (5) TOLLS {S{LL}OT<=}
27 Finally accept challenge bit nervously for undertaking a dangerous enterprise (7,3,3) BELLING THE CAT {a...pT+CHALLENGE+BIT}*

2   Spots star in retreat, drinking cold beer (7) LOCALES {SOL<=} over {C}{ALE}
3   Weeps outside, worried by girl getting ordinary grades (10) CATEGORIES {C{ATE}{G}{O}RIES}
4   Failed? Tries to take an exam again (5) RESIT*
5   Bit tense after individual chases politician involved in scam (9) COMPONENT {T} after {ONE}<=>{MP} in {CON}
6   Cry of woman in endless depression (4) HOWL {HO{W}Le}
7   Revolutionary hotel coming up outside a city in India (7) CHENNAI {CHE}{I{A}NN<=}
8   See 13
10 Fellows building a nest egg to limit struggles (11) ENGAGEMENTS {MEN} in {A+NEST+EGG}*
13 / 8 How to enter building to join an enterprise at its inception (3,2,2,3,6,5) GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR [DD]
15 Director in dilemma, misled by new distributor (9) MIDDLEMAN {D} in {DILEMMA*}{N}
18 Investigates case of torture in Italian city (7) TRIESTE {TRIES}{To...rE}
20 Parakeet soared, rotated completely (7) ROSELLA {ROSE}{ALL<=}
23 Smaller map of Italy and Sweden inside bag (5) INSET {I}{N{S}ET}
24 Crush ultras seizing synagogue (4) SHUL [T]

Reference List
Grand = G, King = K, Whiskey = W, Girl = G, Lady = L, Hospital = H, Pound = L, Cold = C, Tense = T, Woman = W, Director = D, New = N, Italy = I, Sweden = S

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

No 14365, Wednesday 25 Dec 2024, Dr. X


Artwork by Prasanna

Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 13D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Dead body over couch turned everyone tense in dance troupe (5,2,6) CORPS DE BALLET {CORPS{BED<=}{ALL}E}{T}
8   Start to scold lazy creep (5) SIDLE {Sc..d}{IDLE} 
9   Travel by train, checking estimated time of arrival (3,6) GET AROUND {G{ETA}ROUND}
11 Tough day in Tehran, bit anxious (4-6) HARD-BITTEN {D} in {TEHRAN+BIT}*
12 Stud on airplane cuddling Spanish lady (4) DONA [T]
14 Indian sweets in party getting over, eaten by boys (7) LADDOOS {LAD{DO}{O}S}
16 Players tackling a new American card game (7) CANASTA {C{A}{N}AST}{A}
17 Soldier on ship grabbing long rope (7) MARLINE {MAR{L}INE}
19 Prince and lady in bash getting a little romantic on ecstasy - it arouses love (7) PHILTRE {P}{HI{L}T}{Ro...c}{E}
21 Talks with bachelor overwhelmed by depression on retirement (4) GABS {S{B}AG<=}
22 Struck by dengue, old bishop's shivering (10) BLUDGEONED {DENGUE+OLD+B}*
25 Order stewed rice with starter of tuna in bar (9) DIRECTIVE {DI{REC{Tuna}I*}VE}
26 Connection that's inside container (3-2) TIE-IN {T{IE}IN}
27 & 2D Bed rest, medication, healthy diet - the very thing that's needed (4,3,6,7) WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED [C&DD]

2   See 27 Across
3   Apprise boy about eye problem (10) PRESBYOPIA*
4   Love international model's figure (5) DIGIT {DIG}{I}{T}
5   Plant with yellow flowers, say, on top of counter in retro bar (9) BUTTERCUP {UTTER}{Co...r} in {BUP<}
6   Entice virtuous lady for romp finally (4) LURE (-p+l)LURE
7   Greek character in Seoul, terribly competitive (7) EMULOUS {E{MU}LOUS*}
8   Scoring ecstasy, hep model goes wild, I swear (2,4,2,3) SO HELP ME GOD {HeP+MODEL+GOES}* 
10 Take aim at an adder and boa frantically to save woman (4,1,4,2) DRAW A BEAD ON {AN+ADDER+BOA}* over {W}
13 Germicide releasing potassium cured sick patient (10) ?N?I?E?T?C (Addendum - ANTISEPTIC {SICk PATIENT} - See comments)
15 Son getting bit of flatus, tucking into atrocious seafood (9) SHELLFISH {S}{HELL{Fl...s}ISH}
18 Resurgence of revolutionary ethnic group in Republic of Haiti (7) REBIRTH {R{TRIBE<=}H}
20 Darling enthralled by largely superior hybrid fruit (7) TANGELO {T{ANGEL}Op}
23 Flinch from hideous adder (5) DREAD*
24 Faecal dropping of small animal (4) SCAT {S}{CAT}

Reference List
Tense = T, Day = D, Over = O, New = N, American = A, Long = L, Prince = P, Lady = L, Ecstasy = E, Bachelor = B, Bishop = B, International = I, Model = T, Woman = W, Son = S, Republic = R, Haiti = H, Small = S

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

No 14364, Tuesday 24 Dec 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Plug of TV set remained loose (13) ADVERTISEMENT*
8   Surprises mother, finally cuts long hair (5) ROCKS {m...eR}{lOCKS}
9 & 2D Seem promising but ultimately disappoint with tale for detective novel (7,2,7) FLATTER TO DECEIVE {TALE+FOR+DETECTIVE}*
11 Raw food consumed in a puerile manner (10) CHILDISHLY {CHIL{DISH}LY}
12 Lounge in flames! Save boy (4) LAZE bLAZE
14 Act foolishly, repent getting drunk at premiere (7) PRETEND {REPENT*}{Dr..k}
16 Sore about husband cuddling secretary, start to take brave course of action (7) WARPATH {RAW<=}{H} over {PA}{Take}
17 Musical instrument over keel-shaped structure (7) OCARINA {O}{CARINA}
19 Party hosted by gal on fancy boat (7) GONDOLA {DO} in {GAL+ON}*
21 Parched? Relief to drink water finally (4) ARID {A{w..eR}ID}
22 Fearless guards taunt criminals at centre to engage in a decisive gunfight (5,2,3) SHOOT IT OUT {STOUT} over {HOOT{c..mIn..s}
25 Enthralled by demure American on trip (9) ENAMOURED {DEMURE+A+ON}*
26 Stopped in English retro joint to have a little drink (5) ENDED {E}{DE{Dr..k}N<=}
27 What welder might do to arouse sudden anger (4,6,3) MAKE SPARKS FLY [DD]

2   See 9 Across
3   A seedy sot's going berserk around island - be careful! (4,4,2) EASY DOES IT {A+SEEDY+SOT}* over {I}
4   Revolting drunkard tackling couple of fine upper-class people (5) TOFFS {SOT<=} over {FF}
5   Join forces with heroin-smuggling rascal (9) SCALLYWAG {SC{ALLY}{W}AG}
6   Fantasy of steamy threesome (4) MYTH [T]
7   Northern rogue in a rave, delivering ultimately pure ecstasy (7) NIRVANA {N}{IN+A+RAVe}*
8   Match  price to secure revolutionary diamonds for top collector (11) R?C?P?O?A?E (Addendum - RECIPROCATE {R{ICE<=}{PRO}{Co...r}ATE} - See comments)
10 Generous doctor! He operated without remuneration finally (4-7) OPEN-HEARTED {HE OPERATED}* over {r...oN}
13 Popularity of new dinner sets (10) TRENDINESS*
15 The rat scurried into apartment over unsafe structure (9) DEATHTRAP {THE+RAT}* in {PAD<=}
18 Folk tale character acting upset about protecting immature girl (3,4) ALI BABA {A}{LI{BABe}A<=} 
20 Egg-shaped cavity in gemstone, not soft (7) OVOIDAL {Op{VOID}AL}
23 Renovate retreats surrounding lake, becoming more decrepit (5) OLDER {RED{L}O<=}
24 Wish hot guy removes top (4) HOPE {H}{rOPE}

Reference List
Long = L, Boy = B, Husband = H, Over = O, Party = DO, American = A, English = E, Island = I, Fine = F, Northern = N, Acting = A, Soft = P, Lake = L, Hot = H

Monday, 23 December 2024

No 14363, Monday 23 Dec 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Gathering at moonlit garage to party (13) AGGLOMERATION
10 Petty office obtains circular over whatsapp (9) BOATSWAIN {OBTAINS}* over {WA}
11 Construction material makes setter smile (1-4) I-BEAM {I}{BEAM}
12 Like state's inspection (5) ASSAY {AS}{SAY}
13 Monk's mule flogged to procure fruit (9) MUSKMELON 
14 Woman beats 4 radicals at start (6) SHIVER {SH{IV}E}{Ra...s}
16 Lawyer is on stand (4) DAIS {DA}{IS}
19 Storage for oils damaged (4) SILO*
20 Great I have been awake in leave (off ) (4,2) GIVE UP {G}{I'VE}{UP}
25 British title given by old army or new establishment (4,5) LORD MAYOR*
26 Cognizant present in Warsaw area? (5) AWARE [T]
27 Good landlord, provided spirit (5) GHOST {G}{HOST}
28 Follow and arrest choker, say (3,6) DOG COLLAR {DOG}{COLLAR}
29 Criminal worried about cocaine reaching country by connection, say (13) CONCATENATION {CON}{C}{ATE}{NATION}

2   Argue with son and relatives to get leather (8) GOATSKIN {GO AT}{S}{KIN}
3   Officer touring America with youth leader is powerful (5) LUSTY {L{US}T}{Yo..h}
4   Oppressive atmosphere in Mumbai Indians, as top management picks one (6) MIASMA {MI}{AS}{Ma...t}{A}
5   Trip outside home, guards on vacation get a closer view from here (8) RINGSIDE {R{IN}{Gu..dS}IDE}
6   Council in ancient Rome at 7, takes rum, regular starlit party (9) T?I?M?I?I (Addendum - TRIUMVIRI {VII+RUM+sTaRlIt}* - See comments)
7   Lover lying, concealing to an excessive degree (6) OVERLY [T]
8   Vessels, tubs damaged outside Officer's Academy (1-5) U-BOATS {UB{O}{A}TS}
9   Change the last word, last word (5) AMEND {AMEN}{worD}
15 Strange! In Theni GMAT, I conducted ended partially (9) ENIGMATIC [T]
17 Toyed with pic photoshopping? Correct (8) COPYEDIT*
18 Crooked legislator expels lieutenant from the harem (8) SERAGLIO lEGISLAtOR*
21 Author's best, ultimate lines of verse (6) POETRY {POE}{TRY} (Correction - {POE}{besT}{RY} - See comments)
22 Join the greatest, gain good name (5) ALIGN {ALI}{G}{N}
23 Stream famous music director's second song, by end of day only (6) ARROYO {ARR}{sOng}{daY}{O}
24 New bag or new shoe? (6) BROGAN {BAG+OR}*{N}
26 Criminal often smuggles overhead (5) ALOFT 

Reference List
Lawyer = DA, Great = G, Good = G, Cocaine = C, Son = S, Officer = LT(Lieutenant), Home = OIN, Officer = O, Academy = A, The greatest = ALI, , Lines = RY, Name = N, Only = O, New = N

Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3337, Sunday 22 Dec 2024

1   A letter is lenient (10) PERMISSIVE {PER}{MISSIVE}
6   Biblical character in thesaurus (4) ESAU [T]
9   University department in which things may be granted? (10) ADMISSIONS [DD]
10 Atmosphere – ruination – that’s regressive (4) MOOD<=
12 Food for the young fish initially diving deep (6,6) SCHOOL DINNER {SCHOOL}{Di...g}{INNER}
15 Seizes chair’s comfortable features (not masculine) (7) ARRESTS ARmRESTS
16 I refuse to believe in a model bank robbery (7) ATHEIST {A}{T}{HEIST}
17 Blocks two-thirds of the toady protuberances (7) THWARTS {THe}{WARTS}
19 Trembling, drool about new American football star (7) RONALDO {RO{N}{A}LDO*}
20 What makes … what makes the world go round … go round? (5-7) MONEY SPINNER [CD]
23 Gripped in booby trap (4) RAPT*
24 More than one character in finest robe lampooned, being flash here (6,4) STROBE LAMP [T]
25 Complaint heard in E. London, somewhere in E. London (4) ACNE (~'ackney)
26 A monkey and 20 ponies? (5,5) GRAND TOTAL [CD] (500=20x25)

1   Ring? Strip (you made out) (4) PEAL (~peel)
2   Where one inevitably ends up emulating the locals? (4) ROME [CD]
3   Part of religious group, saint prays for means of repelling creepy-crawlies (6,6) INSECT SPRAYS {IN}{SECT}{S}{PRAYS}
4   Some laceless items, podalically oriented – not starchy, principally? (4-3) SLIP-ONS Acrostic &lit
5   Nondescript vehicle Everyman will advocate at the outset (7) VANILLA {VAN}{I'LL}{Ad...e}
7   Nestle with William’s feathered friends (10) SPOONBILLS {SPOON}{BILLS}
8   I see below rose (10) UNDERSTOOD {UNDER}{STOOD} 
11 Like attractive accounts when entire thighs displayed (4-8) HIGH-INTEREST*
13 A Samaritan adrift in Atlantic ship (5,5) SANTA MARIA*
14 Alluring security measure that keeps paper in place (7,3) DRAWING PIN {DRAWING}{PIN}
18 Doorman who might give you hell? (2,5) ST PETER [CD]
19 Shabby slate (3-4) RUN-DOWN [DD]
21 Take public transport up to find shopping centre (4) MART<=
22 Gemstone? It’s love, mate (4) OPAL {O}{PAL}

Reference List
Masculine = M, Model = T, New = N, American = A, Monkey = GRAND(500 Pounds), Pony = 25 Pounds, Saint = S

Saturday, 21 December 2024

No 14362, Saturday 21 Dec 2024, Afterdark

1Rural teen mostly knows about software modelled on human brain (6,7) NEURAL NETWORK {RURAL TEEN KNOWs}*
10 Cop and man having a good time, spending half of it on pasta (9) SPAGHETTI {SP{A}{G}{HE}{T}{TIme}
11 Group of musicians becomes outcaste after leaving USA (5) OCTET {OuTCasTE}*
12 Rector's finger cut in the front by a point in compass (5) RHUMB {R}{tHUMB}
13 Ugly, ugly things spend a grand and get a facelift (9) UNSIGHTLY {UgLY THINGS}*
14 Canines growing with support on time, husband easing primarily (6) TEETHE {TEE}{T}{Husband}{Easing}
16 Tips from old brother on enjoying an instrument (4) OBOE {ACROSTICS}
19 Collection of spiles trimmed (4) PILE {sPILEs}
20 Tour over days gets support (6) TRIPOD {TRIP}{O}{D}
25 Drama is on cleaner's work time (4,5) SOAP OPERA {SOAP}{OP}{ERA}
26 Lad has good energy, one over par (5) BOGEY {BO{G}{E}Y}
27 A wooden peg found in window elongating (5) DOWEL {T}
28 Zero scope to get a deal at 50% off for a beverage (9) ORANGEADE {O}{RANGE}{A}{DEal}
29 Greeting gender-fluid person in the door having a hole in wrinkled minis indulging in deliberate act to attract attention (13) EXHIBITIONISM {EX{HI}{BI}IT}{ O in MINIS*}

2 People ordered to leave cause Eve is disturbed (8) EVACUEES*
3 Treatment for addiction at bar, he is drunk (5) REHAB*
4 A powder with bright character and soluble primarily (6) LITMUS {LIT}{MU}{Soluble}
5 Ejection of lady in East India, only stopped midway (8) EMISSION {E{MISS}I}{ONly}
6 Order gown, order for sinner (9) WRONGDOER*
7 Spin at the far end? Ball landing on mid-pitch, worried (6) ROTATE {faR}{O}{piTch}{ATE}
8 Liveliness comes with sixth sense, right? (one that's internal) (6) ESPRIT {ESP}{R{I}T}
9 Orders to stop first train; stops (5) STAYS {S{Train}AYS}
15 Hot oil polio treatment by common people (3,6) HOI POLLOI {H OIL POLIO}*
17 Portuguese footballer Ron has a sausage (8) PEPERONI {PEPE}{RON}{I}
18 Notice girls having a telescope (8) SPYGLASS {SPY}{G}{LASS}
21 Opening's gone according to Spooner on couch (3,3) DAY BED {Spoonerism of BAY DEAD}
22 Departure is from an end (5) ASIDE {A}{SIDE}
23 Doctor's aware; unknown secretion (6) EARWAX {AWARE*}{X}
24 Son gets one pound, international sausage (6) SALAMI {S}{A}{LAM}{I}
26 Start to plead at home (5) BEGIN {BEG}{IN}

Cop=SP, Man=He, Good=G, Time=T, Rector=R, Grand=G, Husband=H, Over=O, Days=D, Work=OP, Energy=E, Zero=O, Hole=O, Character(Greek)=Mu, Lady=Miss, East=E, India=I, Ball=O, Sixth Sense=ESP, Right=RT, Girl=G and Lass, Son=S, At home=In.