Sunday, 1 December 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3334, Sunday 01 Dec 2024

Snakes which may repel the rain, Hans tells us (6) VIPERS (~wipers}
4  Eldest archdeacon concealing primness (6) STARCH [T]
10 Old fellow amid leonine noise and activity showing boisterous amusement (5,2,8) ROARS OF LAUGHTER {ROAR}{O}{F}{SLAUGHTER}
11 Not good, working – ingenious! – assert rights collectively (8) UNIONISE INgENIOUS*
12 Announced 007’s means for seeing tiny oriental craft (6) BONSAI {~ bonds eye)
13 They’re doubly of interest to the sawmill’s bookkeeper (4) LOGS [C&DD]
14 Italian food:Victor, tell Inigo to take a portion (10) TORTELLINI [T]
18 Safari’s speed? (10) EXPEDITION [DD]
19 Counterpart of doe or hen (4) STAG [DD]
20 Like water on lake? £1 (6) LIQUID {L}{1 QUID}
22 Duck, ablaze: this bird’s brightly coloured (8) FLAMINGO {O}<=>{FLAMING}
25 In which squiffy or tight men fear retribution, finally? (3,7,5) THE MORNING AFTER {OR+TIGHT+MEAN+FEAR+r...oN}* Semi&lit
26 Runs over, sits back for Alpine dish (6) ROSTIS {R}{O}{SITS<=}
27 Less important songs lacking energy as well (1-5) B-SIDES {BeSIDES}

1   Preposterously arty, evil ritual in which other worlds are ‘seen’ (7,7) VIRTUAL REALITY*
2   Misbehaving act in animated film trousering £1,000 (7,2) PLAYING UP {PLAY}{IN}{UP} over v{G}
3   Sap about to stray (5) RESIN {RE}{SIN}
5   Snare’s component set up (4) TRAP<=
6   In fancy car, duke carries silver playthings (3,5) RAG DOLLS {ROLLS} over {D}<=>{AG}
7   Primarily: hideously detailed, titanic, verisimilous screens? (5) HDTVS Acrostic Semi&lit
8   With components reversed, run away to find branch (8) OFFSHOOT {SHOOT<=>OFF}
9   Leaving chief execs exhausted where knives are out? (8,6) DRAINING BOARD {DRAINING}{BOARDS}
15 Meandering topless, provoking reactions (8) TROLLING sTROLLING
16 National Trust supported by Everyman: donated, tipped, droned on (9) INTONATED {NT}<=>{I} and {dONATED}
17 Mentors giving Bill protection from sun (8) ADVISORS {AD}{VISORS}}
21 Unusual powerful chesspiece, itself taking its own knight (5) QUEER {QUEEn}{R}
23 Nasty and small, the wherewithal (5) MEANS {MEAN}{S}
24 Against – alternately, ‘gainstindependence (4) ANTI {gAiNsT}{I}

Reference List
Old = O, Fellow = F, Good = G, Lake = L, Runs = R, Over = O, Energy = E, About = RE, Duke = D, National Trust = NT, Bill = AD, Knight = R, Small = S, Independence = I