Monday, 23 December 2024

No 14363, Monday 23 Dec 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Gathering at moonlit garage to party (13) AGGLOMERATION
10 Petty office obtains circular over whatsapp (9) BOATSWAIN {OBTAINS}* over {WA}
11 Construction material makes setter smile (1-4) I-BEAM {I}{BEAM}
12 Like state's inspection (5) ASSAY {AS}{SAY}
13 Monk's mule flogged to procure fruit (9) MUSKMELON 
14 Woman beats 4 radicals at start (6) SHIVER {SH{IV}E}{Ra...s}
16 Lawyer is on stand (4) DAIS {DA}{IS}
19 Storage for oils damaged (4) SILO*
20 Great I have been awake in leave (off ) (4,2) GIVE UP {G}{I'VE}{UP}
25 British title given by old army or new establishment (4,5) LORD MAYOR*
26 Cognizant present in Warsaw area? (5) AWARE [T]
27 Good landlord, provided spirit (5) GHOST {G}{HOST}
28 Follow and arrest choker, say (3,6) DOG COLLAR {DOG}{COLLAR}
29 Criminal worried about cocaine reaching country by connection, say (13) CONCATENATION {CON}{C}{ATE}{NATION}

2   Argue with son and relatives to get leather (8) GOATSKIN {GO AT}{S}{KIN}
3   Officer touring America with youth leader is powerful (5) LUSTY {L{US}T}{Yo..h}
4   Oppressive atmosphere in Mumbai Indians, as top management picks one (6) MIASMA {MI}{AS}{Ma...t}{A}
5   Trip outside home, guards on vacation get a closer view from here (8) RINGSIDE {R{IN}{Gu..dS}IDE}
6   Council in ancient Rome at 7, takes rum, regular starlit party (9) T?I?M?I?I (Addendum - TRIUMVIRI {VII+RUM+sTaRlIt}* - See comments)
7   Lover lying, concealing to an excessive degree (6) OVERLY [T]
8   Vessels, tubs damaged outside Officer's Academy (1-5) U-BOATS {UB{O}{A}TS}
9   Change the last word, last word (5) AMEND {AMEN}{worD}
15 Strange! In Theni GMAT, I conducted ended partially (9) ENIGMATIC [T]
17 Toyed with pic photoshopping? Correct (8) COPYEDIT*
18 Crooked legislator expels lieutenant from the harem (8) SERAGLIO lEGISLAtOR*
21 Author's best, ultimate lines of verse (6) POETRY {POE}{TRY} (Correction - {POE}{besT}{RY} - See comments)
22 Join the greatest, gain good name (5) ALIGN {ALI}{G}{N}
23 Stream famous music director's second song, by end of day only (6) ARROYO {ARR}{sOng}{daY}{O}
24 New bag or new shoe? (6) BROGAN {BAG+OR}*{N}
26 Criminal often smuggles overhead (5) ALOFT 

Reference List
Lawyer = DA, Great = G, Good = G, Cocaine = C, Son = S, Officer = LT(Lieutenant), Home = OIN, Officer = O, Academy = A, The greatest = ALI, , Lines = RY, Name = N, Only = O, New = N


  1. 7 = vii, regular s(t)a(r)l(i)t = tri, vii+tri+rum, party as anagram indicator; triumviri = council in ancient Rome.

  2. Can someone give a list of podium finishers at yesterday's IXL finals?

    1. Winner: Shashwat Salgaonkar
      Joint Runners-Up: Ramki and Madhup Tiwari
      The other podium finishers were
      Venkatraghavan, Sohil Bhagat and Narayan Mandyam

    2. Congrats to Shashwat. Out of the 6 podium finishers, 5 are in the top 7 of the IXL overall leaderboard. So, great consistency.

  3. Thank you Vasant.
    Ramki seems to have missed narrowly.

  4. How are start and shiver related? Can someone please tell? Thanks!

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  6. Author's best, ultimate lines of verse (6) POETRY {POE}{TRY} - this seems incorrect. Shouldn't the annotation be {POE}{T}(best ultimate){RY}(lines)?

  7. Me too. Minor error on colonels anno.

    Nice cw.
    Thanx AD!
