Sunday, 29 December 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3338, Sunday 29 Dec 2024

1   Take two buses back – one interminable, that’s about right – to outskirts (6) SUBURB {BUS<=}{B{R}Us<=}
4   Envisages crumbly pie crust (8) PICTURES*
9   Object: Everyman has salad (6) ENDIVE {END}{I'VE}
10 Emphasizes anxieties (8) STRESSES [DD]
12 Uncooperative? Quite the opposite! (8) CONTRARY [DD] Mary, Mary quite contrary...
13 Seaman perhaps on leave, a rest (6) GOALIE {GO}{A}{LIE}  
15 Heartless hellodaggers brandished – daggers drawn (11) LOGGERHEADS {HElLO+DAGGERS}*
18 Misbehaviour characteristic of the 2000s, you say? (11) NAUGHTINESS (~noughtiness)
21 A professor is Greek, that’s lovely (6) ADONIS {A}{DON}{IS}
22 Poirot’s one that’s been had, by Jupiter (8) HERCULES {HERCULE'S}
24 Posh comedian? I won’t react (5,3) NOBLE GAS {NOBLE}{GAS}
25 Act as inspiration for puzzle (6) BEMUSE {BE}{MUSE}
26 Perpetual child’s play (5,3) PETER PAN [DD]
27 Please raise one’s Stein in toasting, primarily! (6) PROSIT Acrostic &lit

1   Banksy’s materials: stone – and pencils? Not principally (8) STENCILS {ST}{pENCILS} 
2   Bit of hubbuba dina geezer offering banter (8) BADINAGE [T]
3   Take apart so as to understand Lenurb? (7-8) REVERSE-ENGINEER [CD]
5   Greek character included in audiotape (4) IOTA [T]
6   It’s safe to chase articles needing rewriting (3,5,2,5) THE COAST IS CLEAR*
7   Whispering sound Bertrand heard (6) RUSTLE (~russel)
8   Framed élite soldiers? That man had (6) SASHED {SAS}{HE'D}
11 Classical musician reworked her opus (7) ORPHEUS*
14 Not unknown for Hazel to follow hiphop artist (7) RAPHAEL {HAzEL}<=>{RAP}
16 You can’t buy those who’ve betrayed their principles (4-4) SELL-OUTS [DD]
17 In resort, easiest to be bored by island (in my opinion) (2,1,3,2) AS I SEE IT {EASIEST}* over {I}
19 Tom likes this brief sleep, a becoming one (6) CATNIP {CATN(-a+1)IP} 
20 The solver: hazard, certainly (3,3) YOU BET {YOU}{BET}
23 Priest raised sick in France? Ace (4) LAMA {MAL<=}{A}

Reference List
Right = R, Stone = ST, Unknown = Z, Island = I, Sick in France = MAL, Ace = A

1 comment:

  1. Special at 10:30 will be the first Crossword used at the On-stage finals of IXL-2024
