Monday, 2 December 2024

No 14345, Monday 02 Dec 2024, Bruno

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Hat with bit of fur sticking in was abandoned (6) BEREFT {BERE{Fur}T}
4   Soy dish temperature's what again? (6) TEMPEH {TEMP}{EH}
8   Bachelor (American) can be seen following Sunday school's concert band member (4,3) BASS SAX {BA}{AX} over {SS'S}
9   Sadly, I have almost given up playing vibraphonic instrument (7) PIBCORN vIBRaPhONiC* 
11 Corrupt teen agreed to be rehabilitated (10) DEGENERATE*
12 Instrument of boozer often lost (4) OBOE {Of+BoOzEr}
13 Others following Prince that's brightly coloured (5) PETAL {ET AL}<=>{P}
14 Guy at party arrived following lady - one with strings attached (8) MANDOLIN {MAN}{DO} with {IN}<=>{L}
16 Loose and relaxed fun - reading out back (8) UNFASTEN {FUN*}{ASTErN} Loose or Loosen?
18 Woman taken in by bogus instrument (5) SHAWM {SHA{W}M}
20 Keen - starting to sound out instrument (4) HARP sHARP
21 If ever coat gets crumpled, yell (10) VOCIFERATE*
23 Hospital department's clipped roster holding small order for dispenser (7) ?E?O?O
24 University choir's lead hiding in cabin playing instrument (7) BUCCINA {U}{Ch..r} in {CABIN}*
25 Light extract from Byron on fatalism (6) NONFAT [T]
26 Break from tax after refinance got voided (6) RECESS {CESS}<=>{Re...cE}

1   Find fault with boring book at the beginning (5) BLAME{LAME}<=>{B}
2   Pressure European Community to join others with tact (7) RESPECT {RES{P}{EC}T}
3   Instrument's standard energy outlet? (9) FLAGEOLET {FLAG}{E}{O}{LET}
5   Throw out cloth - multiple times thrown out (5) EXILE tEXtILE
6   Instrument’s picture: clipped at the end (7) PICCOLO {PIC}{COLOn}
7   Music maker - softly yet surprisingly dismissed immunotherapy treatment (9) HARMONIUM IMMUNOtHeRApy
10 What gives depth to music - hard power and sonic modulation (9) HARMONICS {H}{ARM}{SONIC*}
13 Holding beer, gasp working with an instrument (9) PANTALEON {ALE} in {PANT}{ON}
15 Roman Catholic leaders banned playing fluorescent instrument (4,5) NOSE FLUTE FLUOrEScENT*
17 Mountain goat's weapon can be an instrument (7) ALPHORN {ALP}{HORN}
19 Gold leaf found in grain chamber (7) AURICLE {AU}{RIC{L}E}
21 Unpopular instrument - a musical instrument? (5) VIOLA {VIOL}{A}
22 Instrument to take humidity out of beachwear (5) TONGS ThONGS

Reference List
Bachelor = B, American = E, Sunday = S, School = S, Prince = P, Party = DO, Lady = L, Reading = R, Woman = W, University = U, Book = B, Pressure = P, Energy = E, Out = O, Time = T, Softly = P, Hard = H, Leaf = L, Humidity = H


  1. 8a American CAN:axe spelled ax.

    Ref list american:E???

    1. Still confused. From where do we get Ax/ Axe?

    2. Can:axe/sack/dismiss (from job).
      American to indicate US spelling of axe:ax

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Orchestra of Vintage Musical Instruments!

  4. 23A A + ER = Hospital Dept clipped rOSter small = L order = O gives AEROSOL ; not sure

    1. I annotated as
      A E = Hospital dept ( Accident Emergency)
      ROL(- l) = Roster clipped
      S = Small
      O = Order
      Holding = Insertion ind.

    2. I am guessing a printers devil here.

  5. 21D: I anno'ed it as VIOLIN (instrument) -IN (unpopular => not IN) + A

    1. Viol/viola/violin are all same. Just vertical vs horizontal hold.

  6. Tough today, even though the cluing was nice.
    Had to Google & confirm many instruments.
    Thanx Bruno!
