1 Chubby harpist, Edenic resident – unearthly being, primarily! (6) CHERUB Acrostic &lit
5 Tiny something taken by secretary (6) MINUTE [DD]
8 Jack’s obstacle making Cedric and Les tickled in part (11) CANDLESTICK [T]
11 Everyman’s going to heads, having complaints (9) ILLNESSES {I'LL}{NESSES}
12 Express view in ode to a Christmas tree? (5) OPINE {O}{PINE}
13 Slapdash, a bit, UEFA’s only partly regular (7) HABITUE [T]
14 Leaves by swish old railway (7) CHICORY {CHIC}{O}{RY}
17 Twerp in middle of heath finding track (7) MONITOR {MO{NIT}OR}
20 Coat chicken? (5) LAYER [DD]
21 King, extremely stuck up, beheaded: most awkward! (9) KNOTTIEST {K}{sNOOTIEST}
22 Oath: if doing, perform honestly (2,4,5) IN GOOD FAITH*
23 For himself, the king’s – that is to say – casual apparel (6) ONESIE {ONES}{IE}
2 Fruit, N. European, for Tom Sawyer’s pal (11,4) HUCKLEBERRY FINN {HUCKLEBERRY}{FINN}
3 Ken Starr not quite liberal, extremely gross (7) RANKEST {KEN+STARr}
4 Bastille’s stormed, tougher than the rest (9) BALLSIEST*
6 Book with the writer supporting N. African capital – not about Kenyan city (7) NAIROBI {B}{I}<=>{N}{cAIRO}
7 Inane, thick tot – he misbehaves – grin and bear it (4,2,2,3,4) TAKE IT ON THE CHIN*
9 Drug-addled greeting heard (4) HIGH (~hi)
10 Tax riverside protection in announcement (4) LEVY (~levee)
14 Stop using smartphones, laptops etc? As if (4,3,2) COME OFF IT [CD]
15 What the crossword setter sees as exquisite, friends! (4) PALS {SLAP UP}
16 Tangled dungarees abandoned by Dutch causes vexation (7) ENRAGES duNGAREES*
18 Taking home fishing kit (7) NETTING [DD]
19 Schedule a hill to climb (4) ROTA {A}{TOR}<=
Reference List
Old = O, Railway = RY, King = K, Cheers = TA< Eastern = E, Yen = Y, Book = B, About = C, Dutch = DU
21 A Anno should be K and SNOTTIEST with the S removed
ReplyDeleteAre the Sunday Crosswords tougher than the weekday ones?
ReplyDeleteThey are leased from UK tabloid and they contain many contextual usagws and regional GK.
DeleteThank you!