Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3337, Sunday 22 Dec 2024

1   A letter is lenient (10) PERMISSIVE {PER}{MISSIVE}
6   Biblical character in thesaurus (4) ESAU [T]
9   University department in which things may be granted? (10) ADMISSIONS [DD]
10 Atmosphere – ruination – that’s regressive (4) MOOD<=
12 Food for the young fish initially diving deep (6,6) SCHOOL DINNER {SCHOOL}{Di...g}{INNER}
15 Seizes chair’s comfortable features (not masculine) (7) ARRESTS ARmRESTS
16 I refuse to believe in a model bank robbery (7) ATHEIST {A}{T}{HEIST}
17 Blocks two-thirds of the toady protuberances (7) THWARTS {THe}{WARTS}
19 Trembling, drool about new American football star (7) RONALDO {RO{N}{A}LDO*}
20 What makes … what makes the world go round … go round? (5-7) MONEY SPINNER [CD]
23 Gripped in booby trap (4) RAPT*
24 More than one character in finest robe lampooned, being flash here (6,4) STROBE LAMP [T]
25 Complaint heard in E. London, somewhere in E. London (4) ACNE (~'ackney)
26 A monkey and 20 ponies? (5,5) GRAND TOTAL [CD] (500=20x25)

1   Ring? Strip (you made out) (4) PEAL (~peel)
2   Where one inevitably ends up emulating the locals? (4) ROME [CD]
3   Part of religious group, saint prays for means of repelling creepy-crawlies (6,6) INSECT SPRAYS {IN}{SECT}{S}{PRAYS}
4   Some laceless items, podalically oriented – not starchy, principally? (4-3) SLIP-ONS Acrostic &lit
5   Nondescript vehicle Everyman will advocate at the outset (7) VANILLA {VAN}{I'LL}{Ad...e}
7   Nestle with William’s feathered friends (10) SPOONBILLS {SPOON}{BILLS}
8   I see below rose (10) UNDERSTOOD {UNDER}{STOOD} 
11 Like attractive accounts when entire thighs displayed (4-8) HIGH-INTEREST*
13 A Samaritan adrift in Atlantic ship (5,5) SANTA MARIA*
14 Alluring security measure that keeps paper in place (7,3) DRAWING PIN {DRAWING}{PIN}
18 Doorman who might give you hell? (2,5) ST PETER [CD]
19 Shabby slate (3-4) RUN-DOWN [DD]
21 Take public transport up to find shopping centre (4) MART<=
22 Gemstone? It’s love, mate (4) OPAL {O}{PAL}

Reference List
Masculine = M, Model = T, New = N, American = A, Monkey = GRAND(500 Pounds), Pony = 25 Pounds, Saint = S