Tuesday, 24 December 2024

No 14364, Tuesday 24 Dec 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Plug of TV set remained loose (13) ADVERTISEMENT*
8   Surprises mother, finally cuts long hair (5) ROCKS {m...eR}{lOCKS}
9 & 2D Seem promising but ultimately disappoint with tale for detective novel (7,2,7) FLATTER TO DECEIVE {TALE+FOR+DETECTIVE}*
11 Raw food consumed in a puerile manner (10) CHILDISHLY {CHIL{DISH}LY}
12 Lounge in flames! Save boy (4) LAZE bLAZE
14 Act foolishly, repent getting drunk at premiere (7) PRETEND {REPENT*}{Dr..k}
16 Sore about husband cuddling secretary, start to take brave course of action (7) WARPATH {RAW<=}{H} over {PA}{Take}
17 Musical instrument over keel-shaped structure (7) OCARINA {O}{CARINA}
19 Party hosted by gal on fancy boat (7) GONDOLA {DO} in {GAL+ON}*
21 Parched? Relief to drink water finally (4) ARID {A{w..eR}ID}
22 Fearless guards taunt criminals at centre to engage in a decisive gunfight (5,2,3) SHOOT IT OUT {STOUT} over {HOOT{c..mIn..s}
25 Enthralled by demure American on trip (9) ENAMOURED {DEMURE+A+ON}*
26 Stopped in English retro joint to have a little drink (5) ENDED {E}{DE{Dr..k}N<=}
27 What welder might do to arouse sudden anger (4,6,3) MAKE SPARKS FLY [DD]

2   See 9 Across
3   A seedy sot's going berserk around island - be careful! (4,4,2) EASY DOES IT {A+SEEDY+SOT}* over {I}
4   Revolting drunkard tackling couple of fine upper-class people (5) TOFFS {SOT<=} over {FF}
5   Join forces with heroin-smuggling rascal (9) SCALLYWAG {SC{ALLY}{W}AG}
6   Fantasy of steamy threesome (4) MYTH [T]
7   Northern rogue in a rave, delivering ultimately pure ecstasy (7) NIRVANA {N}{IN+A+RAVe}*
8   Match  price to secure revolutionary diamonds for top collector (11) R?C?P?O?A?E (Addendum - RECIPROCATE {R{ICE<=}{PRO}{Co...r}ATE} - See comments)
10 Generous doctor! He operated without remuneration finally (4-7) OPEN-HEARTED {HE OPERATED}* over {r...oN}
13 Popularity of new dinner sets (10) TRENDINESS*
15 The rat scurried into apartment over unsafe structure (9) DEATHTRAP {THE+RAT}* in {PAD<=}
18 Folk tale character acting upset about protecting immature girl (3,4) ALI BABA {A}{LI{BABe}A<=} 
20 Egg-shaped cavity in gemstone, not soft (7) OVOIDAL {Op{VOID}AL}
23 Renovate retreats surrounding lake, becoming more decrepit (5) OLDER {RED{L}O<=}
24 Wish hot guy removes top (4) HOPE {H}{rOPE}

Reference List
Long = L, Boy = B, Husband = H, Over = O, Party = DO, American = A, English = E, Island = I, Fine = F, Northern = N, Acting = A, Soft = P, Lake = L, Hot = H


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 8D: reciprocate-price(rate) to secure revolutionary diamonds(ice-(eci)) for(pro) top collector(c). Reciprocate=match.

  3. 16A- Naturally expect wife to be on the warpath!!

  4. A fantastic grid by Dr X today. Very much enjoyed solving. Spoilt for choices as to the COD. Normally the complexity increases over the run of 4. He has raised the bar in the first of the series itself. So bracing myself to the next three. Thanks Doc.

