Wednesday, 4 December 2024

No 14347, Wednesday 04 Dec 2024, Saral

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Arab gentleman drunk with this stylish barman (7) ELEGANT [CA] {ELEGANT+BARMAN}*={ARAB GENTLEMAN}
8   Preparing soy with bits of tuna, eel, roe for seafood (6) OYSTER {SOY}*{Tuna}{Eel}{Roe}
9   Shake and stumble missing hard whiskey earlier (6) WOBBLE {hOBBLE}{<=>{W}
10 Control from meditation perhaps without ego (8) DOMINATE MEDitATION* Ego/It?
11 Workers leave before end of shift in branch (10) DEPARTMENT {MEN}<=>{DEPART} and {s..fT}
13 Alert secret agent nabbing leader of rioters (4) SPRY {SP{Ri...s}Y}
14 Real term used often (4) TRUE {TeRm+UsEd}
16 Heard a groan in inlet (5) CREEK (~creak)
18 Starts to purchase one roro ticket in harbour (4) PORT Acrostic
19 Flightless birds found in the museum (4) EMUS [T]
21 New suitor's ad is ultimately terrible (10) DISASTROUS {SUITORS+AD}*{iS}
23 Channel finally covering European game (8) LACROSSE {c...eL}{ACROSS}{E}
25 Every now and then groups stalked stock taker (6) RUSTLE {gRoUpS+sTaLkEd} Answer should be Rustler
26 Permanent shelter for horses (6) STABLE [DD]
27 Conspicuous way to restrain a legal right (7) SALIENT {S{A}{LIEN}T}

1   Mixing a veg with brie for waffle (8) VERBIAGE {A+VEG+BRIE}*
2   Grand master with international club, hugging ace kid (8) MAJESTIC {MA}{I}{C} over {JEST} (Correction - {M}{I}{C} over {A}{JEST} - See comments)
3   Dust around knob (4) STUD*
4   Presentation of mostly standard model (6) FORMAT {FORMAl}{T}
5   Like an article on originally, simple yoga postures (6) ASANAS {AS}{AN}{A}{Si...e}
6   Curt reel created for academic (8) LECTURER*
7   Gradually destroy bar in eastern Spain (5) E?O?E (Addendum - ERODE {E}{ROD}{E} - See comments)
12 We're ordering small pitchers (5) EWERS {WERE}*{S}
15 Hangovers of disheartened men with tears sadly gulping last drop of gin (8) REMNANTS {MeN+TEARS}* over {giN}
17 Falcons, beautiful, rising up circling half of street (8) KESTRELS {SLEEK<=} over {STReet}
18 Indian lady with daughter following agent from south collapsed (8) PERISHED {I}{SHE}{D}<=>{REP<=}
20 Writer cries out holding book (6) SCRIBE {SCRI{B}E*}
21 Exclude some Hindi spelling (6) DISPEL [T]
22 Dark underpass near lodge is terrifying for starters (5) UNLIT Acrostic
24 Deftness in arranging saree right away (4) EASE SArEE*

Reference List
Hard = H, Whiskey = W, European = E, Master  = M, Ace = A, International = I, Club = C, Model = T, Eastern = E, Spain = E, Small = S, Indian = I, Daughter = D, Book = B, Right = R


  1. Saral, it is!! ....and hopefully ever. Enjoyed every bit of it.
    Agree with Col. on Rustler and ego= It?
    Did not spot the CA in 7A, but able to fill in with 'Stylish' and crossings, wondering about def. being in the middle. Nicely done.

    1. +1. Good CW given by Saral aka LV.
      Similar to what Paddy has pointed out, 7D also needs to be pondered for Spain.

    2. 25 a yes :( Thanks Paddy & Sathia :)

  2. 7D erode:gradually destroy.
    Bar is rod.
    E(astern) with Spain E(spana).

    1. Spain country code is ES. The clue doesn't explain exclusion of 's' from the code. But, it fits the solution.

  3. 10 A Error in clue by me. Missed the deletion of T :(

  4. Nice grid LV.
    Minor errors already pointed out.
    Simple & easy.

