8 Brand symbol's record? Nothing! (4) LOGO {LOG}{O}
9 12 dozen? //That's very disgusting! (5) GROSS {DD}
10 Bachelor’s pain (4) ACHE {T}
11 Wrongly cared about student's crib (6) CRADLE {CARED* about L}
12 Increased depth from eastern enclosure for holding animals, indeed (8) DEEPENED {DEE{E}{PEN}ED}
13 Confuse insect going round feral rodent at first (8) BEWILDER {BE{WILD}E}{Rodent}
15 Game for vegetable and juice? (6) SQUASH {MD}
17 Pretty girls have a right to make money (7) DOLLARS {DOLL{A}{R}S}
19 It can be found online and is made up of wee bits (7) WEBSITE*
22 Push student's digging implement (6) SHOVEL {SHOVE}{L}
8 Brand symbol's record? Nothing! (4) LOGO {LOG}{O}
9 12 dozen? //That's very disgusting! (5) GROSS {DD}
10 Bachelor’s pain (4) ACHE {T}
11 Wrongly cared about student's crib (6) CRADLE {CARED* about L}
12 Increased depth from eastern enclosure for holding animals, indeed (8) DEEPENED {DEE{E}{PEN}ED}
13 Confuse insect going round feral rodent at first (8) BEWILDER {BE{WILD}E}{R
15 Game for vegetable and juice? (6) SQUASH {MD}
17 Pretty girls have a right to make money (7) DOLLARS {DOLL{A}{R}S}
19 It can be found online and is made up of wee bits (7) WEBSITE*
22 Push student's digging implement (6) SHOVEL {SHOVE}{L}
24 Giving answer: "Call about European layer" (8) REPLYING {R{E}{PLY}ING}
26 Husband always takes left in corridors (8) HALLWAYS {H}{AL{L}WAYS}
28 See! Wrong hate results in hate... (6) LOATHE {LO}{HATE*}
30 Only auditor's soul (4) SOLE {~SOUL}
31 Ladies get direction for levels (5) EVENS {EVE{N}S}
32 Pacific California male (4) CALM {CAL}{M}
26 Husband always takes left in corridors (8) HALLWAYS {H}{AL{L}WAYS}
28 See! Wrong hate results in hate... (6) LOATHE {LO}{HATE*}
30 Only auditor's soul (4) SOLE {~SOUL}
31 Ladies get direction for levels (5) EVENS {EVE{N}S}
32 Pacific California male (4) CALM {CAL}{M}
2 Go to get overdraft with legal document... It's a value of established reputation (8) GOODWILL {GO}{OD}{WILL}
3 Concurred, it's a vice (6) AGREED {A}{GREED}
4 Does what is necessary, perhaps, to repair old engine first before commencement of restoration in ship (7) SOLDERS {S{OLD{Engine}{Re......on}S}
5 Perhaps, taxpayer gets directions with notice pinned to donkey's tail (8) ASSESSEE {ASS}<=>{E}{S}{SEE}
6 Behind entrance, lies gold and cake (6) GATEAU {GATE}{AU}
7 Long ago, you three expelled ring leader (4) THEE {THrEE}
14 Eastern chop-chop time (5) EPOCH {E}{CHOP*}
16 Devil took seat with a bridge player (5) SATAN {SAT}{A}{N}
18 Freed and let out again (8) RELEASED {RE-LEASED}
20 Uses a coy arrangement to make a condiment (3,5) SOY SAUCE*
21 Boy hurries to get implements for cleaning (7) BRUSHES {B}{RUSHES}
23 Spread salve around centre of gravity of control devices (6) VALVES {SALVE*} around {graVity}
25 North European language// used for getting good finish (6) POLISH {DD}
27 Over a plaything? (4) ATOP {A}{TOP}
29 Condition of whales' hearts? (4) HALE {T}
Nothing=O, Student=L, Eastern=E, Right=R, European=E, Husband=H, Left=L, Direction=N(orth), California=Cal, Male=M, One=I, Overdraft=OD, Directions=E(ast) and S(outh), Gold=Au, Bridge Player=N(orth), Boy=B.
Lot of diff than online version. Esp
ReplyDeleteStruggled for eastern (extra e) in 12a
Deletetypo. Extra E here! {DEE{E}{PEN}ED}
BTW one extra E in anno.
DeleteEastern is not there in print version. Yes, the extra 'e' is unexplained.
Delete22a shovel as verb is "push"!
ReplyDeleteAnother cakewalk. Happy weekend.
ReplyDeleteThank you Incognito....asual Excellent WP. enjoyed all clues. Happy weekend. Thanks Vasanth for Friday special & saturday post promptly.
ReplyDelete31A- eves means for first lady????? - so ladies also can be conidered as EVE????
ReplyDeleteBaxkward working from eve-teasing!
DeleteYou mean you don't need to be Adam to tease eve?!
Deletesuch a deep definition...........nice sir. paddy sir actually I meant for adams eve......Thanks Sree-sree
Delete16D - Can someone explain the bridge player reference?
ReplyDeleteGame of Bridge , players are N,E,S W.
DeleteAh! Thank you Sir.
Delete5dn - Tail is SEE? @prasad.
ReplyDeleteNice Puzzle with some fun wordplay like -
Thanx Kishore.
Tail is position indicator. Donkey(Ass) is before the other wordplay. Notice=see