Wednesday 15 May 2024

No 14175, Wednesday 15 May 2024, KrisKross

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   I started off behind everyone else (8) TARDIEST*
5   You leave Russian mountain range, carrying protective equipment to descend (6) RAPPEL {uRA{PPE}L}
9   Bigheads say that ultimately, it's so easy (8) EGOTISTS {EG}{thaT+ITS+SO}*
10 Rising river - propel boat in confusion (6) UPROAR {UP}{R}{OAR}
12 Doubt, and considerable unfaithfulness, primarily breaking friendship (9) AMBIGUITY {AM{BIG}{Un...s}ITY}
13 Dictator's love for radical (5) AMINO {AMIN}{O}
14 Bite from repulsive insect (4) TANG<=
16 Brief interval to consume wine that's more delicious (7) TASTIER {T{ASTI}ERm}
19 & 21A Where one may see mountaineers past their prime? (4,3,4) OVER THE HILL [DD]
21 See 19A
24 Church official's tree (5) ELDER [DD]
25 Ignorant one would drink, then swim to ship (2,3,4) IN THE DARK {I{THEN*}D}{ARK}
27 Hand bag is found in glen (6) VALISE {VAL{IS}E}
28 Loom with yarn, mostly spinning net (8) THREATEN {THREAd}{NET*}
29 Careless KrisKross is about to wear topless outfit (6) REMISS {dRE{I'M<=}SS}
30 Run inside to get magazines (8) EDITIONS*

1   Agent going through beat for drill (6) TREPAN {T{REP}AN}
2   Character from Crete with money, say, to get diamonds (6) RHOMBI {RHO}{M}{(~buy)BI}
3   Picnic in ground filled with frost (5) ICING [T]
4   Disappearing stage (7) SETTING [DD]
6   Survey: "Shock over reduced salary increase" (9) APPRAISAL {APP{RAISe}AL}
7   Abundant crop if plain evenly cultivated (8) PROLIFIC {CROP+IF+pLaIn}*
8   Frisky Labrador left in ship (8) LARBOARD*
11 Growth of juicy strawberries (4) CYST [T]
15 Star signs novel "Tears" with kiss (9) ASTERISKS {TEARS+KISS}*
17 Second space vehicle to orbit Earth also (8) MOREOVER {MO}{R{E}OVER}
18 Best to keep goal fluid - essentially, it could swing either way (8) PENDULUM {P{END}{flUid}LUM}
20 Exhale a little bit after cycling (4) EMIT (+e)EMIT(-e)
21 Ram suffered, missing Sita... finally united (7) H?T?H?D (Addendum - HITCHED {HIT}{aCHED} - See comments)
22 South American leader is shy, heroic at heart (6) CASTRO {CAST}{heROic} Central America or Latin America would more precise
23 Basically, sportsmen keep undermining nature, killing sea mammals (6) SKUNKS Acrostic 
26 Standing up before court (5) ERECT {ERE}{CT}

Reference List
Protective equipment = PPE, River = R, Money = M, Second = MO, Earth = E, Before = ERE, Court = CT


  1. 20d have a doubt about time from?

  2. 8d when the def is noun, shouldnt L be capital!

  3. Ás usual a challenging one from krisskross. Trapen was last to fall. Beat/tan hadnt been used in some time.
    Rappel and larboard were new.

  4. KtisKross is as good as ever.
    Moreover, Asterisks and Pendulum stood out- just to name a few.

  5. 21 D Hitched H (ITCH) E D
    Ram = He
    Suffered = itch
    Finally United = D,
    United (slang -meaning Hitched)

  6. Artistic License

    The Music Maestro was feeling at a LOOSE end. Suddenly, the media couldn't DIGEST the fact that he was demanding his COPYRIGHT dues.

    A CUPBOARD full of Trophies, a PAISA vasool career, a large collection of classic PAINTINGS, a private concert at the VATICAN..... what more does he want? From where did this idea ORIGINATE, that people have to pay him, even for using his songs on KARAOKE?

    This NORM, the PLAIN courtesy of acknowledgement seemed PECULIAR, even to his fans. These were the same people who had enjoyed the GRANDEUR of his music & UNSEALED their adoration for him with GUSTO. Now they had COINED a new term for him - The FOSSIL.

    AGENCIES were willing to go to court to OVERRULE & OVERTURN his claim. There was incessant BANTER, wherever he turned. He felt isolated, an ATROPHY setting in & an EERIE gloom seemed to fill his life, through the PINK NYLON curtains on his windows.

    As he came downstairs for his morning coffee, he met his son - a younger version of himself, a successful music composer. He wondered, if his son was also upset with him. But oh! How wrong he was!

    His beaming son, hugged him and showed him a document. A REGISTRAR signed copy of royalty paid to him, for using his music!
    His own son had acknowledged his claim, understood how NECESSARY it is for every artist to stake a claim to their creative work!

    Like a JETLAG, a sense of peace crept over him. He was right. The FARTHER he travelled in his musical path, the more important to ensure his footprints don't get erased by time & his work doesn't get credited to somebody else.

  7. 21 down Hitched
    Ram =Hit
    Suffered = ached
    Missing Sita finally =(-a)

  8. 👍
    Nice clue. Sita leads one to a different Ram and conveniently Ram leads the clue with capital S!

  9. 6D. Is "over" acceptable as a container indicator? It seems to suggest APPAL on top of RAIS, rather than around it. Would "about" be better?

    1. above so as to cover or protect.
      "an oxygen tent over the bed"

      From dictionary.

  10. Take it as Appal runs over 'Rais'. Looks to be okay.

  11. Surprisingly easy one from Krisskross today. Enjoyed solving.

  12. Thanks for all the comments. Agree with Col's comment on CASTRO. Central / Latin American would have made it a sitter!

  13. After reading Prasad's comments - I thought it'll be v tough.
    Not so difficult.
    LARBOARD was new for me too.
    Thanx Ramki.
